

代码:cat -n test.log |grep "地形"  得到关键日志的行号

[**@app3.*s:/app/local/jboss/tw/log]$ cat -n server.log|grep '779571'
1933    2017-05-25 00:23:09,245 DEBUG [com.ticketweb.report.service.ReportManagementBean] Current scheduled report's saved report id: 779571


查看这个关键字前10行和后10行的日志: cat -n server.log |tail -n +1933 |head -n 20

tail -n +1933 表示查询1933 行之后的日志

head -n 20 则表示在前面的查询结果里再查前20条记录

[*@app3.*cs:/app/local/jboss/tw/log]$ cat -n server.log|tail -n +1923|head -n 201923   2017-05-25 00:23:09,242 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Calling MailService.sendEmail(message) to send Email for scheduledReport id:6025411924   2017-05-25 00:23:09,242 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] To:tcttemplate@gmail.com1925    2017-05-25 00:23:09,242 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] CC:null1926  2017-05-25 00:23:09,242 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Subject:alam test 3 uk1927   2017-05-25 00:23:09,242 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Report sent by MailService.sendEmail(message).Please see attached for the reports.1928   2017-05-25 00:23:09,244 DEBUG [com.*.schedulable.ReportEmailSendHelper] Email sent on: 2017-05-25 00:23:09.2441929  2017-05-25 00:23:09,244 DEBUG [com.*.schedulable.ReportEmailSendHelper] Emailing report id: 602611 , name: alam master uk 111930    2017-05-25 00:23:09,245 DEBUG [com.*.ReportEmailSendHelper] Emailing starts on2017-05-25 00:23:09.2441931   2017-05-25 00:23:09,245 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Current scheduled report id: 6026111932  2017-05-25 00:23:09,245 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Current scheduled report's orgId: 41933 2017-05-25 00:23:09,245 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Current scheduled report's saved report id: 7795711934  2017-05-25 00:23:09,245 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Current scheduled report's saved report's eid: null1935    2017-05-25 00:23:09,246 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Generating the TemplateReportConfig by calling ReportConfigFactory.getConfig(...)1936    2017-05-25 00:23:09,270 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Initializing the TemplateReportConfig object...1937  2017-05-25 00:23:09,270 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] The value of txDate_toDate has been cut off to the prev day mid night:2017-05-24+23:59:591938   2017-05-25 00:23:09,270 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] The value of txDate_toDate has been cut off to the prev day mid night:2017-05-24+23:59:591939   2017-05-25 00:23:09,270 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] The value of txDate_toDate has been cut off to the prev day mid night:2017-05-24+23:59:591940   2017-05-25 00:23:09,270 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] saved report param name is: country saved report param value is GB1941   2017-05-25 00:23:09,270 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] The value of txDate_toDate has been cut off to the prev day mid night:2017-05-24+23:59:591942   2017-05-25 00:23:09,270 DEBUG [com.*.ReportManagementBean] Initialized the TemplateReportConfig object successfully.



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