

OUR for the vast number of consumers at the door to buy high-quality computers and accessories, especially in the stone bridge set up DIY installed shop. Welcome to buy new or old customers. Buy a computer or a computer store is good. Benefit farmers, sales of a comprehensive lead, caring service, affordable. Choose us, choose quality of life.

Service indefinitely, technology innovation Wing, Jian Yue computer will always accompany you peer.

Welcome Christmas, Qing New Year's Day, He Xinchun happy season, Jian Yue computer effort to create multiple surprises:

Surprise a shop operating a variety of Dell notebook computers, excellent quality, low price, where in the shop to buy any one Dell notebook computers have six Gifts, Dell notebook, fashion dynamic, full of sports passion: built-in variety Wireless network solutions, allowing you in every corner, can carry the imagination of wireless network brings "surfing" fun: the top of the graphics configuration, it brings extraordinary audio and video effects and exciting gaming experience. Dell notebook can be said that your most personal good audio and video entertainment partner. As long as you buy me to send, speed to buy, lost no time.

High-definition camera, headset, mouse pad, cleaning kit and mysterious gifts, luxury 7 sets of luxury, as long as you buy me to send.

Surprise three, the audience goods are zero profits, low prices. , The microphone 10 yuan, the mouse 15 yuan, 35 yuan from the mouse and keyboard suite, high-definition camera 30 yuan, 65 yuan from the router, high-quality subwoofer 100 yuan, while a variety of special goods waiting for you to buy.

Surprise four, where the installed capacity of the shop customers, you will be free of charge in the shop to take a mysterious gift, 1000 copies of the mysterious gift you receive free of charge. Dual-core CPU, 2G memory, 500G massive hard drive, 21.5-inch LCD monitor, ultra-quiet power, you only need to 1999 yuan, you can bring the LCD computer to go home. .More models of any of your purchase to the city's lowest price allows you to become a computer owners, the quality of Three Guarantees, the credibility of security, allowing you to buy the rest assured that with the Shuxin. Buy computers to Jian Yue computer, inexpensive one point, the service even better, you still hesitant what? This is not a good thing every day.

Our aim is to allow the vast number of consumers spend the least money, but can enjoy the best quality service, where you can feel the real thing

Buy a computer to the regular store, the store will provide you with reliable product solutions and intimate and thoughtful purchase service experience, DIY machine shop dedicated to provide you with: Dell brand computers, laptops, computer assembly and various types of computer accessories,Office supplies and network products, to undertake indoor and outdoor security monitoring, restaurant manufacturers join hands to launch special purchase promotions, buy a computer without, the price in one step, manufacturers to send Gifts, more computer peripheral products popular promotions, so what, Into the store to buy it.


K450VB - the new experience of the ultimate experience

S56CM - High Performance Ultrabook with Optical Drive

ASUS Transformer Book TX300-ASUS deformation of the notebook, a strong work to enhance entertainment Y582C - new features the ultimate experience

F450LD - exquisite fashion, the ultimate performance

R500VM - with chic metallic feel to show cool style

Eee PC X101 - Eee PC R051PX - Eee PC X101 - Colorful, light-winged

K42JP - work, entertainment, arbitrary

Eee PC R011PX - fashion small personality full

ASUS-Automobili Lamborghini VX7 - surging power king domineering

U43SD - from the nature of the creative, unique style design!

N45SL Jay Chou Mystic Edition - Unmatched - N45SL Jay Chou Exclusive Movie Edition! NX90Jp - The Dual Charm of Fashion and Bel Canto

TAICHI 31 - notebook and tablet of the incredible integration

ET2321 - thin 【touch】 dynamic sense

ET2311INKH - so true, so charming!

ASUS Transformer AiO P1801 - ASUS deformation touch one computer: one machine, tablet, a machine to enjoy zero boundaries!


Samsung GALAXY Tab PRO - Subversion rule now

Samsung ATIV Tab7 - ultimate performance portable business tool

Samsung ATIV Book 4 - portable applications everywhere

Samsung ATIV smart PC - unlimited creative wireless portable

Samsung ATIV Notebook - S Simultaneous detonation

Samsung ATIV Book 9 - Lite innovation to create a new PC

Samsung ATIV Book 2 - performance outstanding mobile worry

Samsung ATIV Book 2 - high-definition visual appeal

Samsung ATIV One 5 Style - fashion quad-core one desktop

Samsung Notebook 355V - high-performance entertainment applications

Samsung Notebook series5 - light as wings infinite ease

Samsung Notebook R425 / R525 - start quad-core explosive power, make "significant" high-definition true charm Samsung Notebook 9 Series - Zhuo Tian Xia Blade

Samsung Notebook R44D - My own companion

Q470 - have Q fly

Q Series X Series - open my pose color era of quad-core impact, independence, "was" wonderful QX310 - Allure, fiber my heart



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