
linux下可使用 fork 函数

通常使用 multiprocessing更常见


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time,os
from multiprocessing import Pooldef run(n):time.sleep(1)print('Run child process %s (%s)...' % (n*n, os.getpid()))if __name__ == "__main__":testFL = [1,2,3,4,5,6]print('顺序执行:')    # 顺序执行(也就是串行执行,单进程)starttime = time.time()for n in testFL:run(n)t = time.time()print("顺序执行时间:", int(t - starttime))print ('concurrent:') # 创建多个进程,并行执行pool = Pool(10)       # 创建拥有10个进程数量的进程池pool.map(run, testFL)pool.close()          # 关闭进程池,不再接受新的进程pool.join()           # 主进程阻塞等待子进程的退出endtime = time.time()print("并行执行时间:", int(endtime-t))


Run child process 1 (32669)...
Run child process 4 (32669)...
Run child process 9 (32669)...
Run child process 16 (32669)...
Run child process 25 (32669)...
Run child process 36 (32669)...
顺序执行时间: 6
Run child process 4 (32671)...
Run child process 1 (32670)...
Run child process 16 (32673)...
Run child process 9 (32672)...
Run child process 25 (32674)...
Run child process 36 (32675)...
并行执行时间: 1Process finished with exit code 0

如果不用map,一般采用apply_async(func[, args[, kwds[, callback]]]),这里是非阻塞的且支持结果返回后进行回调,


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time,os
from multiprocessing import Pooldef run(n):time.sleep(1)print('Run child process %s (%s)...' % (n*n, os.getpid()))if __name__ == "__main__":testFL = [1,2,3,4,5,6]print('顺序执行:')    # 顺序执行(也就是串行执行,单进程)starttime = time.time()for n in testFL:run(n)t = time.time()print("顺序执行时间:", int(t - starttime))print ('concurrent:') # 创建多个进程,并行执行pool = Pool(10)       # 创建拥有10个进程数量的进程池for i in range(1,7):pool.apply_async(run,(i,))pool.close()          # 关闭进程池,不再接受新的进程pool.join()           # 主进程阻塞等待子进程的退出endtime = time.time()print("并行执行时间:", int(endtime-t))


Run child process 1 (32880)...
Run child process 4 (32880)...
Run child process 9 (32880)...
Run child process 16 (32880)...
Run child process 25 (32880)...
Run child process 36 (32880)...
顺序执行时间: 6
Run child process 9 (32885)...
Run child process 1 (32883)...
Run child process 25 (32887)...
Run child process 16 (32886)...
Run child process 4 (32884)...
Run child process 36 (32888)...
并行执行时间: 1Process finished with exit code 0


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