
 1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 2 import sys
 3 import os
 4 import socket
 6 #扫描
 7 def scanport(ip,port):
 8     try:
 9         socket.setdefaulttimeout(2)
10         s=socket.socket()
11         s.connect((ip,port))
12         portrecv=s.recv(1024)
13         return portrecv
14     except Exception as e:
15         print(e)
17 '''
18 检测ip的合法性
19 filter(fuction, list)检查list中符合fuction的元素
20 '''
21 def ip_check(ip):
22     q = ip.split('.')
23     return len(q)==4 and len(list(filter(lambda x: x>=0 and x<= 255, list(map(int, filter(lambda x: x.isdigit(), q))))))==4
25 def main():
26     if len(sys.argv)==2:
27         ip=sys.argv[1]
28         portlist=[21,22,25,80,110,443]
29         if ip_check(ip)==0:
30             print("输入的不是一个合法的ip")
31             return
32         for port in portlist:
33             portcheck=scanport(ip,port)
34             if portcheck:
35                 print(str(ip)+':'+str(portchec1))
36     else:
37         print("Tips:python3 Porttest.py 目标ip\n")
39 if __name__=='__main__':
40     main()

生成各种进制的IP:IP Converter.py

  1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2 import sys
  3 import socket
  4 import struct
  5 import itertools
  7 #纯8进制
  8 def ip_split_by_comma_oct(ip):
  9     """
 10     set函数是一个无序不重复的元素集,用于关系测试和去重
 11     print ip_split_oct -> ['0177', '0', '0', '01']
 12     print parsed_result -> set(['0177.0.0.01'])
 13     """
 14     parsed_result = set()
 15     ip_split = str(ip).split('.')
 16     ip_split_oct = [oct(int(_)) for _ in ip_split]
 17     parsed_result.add('.'.join(ip_split_oct))
 18     return parsed_result
 20 #纯16进制
 21 def ip_split_by_comma_hex(ip):
 22     """
 23     print ip_split_hex -> ['0x7f', '0x0', '0x0', '0x1']
 24     print parsed_result -> set(['0x7f.0x0.0x0.0x1'])
 25     """
 26     parsed_result = set()
 27     ip_split = str(ip).split('.')
 28     ip_split_hex = [hex(int(_)) for _ in ip_split]
 29     parsed_result.add('.'.join(ip_split_hex))
 30     return parsed_result
 32 #10进制,8进制
 33 def combination_oct_int_ip(ip):
 34     """
 35     itertools.combinations(iterable,r)
 36     创建一个迭代器,返回iterable中长度为r的序列。
 37     print oct_2 -> [(0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3), (1, 2), (1, 3), (2, 3)]
 38     print oct_3 -> [(0, 1, 2), (0, 1, 3), (0, 2, 3), (1, 2, 3)]
 39     enumerate用来枚举函数
 40     tuple表示元组
 41     """
 42     result = set()
 43     parsed_result = set()
 44     ip_split = str(ip).split('.')
 45     oct_2 = list(itertools.combinations([0, 1, 2, 3], 2))
 46     oct_3 = list(itertools.combinations([0, 1, 2, 3], 3))
 47     #变化ip的一段
 48     for n, _ in enumerate(ip_split):
 49         _tmp = oct(int(_))
 50         #ip_split[:n] -> []读取前面的数  ip_split[n+1:]-> ['0', '0', '1']读取后面的数
 51         _delete = ip_split[:n] + ip_split[n+1:]
 52         _delete.insert(n, _tmp)
 53         result.add(tuple(_delete))
 54     #变化ip的两段
 55     for _ in oct_2:
 56         _tmp_ip = ip_split[:]
 57         _tmp1 = oct(int(ip_split[_[0]]))
 58         _tmp2 = oct(int(ip_split[_[1]]))
 59         del _tmp_ip[_[0]]
 60         del _tmp_ip[_[1]-1]
 61         _tmp_ip.insert(_[0], _tmp1)
 62         _tmp_ip.insert(_[1], _tmp2)
 63         result.add(tuple(_tmp_ip))
 64     #变化ip的三段
 65     for _ in oct_3:
 66         _tmp_ip = ip_split[:]
 67         _tmp1 = oct(int(ip_split[_[0]]))
 68         _tmp2 = oct(int(ip_split[_[1]]))
 69         _tmp3 = oct(int(ip_split[_[2]]))
 70         del _tmp_ip[_[0]]
 71         del _tmp_ip[_[1] - 1]
 72         del _tmp_ip[_[2] - 2]
 73         _tmp_ip.insert(_[0], _tmp1)
 74         _tmp_ip.insert(_[1], _tmp2)
 75         _tmp_ip.insert(_[2], _tmp3)
 76         result.add(tuple(_tmp_ip))
 77     for _ in result:
 78         parsed_result.add('.'.join(_))
 79     return parsed_result
 81 #16进制,10进制
 82 def combination_hex_int_ip(ip):
 83     """
 84     :param ip:
 85     :return:
 86     """
 87     result = set()
 88     parsed_result = set()
 89     ip_split = str(ip).split('.')
 90     hex_2 = list(itertools.combinations([0, 1, 2, 3], 2))
 91     hex_3 = list(itertools.combinations([0, 1, 2, 3], 3))
 92     for n, _ in enumerate(ip_split):
 93         _tmp = hex(int(_))
 94         _delete = ip_split[:n] + ip_split[n+1:]
 95         _delete.insert(n, _tmp)
 96         result.add(tuple(_delete))
 97     for _ in hex_2:
 98         _tmp_ip = ip_split[:]
 99         _tmp1 = hex(int(ip_split[_[0]]))
100         _tmp2 = hex(int(ip_split[_[1]]))
101         del _tmp_ip[_[0]]
102         del _tmp_ip[_[1] - 1]
103         _tmp_ip.insert(_[0], _tmp1)
104         _tmp_ip.insert(_[1], _tmp2)
105         result.add(tuple(_tmp_ip))
106     for _ in hex_3:
107         _tmp_ip = ip_split[:]
108         _tmp1 = hex(int(ip_split[_[0]]))
109         _tmp2 = hex(int(ip_split[_[1]]))
110         _tmp3 = hex(int(ip_split[_[2]]))
111         del _tmp_ip[_[0]]
112         del _tmp_ip[_[1] - 1]
113         del _tmp_ip[_[2] - 2]
114         _tmp_ip.insert(_[0], _tmp1)
115         _tmp_ip.insert(_[1], _tmp2)
116         _tmp_ip.insert(_[2], _tmp3)
117         result.add(tuple(_tmp_ip))
118     for _ in result:
119         parsed_result.add('.'.join(_))
120     return parsed_result
122 #10进制,16进制,8进制
123 def combination_hex_int_oct_ip(ip):
124     """
125     :param ip:
126     :return:
127     """
128     result = set()
129     parsed_result = set()
130     ip_split = str(ip).split('.')
131     hex_3 = list(itertools.combinations([0, 1, 2, 3], 3))
132     for n1, n2, n3 in hex_3:
133         _tmp_ip = ip_split[:]
134         _tmp_2 = oct(int(_tmp_ip[n2]))
135         _tmp_3 = hex(int(_tmp_ip[n3]))
136         del _tmp_ip[n2]
137         del _tmp_ip[n3 - 1]
138         _tmp_ip.insert(n2, _tmp_2)
139         _tmp_ip.insert(n3, _tmp_3)
140         result.add(tuple(_tmp_ip))
141     for _ in result:
142         parsed_result.add('.'.join(_))
143     return parsed_result
145 '''
146 socket.inet_aton() 把IPV4地址转化为32位打包的二进制格式 -> 检查是否为ipv4
147 struct.unpack(fmt,string) 按照给定的格式(fmt)解析字节流string,返回解析出来的tuple
148 !L: ! = network(=big-endian)  L = unsigned long
149 '''
150 if __name__ == '__main__':
151     if len(sys.argv)==2:
152         ip = sys.argv[1]
153         ip_int = struct.unpack('!L', socket.inet_aton(ip))[0]
154         ip_oct_no_comma = oct(ip_int)
155         ip_hex_no_comma = hex(ip_int)
156         ip_oct_by_comma = ip_split_by_comma_oct(ip)
157         ip_hex_by_comma = ip_split_by_comma_hex(ip)
158         all_result = ip_oct_by_comma | ip_hex_by_comma | combination_oct_int_ip(ip) | combination_hex_int_ip(ip) | combination_hex_int_oct_ip(ip)
159         print ip_int
160         print ip_oct_no_comma
161         print ip_hex_no_comma
162         for _ip in all_result:
163             print _ip
164     else:
165         print("Tips: IP.py \n")


 1 # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
 2 import sys
 3 import zipfile
 4 import threading
 6 def extractFile(zFile,password):
 7     try:
 8         zFile.extractall(pwd=password.encode("utf-8"))
 9         print("Password is: "+password)
10     except Exception as e:
11         print(str(e))
13 def main():
14     if len(sys.argv) == 3:
15         zFile = zipfile.ZipFile(sys.argv[1])
16         passFile = open(sys.argv[2])
17         for line in passFile.readlines():
18             password = line.strip('\n')
19             t = threading.Thread(target=extractFile,args=(zFile,password))
20             t.start()
21     else:
22         print("Tips:python3 ZIP.py 要爆破的文件 字典")
24 if __name__ =='__main__':
25     main()





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