ASP.NET Boilerplate provides an infrastructure and a model to configure it and modules on startup.


Configuring ASP.NET Boilerplate

Configuring ASP.NET Boilerplate is made on PreInitialize event of your module. Example configuration:

配置ASP.NET样板在模块的PreInitialize 事件里。配置示例:

public class SimpleTaskSystemModule : AbpModule
{public override void PreInitialize(){//Add languages for your applicationConfiguration.Localization.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("en", "English", "famfamfam-flag-england", true));Configuration.Localization.Languages.Add(new LanguageInfo("tr", "Türkçe", "famfamfam-flag-tr"));//Add a localization sourceConfiguration.Localization.Sources.Add(new XmlLocalizationSource("SimpleTaskSystem",HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Localization/SimpleTaskSystem")));//Configure navigation/menuConfiguration.Navigation.Providers.Add<SimpleTaskSystemNavigationProvider>();        }public override void Initialize(){IocManager.RegisterAssemblyByConvention(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());}

ASP.NET Boilerplate is designed modularity in mind. Different modules can configure ASP.NET Boilerplate. For example, different modules can add navigation provider to add their own menu items to the main menu. (Seelocalization and navigation documents for details on configuring them).


Replacing Built-In Services(替换内置服务)

Configuration.ReplaceService method can be used to override a built-in service. For example, you can replace IAbpSession service with your custom implementation as shown below:


Configuration.ReplaceService<IAbpSession, MySession>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);

ReplaceService method has an overload to pass an action to make replacement in a custom way (you can directly use Castle Windsor for advanced registration API).

replaceservice方法具有过载通过一个自定义的方式做替代动作(可以直接使用Castle Windsor 高级注册API)。

Same service can be replaced multiple times (especially, in different modules). Last replaced will be valid (As you know, module PreInitialize methods are executed by dependency order).


Configuring Modules(配置模块)

Beside framework's own startup configuration, a module can extend IAbpModuleConfigurations interface to provide configuration points for the module. Example:


using Abp.Web.Configuration;
public override void PreInitialize()
{Configuration.Modules.AbpWebCommon().SendAllExceptionsToClients = true;

In this example, we configured AbpWebCommon module to send all exceptions to clients.


Not every module should define this type of configuration. It's generally needed when a module will be re-usable in different applications and needs to be configured on startup.


Creating Configuration For a Module(创建一个模块配置)

Assume that we have a module named MyModule and it has some configuration properties. First, we create a class for these cofigurable properties:


public class MyModuleConfig
{public bool SampleConfig1 { get; set; }public string SampleConfig2 { get; set; }

Then we register this class to Dependency Injection on PreInitialize event of MyModule (Thus, it will be injectable):



It should be registered as Singleton as in this sample. Now, we can use the following code to configure MyModule in our module's PreInitialize method:


Configuration.Get<MyModuleConfig>().SampleConfig1 = false;

While we can use IAbpStartupConfiguration.Get method as shown below, we can create an extension method to IModuleConfigurations like that:


public static class MyModuleConfigurationExtensions
{public static MyModuleConfig MyModule(this IModuleConfigurations moduleConfigurations){return moduleConfigurations.AbpConfiguration.Get<MyModuleConfig>();}

Now, other modules can configure this module using the extension method:


Configuration.Modules.MyModule().SampleConfig1 = false;
Configuration.Modules.MyModule().SampleConfig2 = "test";

This makes easy to investigate module configurations and collect them in a single place (Configuration.Modules...). ABP itself defines extension methods for it's own module configurations.

At some point, MyModule needs to this configuration. You can inject MyModuleConfig and use configured values. Example:



public class MyService : ITransientDependency
{private readonly MyModuleConfig _configuration;public MyService(MyModuleConfig configuration){_configuration = configuration;}public void DoIt(){if (_configuration.SampleConfig2 == "test"){//...}}

Thus, modules can create central configuration points in ASP.NET Boilerplate system.




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