

export type Batch = {_defer: boolean,_expirationTime: ExpirationTime,_onComplete: () => mixed,_next: Batch | null,
};export type PendingInteractionMap = Map<ExpirationTime, Set<Interaction>>;type BaseFiberRootProperties = {|// Any additional information from the host associated with this root.containerInfo: any,// Used only by persistent updates.pendingChildren: any,// The currently active root fiber. This is the mutable root of the tree.current: Fiber,// The following priority levels are used to distinguish between 1)// uncommitted work, 2) uncommitted work that is suspended, and 3) uncommitted// work that may be unsuspended. We choose not to track each individual// pending level, trading granularity for performance.//// The earliest and latest priority levels that are suspended from committing.earliestSuspendedTime: ExpirationTime,latestSuspendedTime: ExpirationTime,// The earliest and latest priority levels that are not known to be suspended.earliestPendingTime: ExpirationTime,latestPendingTime: ExpirationTime,// The latest priority level that was pinged by a resolved promise and can// be retried.latestPingedTime: ExpirationTime,pingCache:| WeakMap<Thenable, Set<ExpirationTime>>| Map<Thenable, Set<ExpirationTime>>| null,// If an error is thrown, and there are no more updates in the queue, we try// rendering from the root one more time, synchronously, before handling// the error.didError: boolean,pendingCommitExpirationTime: ExpirationTime,// A finished work-in-progress HostRoot that's ready to be committed.finishedWork: Fiber | null,// Timeout handle returned by setTimeout. Used to cancel a pending timeout, if// it's superseded by a new one.timeoutHandle: TimeoutHandle | NoTimeout,// Top context object, used by renderSubtreeIntoContainercontext: Object | null,pendingContext: Object | null,// Determines if we should attempt to hydrate on the initial mount+hydrate: boolean,// Remaining expiration time on this root.// TODO: Lift this into the renderernextExpirationTimeToWorkOn: ExpirationTime,expirationTime: ExpirationTime,// List of top-level batches. This list indicates whether a commit should be// deferred. Also contains completion callbacks.// TODO: Lift this into the rendererfirstBatch: Batch | null,// Linked-list of rootsnextScheduledRoot: FiberRoot | null,
|};type ProfilingOnlyFiberRootProperties = {|interactionThreadID: number,memoizedInteractions: Set<Interaction>,pendingInteractionMap: PendingInteractionMap,
|};// Exported FiberRoot type includes all properties,
// To avoid requiring potentially error-prone :any casts throughout the project.
// Profiling properties are only safe to access in profiling builds (when enableSchedulerTracing is true).
// The types are defined separately within this file to ensure they stay in sync.
// (We don't have to use an inline :any cast when enableSchedulerTracing is disabled.)
export type FiberRoot = {...BaseFiberRootProperties,...ProfilingOnlyFiberRootProperties,


export function createFiberRoot(containerInfo: any,isConcurrent: boolean,hydrate: boolean,
): FiberRoot {// Cyclic construction. This cheats the type system right now because// stateNode is any.const uninitializedFiber = createHostRootFiber(isConcurrent);let root;if (enableSchedulerTracing) {root = ({current: uninitializedFiber,containerInfo: containerInfo,pendingChildren: null,earliestPendingTime: NoWork,latestPendingTime: NoWork,earliestSuspendedTime: NoWork,latestSuspendedTime: NoWork,latestPingedTime: NoWork,pingCache: null,didError: false,pendingCommitExpirationTime: NoWork,finishedWork: null,timeoutHandle: noTimeout,context: null,pendingContext: null,hydrate,nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn: NoWork,expirationTime: NoWork,firstBatch: null,nextScheduledRoot: null,interactionThreadID: unstable_getThreadID(),memoizedInteractions: new Set(),pendingInteractionMap: new Map(),}: FiberRoot);} else {root = ({current: uninitializedFiber,containerInfo: containerInfo,pendingChildren: null,pingCache: null,earliestPendingTime: NoWork,latestPendingTime: NoWork,earliestSuspendedTime: NoWork,latestSuspendedTime: NoWork,latestPingedTime: NoWork,didError: false,pendingCommitExpirationTime: NoWork,finishedWork: null,timeoutHandle: noTimeout,context: null,pendingContext: null,hydrate,nextExpirationTimeToWorkOn: NoWork,expirationTime: NoWork,firstBatch: null,nextScheduledRoot: null,}: BaseFiberRootProperties);}uninitializedFiber.stateNode = root;// The reason for the way the Flow types are structured in this file,// Is to avoid needing :any casts everywhere interaction tracing fields are used.// Unfortunately that requires an :any cast for non-interaction tracing capable builds.// $FlowFixMe Remove this :any cast and replace it with something better.return ((root: any): FiberRoot);


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