

2014-05-18 回答

The cornerstone of Windows 2000 security is Active Directory.

Windows 2000 的安全保障基础是活跃的根目录。

Its support for granular access control, inheritance, and delegation of administrative task gives you the flexibility to secure resources without compromising your network’s purpose.


The essence of a type is that it attempts to identify qualities common to a group of individuals or objects that distinguish it as an identifiable class or kind.


Court decisions, however, seem to support the notion that because an organization owns and operates an e-mail system, the e-mail messages are also the property of the organization.

然而,追求判决, 似乎支持这一观念“因为一个组织拥有且操作一个电子邮件系统,电子邮件信息也同样是组织的财产。”

With a plug-and-play system, users can install devices into or remove them from a desktop or mobile PC; dock and undock desktop PCs from a network; and optimally configure the system for different applications without modifying configuration parameters or expansion-card jumper settings

藉由一个即插即用系统,使用者能在一个桌面或可动装置个人计算机上安装或卸载装置; 从计算机网络上安装或卸载桌面个人计算机; 而且在没有修正结构叁数或扩充-卡片的跳跃者设定配置系统的情况下从最佳的角度确认出系统的不同申请。

In some ways, it is analogues to a telephone switch-board with intelligence because it makes the connections between various functional units of the computer system and calls into operation each unit that is required by the program currently in operation.


The main difference between a communication path established using a LAN and a connection made through a public data network is that a LAN normally offers much higher data transmission rates because of the relatively short physical separations involved.


A function test evaluates the system to determine if the functions described by the requirements specification are actually performed by the integrated system.


Depending on the machine being used, a UNIX system can support from one to over one hundred users, each concurrently running a different set of programs.

依靠当前所用的机器, UNIX 系统能支援从一到在上百使用者, 每个UNIX系统都能同时地运行一套不同的操作。

The cost of a computer that can be used by many person at the same time is less per user than that of a computer can be used by only a single person at a time.


Given the relative quickness of software development, one would think that software solutions would lead the computing agenda for many years. But as software delays have become more profound and commonplace, hardware-featured solutions are beginning to offer better solutions than their software counterparts.


And given the improving capabilities of hardware development, hardware vendors will become the clear leader in this race.




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