
In this tutorial, we’ll go over the steps to install pip in Linux. The pip command allows us to install Python packages from the Python Package Index or PyPI.

在本教程中,我们将介绍在Linux中安装pip的步骤。 pip命令允许我们从Python Package Index或PyPI安装Python软件包。

The pip command can be installed with the package manager for your Linux distribution. In this tutorial, we’ll work with Ubuntu’s apt package manager to install pip.

pip命令可以与Linux发行版的软件包管理器一起安装。 在本教程中,我们将与Ubuntu的apt软件包管理器一起安装pip。

什么是Python PIP? (What is Python PIP?)

The pip command stands for Package Installer for Python. Similar to the apt command for Debian-based distributions, yum and rpm commands for Red Hat-based distributions, and pacman for Arch-based distributions, pip command helps install packages for Python.

pip命令代表Python的软件包安装程序。 与基于Debian的发行版的apt命令,基于Red Hat的发行版的yum和rpm命令以及基于Arch的发行版的pacman相似,pip命令有助于安装Python软件包。

When you’re working with Python, you can install the available packages using the system’s default package manager or work with pip to install Python-specific packages directly from their official index.


With the default package manager, there will always be packages that just aren’t available. But with pip, you can rest assured that most of the packages that you’ll require (and many more) will be available right there.

使用默认的程序包管理器,总是会有一些不可用的程序包。 但是,有了pip,您可以放心,所需的大多数软件包(以及更多软件包)都将在那里提供。

如何在Linux中安装Pip? (How To Install Pip In Linux?)

So how do we go about installing pip in Linux? It’s really simple. Let’s walk through the simple steps to get pip up and running on our Ubuntu server here.

那么,如何在Linux中安装pip? 真的很简单。 让我们通过简单的步骤在此处的Ubuntu服务器上启动并运行。

root@ubuntu:~# apt -y install python-pip
root@ubuntu:~# apt -y install python3-pip
Python3 Pip Installation
Python3 Pip安装

If you’re using a different distribution of Linux, there’s nothing to worry about. Simply change the apt install part with your package manager.

如果您使用的是其他发行版的Linux,则无需担心。 只需使用包管理器更改apt安装部分。

For example, on an Arch-based system, you’d type


root@arch:~# pacman -S python2-pip
root@arch:~# pacman -S python-pip #This installs python3 pip

You can use python-pip (for python version 2) and python3-pip (for python version 3).


Depending on which version of Python you’re working with, you can install pip or pip3 and make sure that you have the right packages being installed.


如何在Linux中使用PIP命令? (How to Use PIP Command in Linux?)

Now coming to the usage of PIP, we’ll learn how to


  • install安装
  • uninstall卸载
  • search搜索
  • list existing packages列出现有软件包
  • show details of a package显示包裹的细节

I’ve installed python3-pip on Ubuntu since I mostly work with Python 3.x. You can replace the pip3 part in the below examples with pip if you’re working with pip for Python 2.x.

因为我主要使用Python 3.x,所以我已经在Ubuntu上安装了python3-pip。 如果您正在使用适用于Python 2.x的pip,则可以将以下示例中的pip3部分替换为pip。

We’ll install the numpy library as an example here.


root@ubuntu:~# pip3 install <package name>
For Example --
root@ubuntu:~# pip3 install numpy
Pip Install Example

If you would like to know what packages are available, you can use the search functionality of the pip command.


root@ubuntu:~# pip3 search numpy
Pip Search Example

How to find the list of installed Python packages? We’ll use the list option for the pip command.

如何找到已安装的Python软件包列表? 我们将对pip命令使用list选项。

root@ubuntu:~# pip3 list
Pip List Example

You can safely ignore the warning in the output because it’s just to let us know that the default output format will change in the future.


If you’d like to know more about a package that you’ve installed, just use the show command.


root@ubuntu:~# pip3 uninstall numpy
Pip Show Example

And to uninstall a package, we simply use pip3 uninstall <package name> as below.

要卸载软件包,我们只需使用pip3卸载 <package name>,如下所示。

root@ubuntu:~# pip3 uninstall numpy
Pip Uninstall Example

结论 (Conclusion)

I know, it was really easy to install pip in Linux so I took the liberty to explain how you can start with using the command right away. As you work with Python, you’ll find yourself working with the pip command very often for installing and uninstalling packages.

我知道,在Linux中安装pip真的很容易,所以我自由地解释了如何立即使用该命令。 使用Python时,您会发现自己经常使用pip命令来安装和卸载软件包。

We hope you enjoyed this tutorial!





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