











图1                                              图2

下面左图是直接融合,右图是先配准再融合效果。(融合图中图1(Base image)保留原色,图2(Float image)或图2的转换图像保留B、R通道呈现紫色)



cv::Mat register_images(cv::Mat ref, cv::Mat flt)//配准,返回配准图像
{cv::Size origsize(512, 512);cv::resize(ref, ref, origsize);if (is_inverted(ref, flt)) {//判断flt的图像是不是需要转置cv::bitwise_not(flt, flt);//bitwise_not是对二进制数据进行“非”操作}cv::Size ksize(5, 5);cv::GaussianBlur(ref, ref, ksize, 10, 10);cv::GaussianBlur(flt, flt, ksize, 10, 10);auto max_size = ref.size();cv::resize(flt, flt, max_size);double tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22;estimate_initial(ref, flt, tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22);std::vector<double> init{ tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22 };std::vector<double> rng{ 80.0, 80.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };std::pair<std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator> o{ init.begin(), init.end() };optimize_powell(o, std::pair<std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator>{rng.begin(), rng.end()}, std::bind(cost_function, ref, flt, std::placeholders::_1));tx = init[0];ty = init[1];a11 = init[2];a12 = init[3];a21 = init[4];a22 = init[5];cv::Mat fin = transform(flt, tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22);double mutual_inf = mutual_information(ref, fin);std::cout << exp(-mutual_inf) << "*** \n";return fin.clone();

以上涉及is_inverted函数、estimate_initial函数、optimize_powell函数、cost_function函数、transform函数、 mutual_information函数。下面是整理的全部代码(该代码都整理自上边链接中的代码,其中实现细节并没有深究。。):

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/nonfree/features2d.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>using namespace cv;
using namespace std;float alpha = 0.5;//optimize_powell函数
template <typename T, typename F>
T optimize_goldensectionsearch(T init, T rng, F function)
{T sta = init - 0.382*rng;T end = init + 0.618*rng;T c = (end - (end - sta) / 1.618);T d = (sta + (end - sta) / 1.618);while (fabs(c - d) > 0.005) {if (function(c) < function(d)) {end = d;}else {sta = c;}c = (end - (end - sta) / 1.618);d = (sta + (end - sta) / 1.618);}return (end + sta) / 2;
* @brief optimize_powell is a strategy to optimize a parameter space for a
*        given cost function
* @param init range with the initial values, optimized values are stored in
*        there when the function returns
* @param rng range containing the ranges in which each parameter is optimized
* @param cost_function cost function for which the parameters are optimized
template <typename Iter, typename Cf>
void optimize_powell(std::pair<Iter, Iter> init,std::pair<Iter, Iter> rng,Cf cost_function)
{using TPS = typename std::remove_reference<decltype(*init.first)>::type;bool converged = false;const double eps = 0.00005;double last_mutualinf = 100000.0;while (!converged) {converged = true;for (auto it = init.first; it != init.second; ++it) {std::size_t pos = it - init.first;auto curr_param = init.first[pos];auto curr_rng = rng.first[pos];auto fn = [pos, init, &cost_function](TPS p){init.first[pos] = p;return cost_function(init.first);};auto param_optimized = optimize_goldensectionsearch(curr_param, curr_rng, fn);auto curr_mutualinf = cost_function(init.first);init.first[pos] = curr_param;if (last_mutualinf - curr_mutualinf > eps) {*it = param_optimized;last_mutualinf = curr_mutualinf;converged = false;}else {*it = curr_param;}}}
static cv::Mat transform(cv::Mat image, double tx, double ty, double a11, double a12, double a21, double a22)
{cv::Mat trans_mat = (cv::Mat_<double>(2, 3) << a11, a12, tx, a21, a22, ty);cv::Mat out = image.clone();cv::Scalar borderColor = Scalar(255, 255, 255);warpAffine(image, out, trans_mat, image.size(), INTER_LINEAR, BORDER_CONSTANT, borderColor);return out;
static bool is_inverted(cv::Mat ref, cv::Mat flt)
{//灰度直方图std::vector<double> hist_ref(256, 0);std::vector<double> hist_flt(256, 0);for (int i = 0; i<ref.rows; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j<ref.cols; ++j) {int val = ref.at<uchar>(i, j);hist_ref[val]++;}}for (int i = 0; i<flt.rows; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j<flt.cols; ++j) {int val = flt.at<uchar>(i, j);hist_flt[val]++;}}//transform将某操作应用于指定范围的每一个元素std::transform(hist_ref.begin(), hist_ref.end(), hist_ref.begin(), [&ref](int val) { return 1.0*val / (1.0*ref.cols*ref.rows); });std::transform(hist_flt.begin(), hist_flt.end(), hist_flt.begin(), [&flt](int val) { return 1.0*val / (1.0*flt.cols*flt.rows); });std::vector<double> distances(256, 0);std::transform(hist_ref.begin(), hist_ref.end(), hist_flt.begin(), distances.begin(),[](double ref_val, double flt_val) { return fabs(ref_val - flt_val); });double distance_flt = std::accumulate(distances.begin(), distances.end(), 0.0);// invertstd::reverse(hist_flt.begin(), hist_flt.end());//reverse 逆序反转std::transform(hist_ref.begin(), hist_ref.end(), hist_flt.begin(), distances.begin(),[](double ref_val, double inv_val) { return fabs(ref_val - inv_val); });double distance_inv = std::accumulate(distances.begin(), distances.end(), 0.0);return distance_flt > distance_inv;
static void estimate_initial(cv::Mat ref, cv::Mat flt,double& tx, double& ty,double& a11, double& a12, double& a21, double& a22)//估算初始值
{cv::Moments im_mom = moments(ref);//计算图像的中心距cv::Moments pt_mom = moments(flt);cv::Mat ref_bin = ref.clone();cv::Mat flt_bin = flt.clone();cv::threshold(ref, ref_bin, 40, 256, 0);cv::threshold(flt, flt_bin, 40, 256, 0);cv::Moments ref_mom_bin = moments(ref_bin);cv::Moments flt_mom_bin = moments(flt_bin);double pt_avg_10 = pt_mom.m10 / pt_mom.m00;double pt_avg_01 = pt_mom.m01 / pt_mom.m00;double pt_mu_20 = (pt_mom.m20 / pt_mom.m00*1.0) - (pt_avg_10*pt_avg_10);double pt_mu_02 = (pt_mom.m02 / pt_mom.m00*1.0) - (pt_avg_01*pt_avg_01);double pt_mu_11 = (pt_mom.m11 / pt_mom.m00*1.0) - (pt_avg_01*pt_avg_10);double im_avg_10 = im_mom.m10 / im_mom.m00;double im_avg_01 = im_mom.m01 / im_mom.m00;double im_mu_20 = (im_mom.m20 / im_mom.m00*1.0) - (im_avg_10*im_avg_10);double im_mu_02 = (im_mom.m02 / im_mom.m00*1.0) - (im_avg_01*im_avg_01);double im_mu_11 = (im_mom.m11 / im_mom.m00*1.0) - (im_avg_01*im_avg_10);tx = im_mom.m10 / im_mom.m00 - pt_mom.m10 / pt_mom.m00;ty = im_mom.m01 / im_mom.m00 - pt_mom.m01 / pt_mom.m00;double scale = ref_mom_bin.m00 / flt_mom_bin.m00;double rho = 0.5f * atan((2.0*pt_mu_11) / (pt_mu_20 - pt_mu_02));double rho_im = 0.5f * atan((2.0*im_mu_11) / (im_mu_20 - im_mu_02));const double rho_diff = rho_im - rho;const double roundness = (pt_mom.m20 / pt_mom.m00) / (pt_mom.m02 / pt_mom.m00);if (abs(roundness - 1.0) >= 0.3) {a11 = cos(rho_diff);a12 = -sin(rho_diff);a21 = sin(rho_diff);a22 = cos(rho_diff);}else {a11 = 1.0;a12 = 0.0;a21 = 0.0;a22 = 1.0;}
static double mutual_information(cv::Mat ref, cv::Mat flt)
{cv::Mat joint_histogram(256, 256, CV_64FC1, cv::Scalar(0));for (int i = 0; i<ref.cols; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j<ref.rows; ++j) {int ref_intensity = ref.at<uchar>(j, i);int flt_intensity = flt.at<uchar>(j, i);joint_histogram.at<double>(ref_intensity, flt_intensity) = joint_histogram.at<double>(ref_intensity, flt_intensity) + 1;double v = joint_histogram.at<double>(ref_intensity, flt_intensity);}}for (int i = 0; i<256; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j<256; ++j) {joint_histogram.at<double>(j, i) = joint_histogram.at<double>(j, i) / (1.0*ref.rows*ref.cols);double v = joint_histogram.at<double>(j, i);}}cv::Size ksize(7, 7);cv::GaussianBlur(joint_histogram, joint_histogram, ksize, 7, 7);double entropy = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i<256; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j<256; ++j) {double v = joint_histogram.at<double>(j, i);if (v > 0.000000000000001) {entropy += v*log(v) / log(2);}}}entropy *= -1;//    std::cout << entropy << "###";std::vector<double> hist_ref(256, 0.0);for (int i = 0; i<joint_histogram.rows; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j<joint_histogram.cols; ++j) {hist_ref[i] += joint_histogram.at<double>(i, j);}}cv::Size ksize2(5, 0);//  cv::GaussianBlur(hist_ref, hist_ref, ksize2, 5);std::vector<double> hist_flt(256, 0.0);for (int i = 0; i<joint_histogram.cols; ++i) {for (int j = 0; j<joint_histogram.rows; ++j) {hist_flt[i] += joint_histogram.at<double>(j, i);}}//   cv::GaussianBlur(hist_flt, hist_flt, ksize2, 5);double entropy_ref = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i<256; ++i) {if (hist_ref[i] > 0.000000000001) {entropy_ref += hist_ref[i] * log(hist_ref[i]) / log(2);}}entropy_ref *= -1;//std::cout << entropy_ref << "~~ ";double entropy_flt = 0.0;for (int i = 0; i<256; ++i) {if (hist_flt[i] > 0.000000000001) {entropy_flt += hist_flt[i] * log(hist_flt[i]) / log(2);}}entropy_flt *= -1;// std::cout << entropy_flt << "++ ";double mutual_information = entropy_ref + entropy_flt - entropy;return mutual_information;
static double cost_function(cv::Mat ref, cv::Mat flt,std::vector<double>::iterator affine_params)
{const double tx = affine_params[0];const double ty = affine_params[1];const double a11 = affine_params[2];const double a12 = affine_params[3];const double a21 = affine_params[4];const double a22 = affine_params[5];return exp(-mutual_information(ref, transform(flt, tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22)));
cv::Mat register_images(cv::Mat ref, cv::Mat flt)
{cv::Size origsize(512, 512);cv::resize(ref, ref, origsize);if (is_inverted(ref, flt)) {//判断flt的图像是不是需要值进行取反cv::bitwise_not(flt, flt);//bitwise_not是对二进制数据进行“非”操作}cv::Size ksize(5, 5);cv::GaussianBlur(ref, ref, ksize, 10, 10);cv::GaussianBlur(flt, flt, ksize, 10, 10);auto max_size = ref.size();cv::resize(flt, flt, max_size);double tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22;estimate_initial(ref, flt, tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22);std::vector<double> init{ tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22 };std::vector<double> rng{ 80.0, 80.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };std::pair<std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator> o{ init.begin(), init.end() };optimize_powell(o, std::pair<std::vector<double>::iterator, std::vector<double>::iterator>{rng.begin(), rng.end()}, std::bind(cost_function, ref, flt, std::placeholders::_1));tx = init[0];ty = init[1];a11 = init[2];a12 = init[3];a21 = init[4];a22 = init[5];cv::Mat fin = transform(flt, tx, ty, a11, a12, a21, a22);double mutual_inf = mutual_information(ref, fin);std::cout << exp(-mutual_inf) << "*** \n";return fin.clone();
cv::Mat fuse(cv::Mat ref, cv::Mat flt)
{//assert(abs(alpha) < 1.0);cv::Mat color(flt.cols, flt.rows, CV_8UC3);cv::cvtColor(flt, color, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);cv::Mat channel[3];split(color, channel);//channel[0] = cv::Mat::zeros(flt.rows, flt.cols, CV_8UC1);channel[1] = cv::Mat::zeros(flt.rows, flt.cols, CV_8UC1);merge(channel, 3, color);cv::Mat color1(ref.cols, ref.rows, CV_8UC3);cv::cvtColor(ref, color1, cv::COLOR_GRAY2BGR);cv::Mat channel1[3];split(color1, channel1);channel1[0] = cv::Mat::zeros(ref.rows, ref.cols, CV_8UC1);channel1[2] = cv::Mat::zeros(ref.rows, ref.cols, CV_8UC1);merge(channel1, 3, color1);const double beta = 1 - alpha;cv::Mat dst = color1.clone();cv::addWeighted(color1, alpha, color, beta, 0.0, dst);return dst;
Mat register_images1(cv::Mat, cv::Mat flt)
{return flt.clone();
Mat fuse_images(Mat ref, Mat flt, string register_strategy)
{using namespace cv;Size origsize(512, 512);resize(ref, ref, origsize);resize(flt, flt, origsize);// register to align imagesMat fused;if (register_strategy == "mutualinformation"){Mat fin = register_images(ref, flt);// now do the fusionfused = fuse(ref, fin);}else{Mat fin = register_images1(ref, flt);fused = fuse(ref, fin);}return fused;
Mat perform_fusion_from_files(string path_reference_image, string path_floating_image, string register_strategy)
{Mat reference_image = imread(path_reference_image, 0);Mat floating_image = imread(path_floating_image, 0);return fuse_images(reference_image, floating_image, register_strategy);}int main()
{string refpath = "1.png";string fltpath = "2.png";//通过配准融合Mat fused = perform_fusion_from_files(refpath, fltpath, "mutualinformation");//不配准直接融合Mat fused_unregistered = perform_fusion_from_files(refpath, fltpath, "identity");imwrite("配准融合图像.png", fused);imwrite("不配准直接融合.png", fused_unregistered);return 0;



配准融合图像                                                   不配准直接融合图像



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