
It is often seen that one of the main benefits of the cloud is its perceived ability to handle high traffic websites in a way that dedicated servers would never be able to. Whilst dedicated servers can be clustered together to provide more power, in most cases this isn’t without its downtime, not to mention it being very time consuming and laborious as it requires somebody to place the server in the rack and network it at the data centre end. The benefit of the cloud is that virtual machines and resources can be called upon at short notice and remotely, letting you provision a new segment of your infrastructure in just a few clicks at any time of day. Whilst a dedicated server will have to have its OS installed from scratch, cloud virtual machines can be created from pre-developed templates and so are often available to use within just a few minutes.

经常看到的是,云的主要优点之一是其以专用服务器永远无法处理的方式处理高流量网站的能力。 尽管可以将专用服务器群集在一起以提供更多功能,但是在大多数情况下,这并非没有停机时间,更不用说这是非常耗时且费力的,因为它需要有人将服务器放在机架中并通过数据将其联网中心端。 云的好处是可以在短时间内远程调用虚拟机和资源,让您在一天中的任何时候都只需单击几下即可配置基础架构的新部分。 虽然必须从头开始安装专用服务器,但是可以从预先开发的模板创建云虚拟机,因此通常只需几分钟即可使用。

负载均衡 (Load balancing)

Much in the same way that you can create a load balancing cluster using dedicated servers, cloud virtual machines can be configured for the purpose of load balancing. Load balancing uses one server as the load balancer, which in turn distributes the traffic that it receives between the other servers in the cluster so that a single server never becomes overwhelmed with the load. As a concept, load balancing works very well because additional servers can be added to the cluster to cope with the load without affecting the servers that already form the environment. There are a number of cloud platforms available that let customers create virtualised load balanced clusters, providing them with another way in which they can virtualise their current physical infrastructure.

与使用专用服务器创建负载平衡群集的方式几乎相同,可以配置云虚拟机以实现负载平衡。 负载平衡使用一台服务器作为负载平衡器,该负载平衡器又在群集中的其他服务器之间分配它接收的流量,以使单个服务器永远不会被负载淹没。 从概念上讲,负载平衡非常有效,因为可以将其他服务器添加到群集中以应对负载,而不会影响已经形成环境的服务器。 有许多可用的云平台,可让客户创建虚拟化的负载平衡集群,从而为他们提供了另一种虚拟化其当前物理基础架构的方式。

自动缩放 (Automatic scaling)

A number of cloud platforms, such as eNlight, feature autoscaling. Autoscaling enables your virtual machine to receive additional resources from the cloud during peak times in order to deal with the extra traffic. Whilst you would normally have a set level of resources installed in a dedicated server for example, the resources allocated to a cloud virtual machine are flexible and therefore can be automatically adjusted to account for demand; this flexibility saves you money since you will only ever be paying for your actual resource consumption, not spare or redundant resources that you may have because these will be absorbed back into the cloud once they are no longer required. Where autoscaling is available, customers are often provided with the option to limit the amount of money that is billed to their account using this method, therefore preventing malicious attacks from running up large bills for the customer.

许多云平台(例如eNlight)具有自动缩放功能。 通过自动扩展,您的虚拟机可以在高峰时间从云中接收其他资源,以处理额外的流量。 例如,尽管通常在专用服务器上安装了一定级别的资源,但是分配给云虚拟机的资源是灵活的,因此可以自动调整以适应需求。 这种灵活性为您节省了金钱,因为您将只为实际的资源消耗付费,而不是为可能拥有的备用或冗余资源付费,因为一旦不再需要这些资源,它们就会被吸收到云中。 在具有自动缩放功能的情况下,通常会为客户提供使用此方法限制记入其帐户的金额的选项,从而防止恶意攻击为客户产生大量账单。

How you utilise the cloud for the hosting of your high traffic website is down to the individual requirements. A cloud load balancing configuration would be the best option for a long-term solution as it lets you add additional nodes over time, so that the traffic reaching your website can be served with consistently good performance. Autoscaling is a choice better suited to short-term issues, such as where load spikes occur; over time it could be costly to constantly rely on autoscaling and it may make more financial sense to consider a load balanced configuration or permanently upgrade the base resources of your virtual machines.

如何利用云来托管高流量网站取决于个人要求。 对于长期解决方案,云负载平衡配置将是最佳选择,因为它允许您随着时间的推移添加其他节点,从而可以始终如一地提供良好的性能来满足到达网站的流量。 自动缩放是一种更适合短期问题(例如出现负载峰值的地方)的选择。 随着时间的流逝,持续依靠自动扩展可能会花费很大,并且考虑负载平衡的配置或永久升级虚拟机的基础资源可能在财务上更有意义。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/how-does-the-cloud-handle-high-traffic-websites/



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