ces edupack

Most of the How-To Geek team is at CES 2015, and we’re doing a group photo “live blog” of sorts, which just means that we’ll be posting pictures of everything we’re looking at in Vegas, as we’re looking at it (assuming we have a decent Internet connection).

How-To Geek团队中的大多数人都在CES 2015上,我们正在做各种各样的“现场博客”集体照,这意味着我们将在拉斯维加斯张贴我们正在看的所有事物的照片。正在查看(假设我们有一个不错的Internet连接)。

立即查看HTG CES 2015实时博客(和书签以返回) (View the HTG CES 2015 Live Blog Now (and Bookmark to Check Back))

Note: This is a new and experimental thing that we’re going to be enabling, so there might be bugs. We might not cover everything that you’re interested in, but we’re hoping to get through the majority of the show over the next couple of days. We’ll be taking pictures of everything interesting, and giving you our feedback right there on the spot.

注意:这是一项新的实验性功能,我们将启用它,因此可能存在错误。 我们可能不会涵盖您感兴趣的所有内容,但是我们希望在接下来的几天中能浏览大部分的节目。 我们将为所有有趣的事物拍照,并在现场为您提供反馈。

Who’s going to be there?


  • Lowell Heddings (The How-To Geek guy)洛厄尔·海丁斯(Lowell Heddings)(The Geek Guy)
  • Chris Hoffman克里斯·霍夫曼
  • Jason Fitzpatrick杰森·菲茨帕特里克(Jason Fitzpatrick)
  • Matt Klein马特·克莱因
  • Erik Wang (he’s our business guy)埃里克·王(他是我们的商人)

Some of the things that are big this year:


  • 4K TVs everywhere. We will be talking about this more in articles this week, but essentially the costs are coming down and everybody is focusing on it.到处都有4K电视。 我们将在本周的文章中对此进行更多讨论,但是从本质上讲,成本正在下降,大家都在关注它。
  • Connected everything. I sat at a press conference where they talked about telling Siri to unlock your front door. WiFi enabled toasters, light bulbs, door locks, garage door openers, and basically everything you can imagine.连接一切。 我坐在一个新闻发布会上,他们谈到要告诉Siri解锁您的前门。 具有WiFi功能的烤面包机,灯泡,门锁,车库门开启器,以及您可以想象的一切。
  • Connected cars. The auto makers are very interested in getting in on the new the train and having your phone talk to your car.联网汽车。 汽车制造商对上新火车并与您的汽车通话非常感兴趣。
  • Wearable tech is also everywhere. There are everything from watches to earrings to necklaces that transmit data to your phone. We will be looking into this.可穿戴技术也无处不在。 从手表到耳环再到将数据传输到手机的项链,应有尽有。 我们将对此进行调查。
  • Insane gadgets that will never see the light of day.永不过时的疯狂小工具。

There are a lot more things and we will be covering them tomorrow on the forum thread. And also in articles throughout the week.

还有很多事情,我们明天将在论坛主题中进行介绍。 以及整周的文章。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/206866/the-how-to-geek-at-ces-2015-live-photo-blog/

ces edupack

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