
No account with iTunes Connect access have been found for the team "XXX".iTunes Connect access is required for App Store distribution.

意思是说没有连接到你的iTunes,需要什么授权,当时就有点蒙,每次都是这个上传,也没有要我什么授权啊,于是我就去登录下开发者账号,然后进入iTunes Connect,发现还是不行,这是醉了!这时候你千万别想去删除证书啥的,那样的话会更加糟糕,其实解决办法很简单的!!!

2、终端命令:rm -fr ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/
3、重启Xcode,然后再重新上传App Store


iOS - No account with iTunes Connect access have been found for the team .iTunes Connect access is相关推荐

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