Java的随机数实现有很多坑,记录一下这次使用jdk1.8里新增的加强版随机数实现SecureRandom.getInstanceStrong() 遇到的问题。

之前在维护ali-tomcat的时候曾发现过jvm随机数算法选用不当导致tomcat的SessionID生成非常慢的情况,可以参考JVM上的随机数与熵池策略 和 Docker中apache-tomcat启动慢的问题 这两篇文章。不过当时没有太追究,以为使用了就可以避免了,在这次项目里再次遇到随机数导致所有线程阻塞之后发现这块还挺多规则。





"DubboServerHandler-xxx:20880-thread-1789" #28440 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000008ffd000 nid=0x5712 runnable [0x000000004cbd7000]
java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLEat Method)at$RandomIO.readFully($RandomIO.implGenerateSeed( locked <0x00000000c03a3c90> (a java.lang.Object)at$RandomIO.access$500($Blocking.engineGenerateSeed(

因为这个地方有加锁,locked <0x00000000c03a3c90>,所以其它线程调用到这里时会等待这个lock:

"DubboServerHandler-xxx:20880-thread-1790" #28441 daemon prio=5 os_prio=0 tid=0x0000000008fff000 nid=0x5713 waiting for monitor entry [0x000000004ccd8000]
java.lang.Thread.State: BLOCKED (on object monitor)at$RandomIO.implGenerateSeed( waiting to lock <0x00000000c03a3c90> (a java.lang.Object)at$RandomIO.access$500($Blocking.engineGenerateSeed(

去查 NativePRNG$Blocking的代码,看到它的文档描述:

A NativePRNG-like class that uses /dev/random for both seed and random material. Note that it does not respect the egd properties, since we have no way of knowing what those qualities are.


Returns a SecureRandom object that was selected by using the algorithms/providers specified in the securerandom.strongAlgorithms Security property.

原来有自己的算法,在 jre/lib/security/ 文件里,默认定义为:



对于SecureRandom的两种算法实现:SHA1PRNG 和 NativePRNG 跟 securerandom.source 变量的关系,找到一篇解释的很清楚的文章:Using the SecureRandom Class

On Linux:1) when this value is “file:/dev/urandom” then the NativePRNG algorithm is registered by the Sun crypto provider as the default implementation; the NativePRNG algorithm then reads from /dev/urandom for nextBytes but /dev/random for generateSeed2) when this value is “file:/dev/random” then the NativePRNG algorithm is not registered by the Sun crypto provider, but the SHA1PRNG system uses a NativeSeedGenerator which reads from /dev/random.3) when this value is anything else then the SHA1PRNG is used with a URLSeedGenerator that reads from that source.4) when the value is undefined, then SHA1PRNG is used with ThreadedSeedGenerator5) when the code explicitly asks for “SHA1PRNG” and the value is either “file:/dev/urandom” or “file:/dev/random” then (2) also occurs6) when the code explicitly asks for “SHA1PRNG” and the value is some other “file:” url, then (3) occurs7) when the code explicitly asks for “SHA1PRNG” and the value is undefined then (4) occurs

至于SHA1PRNG算法里,为何用urandom时,不能直接设置为file:/dev/urandom而要用变通的方式设置为file:///dev/urandom或者 file:/dev/./urandom,参考这里:

In SHA1PRNG, there is a SeedGenerator which does various things depending on the configuration.

  1. If or securerandom.source point to “file:/dev/random” or “file:/dev/urandom”, we will use NativeSeedGenerator, which calls super() which calls SeedGenerator.URLSeedGenerator(/dev/random). (A nested class within SeedGenerator.) The only things that changed in this bug was that urandom will also trigger use of this code path.

  2. If those properties point to another URL that exists, we’ll initialize SeedGenerator.URLSeedGenerator(url). This is why “file:///dev/urandom”, “file:/./dev/random”, etc. will work.

参考:The Right Way to Use SecureRandom


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