
Anna Volgina/ Anna Volgina /

Windows laptops often let you tap one or more fingers on the touchpad or trackpad to click. If this gets in your way, you can disable it—or enable it if it’s not working.

Windows笔记本电脑通常允许您在触摸板或触控板上点击一个或多个手指来单击。 如果这妨碍了您,则可以将其禁用-如果不起作用则将其启用。

不同的笔记本电脑在不同的地方有不同的选择 (Different Laptops Have the Option in Different Places)

Generally, you can tap with one finger to left-click and tap with two fingers to right-click. This option is relatively easy to enable and disable, although it’s in different places depending on the touchpad hardware your laptop manufacturer included and how they configured it. If you disable tap-to-click, you can still click by depressing the trackpad or pressing the buttons on it.

通常,您可以用一根手指点击以左键单击,而用两根手指点击以右键单击。 此选项相对容易启用和禁用,尽管它位于不同的位置,具体取决于笔记本电脑制造商提供的触摸板硬件及其配置方式。 如果禁用点击以单击,则仍然可以通过按下触控板或按触控板上的按钮来单击。

Many modern Windows laptops have Precision Touchpads. If your laptop does, you can configure tap-to-click and other touchpad settings directly in Windows 10’s Settings app.

许多现代Windows笔记本电脑都配有Precision触摸板。 如果您的笔记本电脑支持,则可以直接在Windows 10的“设置”应用中配置点击和其他触摸板设置。

如何禁用或启用点击单击 (How to Disable or Enable Tap to Click)

To check whether these features are available on your PC, head to Settings > Devices > Touchpad. (You can quickly open the Settings app by pressing Windows+i on your keyboard.)

要检查这些功能是否在您的PC上可用,请转到“设置”>“设备”>“触摸板”。 (您可以通过按键盘上的Windows + i来快速打开“设置”应用程序。)

Under Taps, enable or disable the “Tap with a single finger to single-click,” “Tap with two fingers to right-click,” and “Tap twice and drag to multi-select” options. The exact options available will depend on your PC. But, if you don’t see them, your PC doesn’t have a Precision Touchpad, and these options must be configured elsewhere.

在“轻按”下,启用或禁用“用一根手指单击以单击”,“用两根手指单击以右键单击”和“轻按两次并拖动到多选”选项。 可用的确切选项取决于您的PC。 但是,如果看不到它们,则说明您的PC没有精确触摸板,因此必须在其他位置配置这些选项。

If you don’t see the options here, you can likely click “Additional settings” under Related Settings on the Touchpad settings pane.


This will generally open your touchpad’s settings panel in the old Mouse Properties window.


On an HP laptop with a Synaptics touchpad, it took us to the “ClickPad Settings” pane. We could click “ClickPad Settings” to access the touchpad’s settings.

在带有Synaptics触摸板的HP笔记本电脑上,将我们带到“ ClickPad设置”窗格。 我们可以单击“ ClickPad设置”以访问触摸板的设置。

(You can also find these options by heading to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Mouse and looking for the touchpad options your laptop’s touchpad drivers added to this window. This is where you’ll find them on Windows 7 PCs.)

(您还可以通过以下方法找到这些选项:前往“控制面板”>“硬件和声音”>“鼠标”,然后在此窗口中查找笔记本电脑的触摸板驱动程序添加的触摸板选项。在Windows 7 PC上可以找到它们。)

We could then entirely disable “Tapping,” or disable “Two-Finger Tap,” “Three-Finger Tap,” or “Four-Finger Tap.” Finally, we could save the settings by clicking “OK” twice.

然后,我们可以完全禁用“轻按”,或禁用“两指轻按”,“三指轻按”或“四指轻按”。 最后,我们可以通过单击两次“确定”来保存设置。

Again, the exact options available, as well as the name of any settings here, will depend on your laptop manufacturer, how it configured your touchpad, and the drivers it used. While many laptops have Synaptics touchpads and will look similar to this, some have ELAN trackpads.

同样,可用的确切选项以及此处所有设置的名称将取决于笔记本电脑制造商,其配置触摸板的方式以及所使用的驱动程序。 尽管许多笔记本电脑都具有Synaptics触摸板,并且看起来与此相似,但有些笔记本电脑却具有ELAN触控板。

In some cases, some laptops may not even offer an option that lets you disable tap-to-click. However, most laptops do offer this option.

在某些情况下,某些笔记本电脑甚至可能不提供允许您禁用点击的选项。 但是,大多数笔记本电脑都提供此选项。




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