Oracle 的管理可以通过OEM或者命令行接口。 Oracle Clusterware的命令集可以分为以下4种:



集群层:crsctl, ocrcheck,ocrdump,ocrconfig



一. 节点层

只有一个命令: osnodes, 这个命令用来显示集群点列表,可用的参数如下,这些参数可以混合使用。

[root@raw1 bin]# ./olsnodes --help

Usage: olsnodes [-n] [-p] [-i] [ | -l] [-g] [-v]


-n print node number with the node name

-p print private interconnect name with the node name

-i print virtual IP name with the node name

print information for the specified node

-l print information for the local node

-g turn on logging

-v run in verbose mode

[root@raw1 bin]# ./olsnodes -n -p -i

raw1 1 raw1-priv raw1-vip

raw2 2 raw2-priv raw2-vip

二. 网络层

网络层由各个节点的网络组件组成,包括2个物理网卡和3个IP 地址。 也只有一个命令:oifcfg.

Oifctg 命令用来定义和修改Oracle 集群需要的网卡属性,这些属性包括网卡的网段地址,子网掩码,接口类型等。 要想正确的使用这个命令, 必须先知道Oracle 是如何定义网络接口的,Oracle的每个网络接口包括名称,网段地址,接口类型3个属性。

Oifcfg 命令的格式如下: interface_name/subnet:interface_type

这些属性中没有IP地址,但接口类型有两种,public和private,前者说明接口用于外部通信,用于Oracle Net和VIP 地址,而后者说明接口用于Interconnect。

接口的配置方式分为两类: global 和node-specific。 前者说明集群所有节点的配置信息相同,也就是说所有节点的配置是对称的;而后者意味着这个节点的配置和其他节点配置不同,是非对称的。


Getif: 获得单个网口信息



[root@raw1 bin]# ./oifcfg --help

PRIF-9: incorrect usage


oifcfg - Oracle Interface Configuration Tool.

Usage: oifcfg iflist [-p [-n]]

oifcfg setif {-node | -global} {/:}...

oifcfg getif [-node | -global] [ -if [/] [-type ] ]

oifcfg delif [-node | -global] [[/]]

oifcfg [-help]

- name of the host, as known to a communications network

- name by which the interface is configured in the system

- subnet address of the interface

- type of the interface { cluster_interconnect | public | storage }

[root@raw1 bin]# ./oifcfg iflist



[root@raw1 bin]# ./oifcfg getif

eth0 global public

eth0 global public

eth0 global public

eth1 global cluster_interconnect

eth1 global cluster_interconnect

eth1 global cluster_interconnect

-- 查看public 类型的网卡

[root@raw1 bin]# ./oifcfg getif -type public

eth0 global public

eth0 global public

eth0 global public

-- 删除接口配置

[root@raw1 bin]# ./oifcfg delif -global

-- 添加接口配置

[root@raw1 bin]# ./oifcfg setif -global eth0/

[root@raw1 bin]# ./oifcfg setif -global eth1/

三. 集群层

集群层是指由Clusterware组成的核心集群, 这一层负责维护集群内的共享设备,并为应用集群提供完整的集群状态视图,应用集群依据这个视图进行调整。 这一层共有4个命令: crsctl, ocrcheck,ocrdump,ocrconfig. 后三个是针对OCR 磁盘的。


Crsctl 命令可以用来检查CRS 进程栈,每个crs 进程状态,管理Votedisk,跟踪CRS进程功能。

[root@raw1 bin]# ./crsctl

Usage: crsctl check crs - checks the viability of the CRS stack

crsctl check cssd - checks the viability of CSS

crsctl check crsd - checks the viability of CRS

crsctl check evmd - checks the viability of EVM

crsctl set css - sets a parameter override

crsctl get css - gets the value of a CSS parameter

crsctl unset css - sets CSS parameter to its default

crsctl query css votedisk - lists the voting disks used by CSS

crsctl add css votedisk - adds a new voting disk

crsctl delete css votedisk - removes a voting disk

crsctl enable crs - enables startup for all CRS daemons

crsctl disable crs - disables startup for all CRS daemons

crsctl start crs - starts all CRS daemons.

crsctl stop crs - stops all CRS daemons. Stops CRS resources in case of cluster.

crsctl start resources - starts CRS resources.

crsctl stop resources - stops CRS resources.

crsctl debug statedump evm - dumps state info for evm objects

crsctl debug statedump crs - dumps state info for crs objects

crsctl debug statedump css - dumps state info for css objects

crsctl debug log css [module:level]{,module:level} ...

- Turns on debugging for CSS

crsctl debug trace css - dumps CSS in-memory tracing cache

crsctl debug log crs [module:level]{,module:level} ...

- Turns on debugging for CRS

crsctl debug trace crs - dumps CRS in-memory tracing cache

crsctl debug log evm [module:level]{,module:level} ...

- Turns on debugging for EVM

crsctl debug trace evm - dumps EVM in-memory tracing cache

crsctl debug log res turns on debugging for resources

crsctl query crs softwareversion [] - lists the version of CRS software installed

crsctl query crs activeversion - lists the CRS software operating version

crsctl lsmodules css - lists the CSS modules that can be used for debugging

crsctl lsmodules crs - lists the CRS modules that can be used for debugging

crsctl lsmodules evm - lists the EVM modules that can be used for debugging

If necesary any of these commands can be run with additional tracing by

adding a "trace" argument at the very front.

Example: crsctl trace check css

3.1.1 检查CRS 状态

[root@raw1 bin]# ./crsctl check crs

CSS appears healthy

CRS appears healthy

EVM appears healthy

-- 检查单个状态

[root@raw1 bin]# ./crsctl check cssd

CSS appears healthy

[root@raw1 bin]# ./crsctl check crsd

CRS appears healthy

[root@raw1 bin]# ./crsctl check evmd

EVM appears healthy

3.1.2 配置CRS 栈是否自启动

CRS 进程栈默认随着操作系统的启动而自启动,有时出于维护目的需要关闭这个特性,可以用root 用户执行下面命令。

[root@raw1 bin]# ./crsctl disable crs

[root@raw1 bin]# ./crsctl enable crs

这个命令实际是修改了/etc/oracle/scls_scr/raw/root/crsstart 这个文件里的内容。

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