说起Android OS中uid、userId、appId这三个概念,我想大部分人可能会对uid比较熟悉,而对userId、appId相对陌生,更不用说它们三者之间的关系。那么,到底它们代表着什么?它们之间又是如何联系在一块的呢?阳哥将通过两篇文章的篇幅为大家一一解答,本篇主要介绍uid。

uid是与Android进程有关的概念,Android Framework中有关uid的使用主要集中在与ApplicationInfo和Process这两个类相关的操作中,我们看一看它们是如何定义uid的。

The kernel user-ID that has been assigned to this application; currently this is not a unique ID (multiple applications can have the same uid).

Returns the identifier of this process’s uid. This is the kernel uid that the process is running under, which is the identity of its app-specific sandbox. It is different from {@link #myUserHandle} in that a uid identifies a specific app sandbox in a specific user.

众所周知,每一个Android应用进程都是从zygote fork出来的,站在Linux的角度,它们实际上也属于Linux进程。而Linux进程也有一个uid的概念,它的定义如下:

A user ID (UID) is a unique positive integer assigned by a Unix-like operating system to each user. Each user is identified to the system by its UID, and user names are generally used only as an interface for humans.

那么,这两个层面的uid是不是一样的?它们之间又有什么样的关系呢?事实上,不管是Android Framework层的uid,还是Linux层的uid,它们对应的都是同一个概念。参考以上三种定义,我们可以将uid的定义总结为:uid是一个基于特定用户的Android应用身份标识,同一Android应用中的所有进程共享同一个uid,它也可以在不同Android应用之间共享。


// 本文使用的源码版本为Android N
// PackageManagerService#scanPackageDirtyLI
private PackageParser.Package scanPackageDirtyLI(PackageParser.Package pkg,final int policyFlags, final int scanFlags, long currentTime, UserHandle user)throws PackageManagerException {......SharedUserSetting suid = null;PackageSetting pkgSetting = null;......synchronized (mPackages) {// Manifest使用了android:sharedUserId属性if (pkg.mSharedUserId != null) {suid = mSettings.getSharedUserLPw(pkg.mSharedUserId, 0, 0, true);if (suid == null) {throw new PackageManagerException(INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE,"Creating application package " + pkg.packageName+ " for shared user failed");}......}......// Just create the setting, don't add it yet. For already existing packages// the PkgSetting exists already and doesn't have to be created.pkgSetting = mSettings.getPackageLPw(pkg, origPackage, realName, suid, destCodeFile,destResourceFile, pkg.applicationInfo.nativeLibraryRootDir,pkg.applicationInfo.primaryCpuAbi,pkg.applicationInfo.secondaryCpuAbi,pkg.applicationInfo.flags, pkg.applicationInfo.privateFlags,user, false);......// 初始化uidpkg.applicationInfo.uid = pkgSetting.appId;......}......


// Settings#getSharedUserLPw
SharedUserSetting getSharedUserLPw(String name,int pkgFlags, int pkgPrivateFlags, boolean create) {SharedUserSetting s = mSharedUsers.get(name);if (s == null) {// create is trueif (!create) {return null;}s = new SharedUserSetting(name, pkgFlags, pkgPrivateFlags);// 创建新的uids.userId = newUserIdLPw(s);Log.i(PackageManagerService.TAG, "New shared user " + name + ": id=" + s.userId);// < 0 means we couldn't assign a userid; fall out and return// s, which is currently nullif (s.userId >= 0) {mSharedUsers.put(name, s);}}return s;



// Settings#getPackageLPw
private PackageSetting getPackageLPw(String name, PackageSetting origPackage,String realName, SharedUserSetting sharedUser, File codePath, File resourcePath,String legacyNativeLibraryPathString, String primaryCpuAbiString,String secondaryCpuAbiString, int vc, int pkgFlags, int pkgPrivateFlags,UserHandle installUser, boolean add, boolean allowInstall, String parentPackage,List<String> childPackageNames) {PackageSetting p = mPackages.get(name);......if (p == null) {if (origPackage != null) {......} else {p = new PackageSetting(name, realName, codePath, resourcePath,legacyNativeLibraryPathString, primaryCpuAbiString, secondaryCpuAbiString,null /* cpuAbiOverrideString */, vc, pkgFlags, pkgPrivateFlags,parentPackage, childPackageNames);p.setTimeStamp(codePath.lastModified());p.sharedUser = sharedUser;......if (sharedUser != null) {p.appId = sharedUser.userId;} else {// Clone the setting here for disabled system packagesPackageSetting dis = mDisabledSysPackages.get(name);if (dis != null) {......} else {// Assign new user idp.appId = newUserIdLPw(p);}}}......}......return p;



// Settings#newUserIdLPw
// Returns -1 if we could not find an available UserId to assign
private int newUserIdLPw(Object obj) {// Let's be stupidly inefficient for now...final int N = mUserIds.size();for (int i = mFirstAvailableUid; i < N; i++) {if (mUserIds.get(i) == null) {mUserIds.set(i, obj);return Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID + i;}}// None left?if (N > (Process.LAST_APPLICATION_UID-Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID)) {return -1;}mUserIds.add(obj);return Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID + N;

mUserIds记录了uid和PackageSetting之间的映射关系,默认size为0。mFirstAvailableUid是一个初始值为0的静态变量,记录了首个可用的uid。所以对于第一个安装的应用来说,它的uid取值为Process.FIRST_APPLICATION_UID (10000)。后续安装的应用可以分配到的最大uid取值是Process.LAST_APPLICATION_UID (19999),如果不存在共享uid的应用,那么单个用户最多可以安装10000个应用,超过这个范围就会分配失败,抛异常。实际上,对于一个用户来说他能分配的uid取值范围为UserHandle.PER_USER_RANGE (100000)个。这其中既包括应用进程的uid取值范围,也包括常见的系统进程、隔离进程等的uid取值。


public class Process {....../*** Defines the root UID.* @hide*/public static final int ROOT_UID = 0;/*** Defines the UID/GID under which system code runs.*/public static final int SYSTEM_UID = 1000;/*** Defines the UID/GID under which the telephony code runs.*/public static final int PHONE_UID = 1001;/*** Defines the UID/GID for the user shell.* @hide*/public static final int SHELL_UID = 2000;/*** Returns the identifier of this process's uid.  This is the kernel uid* that the process is running under, which is the identity of its* app-specific sandbox.  It is different from {@link #myUserHandle} in that* a uid identifies a specific app sandbox in a specific user.*/public static final int myUid() {return Os.getuid();}......





#define AID_ROOT             0  /* traditional unix root user */
#define AID_SYSTEM        1000  /* system server */
#define AID_RADIO         1001  /* telephony subsystem, RIL */
#define AID_BLUETOOTH     1002  /* bluetooth subsystem */
/* The range 2900-2999 is reserved for OEM, and must never be
* used here */
#define AID_OEM_RESERVED_END   2999
#define AID_APP          10000  /* first app user */
#define AID_USER        100000  /* offset for uid ranges for each user */
......static const struct android_id_info android_ids[] = {{ "root",          AID_ROOT, },{ "system",        AID_SYSTEM, },{ "radio",         AID_RADIO, },{ "bluetooth",     AID_BLUETOOTH, },......

android_filesystem_config.h定义了比Process更加丰富的Android ID (AID)信息,包含了所有的主用户uid/gid,还列出了OEM可定义的uid/gid范围,而且给出了用户名和uid的关系映射表android_ids。系统正是根据这张表来识别每一个进程的用户名。

android_ids只给出了系统进程uid和用户名USER之间的映射关系。那对于应用进程来说,它的用户名(比如:u0_a106)和uid之间是如何关联起来的呢?Android Framework层计算的uid是如何同步给Linux内核的呢?uid和userId、appId之间又有着什么样的关系呢?阳哥将在下篇文章为大家解答,敬请期待!


  1. http://www.linfo.org/uid.html
  2. https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/filesystem
  3. https://pierrchen.blogspot.com/2016/09/an-walk-through-of-android-uidgid-based.html


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