reference——World Streamer Manual.pdf

chapter4——world streamer details and settings

Streaming solution consists of:

scene splitter——this tools used to create virtual grids and layers from your scene objects. Scene splitter also generates scenes from virtual grid elements. During scene generating process scene splitter create also scene collections which we called “SC+Prefix”. Scene collection is created for each layer.

Scene collections. This prefabs which we call “SC+Prefix” hold information about scenes, grid element size, world size and much more details that are useful for streaming process. As we mentioned they are formed and refreshed by scene splitter or local area updater tool, during scene generation process.

Scene objects. They are connected to scene collections “SC+Prefix”, they are formed and refreshed by scene splitter or local area updater tool during scene generation process.

Streamer prefabs (Major, Minor). They hold and use scene collections “SC+Prefix” in your “Gameplay” scene and they stream content according to options that you set. First streamer at your scene should be Major, it should be used for:

  • terrains
  • big objects (if you don’t stream terrains)
  • all objects (if you use only one layer)
    All other streamer should be minor.

Collider streamers. They holds scene which will be loaded after chosen object hit his collider.


4.1 Scene splitter
This tool is used to split your world objects into virtual grids and prepare them into streaming. As objects we mean: models, objects, lights, particles, terrains. Every grid element “grid eye” will be a “pack” of data that World Streamer load into memory as one object.

We always advice you to open “scene splitter” at empty scene that we will call “Work” scene. You should copy into it whole content that you want to stream. Directional lights, player, UI should be at your “Gameplay” scene, so remove them from this “Work” scene or hide during splitting process. If you will properly set your layers, this objects could stay here.


To open “Scene Splitter” window click at “World Streamer"→"Scene Splitter”

When you open “Scene Splitter” window you will find 2 sections.
Scene Generation section will prepare your objects to stream. In this section you will generate layers, scenes, virtual grids and scene collections from this virtual grids.
Build Settings section could easily and massively add your just generated/refreshed scenes to build settings.

scene generation options:

add layer button creates a group/layer of objects. layer separates specified objects from the rest of objects, this layer/group will be streamed independently from others. as an example of layers/group we could use: terrains, small models, big models, medium models, far low poly terrains, lights, particles, fx. please also read about layer order in this section, to get very important info about how scene splitter recognize your objects. you mush have at least one layer to split your scene.

split X, ,split Y, split Z buttons gives you ability to chose what axis will be used during virtual grid generation. if you create space game you will probably check x,y,z. if you create RTS of RPG, car game you probably will check x and z because height is not so important. for unity terrain you should check only x and z. if you want to unload terrains when player is to high over terrains you could check y too.

x size, y size, z size values are responsible for size of one virtual grid element eye. you are creating virtual grid which is based on your checked split x, split y, split z axis and their size which you chose right here. grid element size should be estimated by you. u could easily change it and test different values. they should not be to big because you will load too much objects at once. they should not be to small because you will have huge amount of scenes, which are probably unnecessary. you have to confront that also to object size, if your big building is 200x200 units u should not stream it in 20x20 grid element size. but u could steam a group of these buildings in 1000x1000 virtual grid element of course if they are not heavy as one grid element.

for unity terrain x size and z size should/must be the same size as terrain length and width.

You could visualize your virtual grid element size by using our gizmo. After you click “Split Scene” or “S” button, when you click at virtual grid element that system just created, you will see its boundaries. Before this you have to fill all info about virtual grid and layer to create first split.

GameObject Prefix is really important value. While splitting system is searching for objects, because it wants to put them into correct layers, it’s checking each object’s name. If you will leave game object prefix as empty, system will put all objects at the scene into one layer.
If for Example.1 you want to put your unity terrains into layer “Terrain_Lod0”, fill game object prefix for example by “Terrain”. Add “Terrain” word at beginning of each terrain object at the scene.



void SceneChanged ()
{currentScene = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene ().path;


sceneSplitterSettings = FindObjectOfType (typeof(SceneSplitterSettings)) as SceneSplitterSettings;
if (sceneSplitterSettings == null)CreateSettings ();


SceneCollection[] sceneCollections = FindObjectsOfType (typeof(SceneCollection)) as SceneCollection[];
currentCollections.Clear ();
listSizeCollections = 0;
sceneLayers.Clear ();
if (sceneCollections.Length > 0) {if (sceneLayers == null)sceneLayers = new List<SceneCollection> ();sceneLayers.AddRange (sceneCollections);splits = new List<Dictionary<string,GameObject>> ();foreach (var item in sceneLayers) {if (item.transform.parent != sceneSplitterSettings.transform)item.transform.parent = sceneSplitterSettings.transform;splits.Add (new Dictionary<string, GameObject> ());}}


 foreach (var layer in sceneLayers) {FindCollection (layer);}currentColliders.Clear ();currentColliders.AddRange (FindObjectsOfType (typeof(ColliderScene)) as ColliderScene[]);listSizeColliders = currentColliders.Count;
 public void FindCollection (SceneCollection layer){string scenesPath = this.sceneSplitterSettings.scenesPath + layer.prefixScene + "/";GameObject prefab = (GameObject)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (scenesPath + "SC_" + layer.prefixScene + ".prefab", typeof(GameObject));if (prefab != null) {SceneCollection sceneCollection = prefab.GetComponent<SceneCollection> ();if (!currentCollections.Contains (sceneCollection))currentCollections.Add (sceneCollection);listSizeCollections = currentCollections.Count;}}


foreach (var layer in sceneLayers) {SplitScene (layer);}
 void SplitScene (SceneCollection layer){warning = "";splits [layer.layerNumber] = new Dictionary<string, GameObject> ();layer.xLimitsx = int.MaxValue;layer.xLimitsy = int.MinValue;layer.yLimitsx = int.MaxValue;layer.yLimitsy = int.MinValue;layer.zLimitsx = int.MaxValue;layer.zLimitsy = int.MinValue;GameObject[] allObjects = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType<GameObject> ();FindSceneGO (layer.prefixScene, allObjects, splits [layer.layerNumber]);ClearSceneGO (layer);
void FindSceneGO(string prefixScene, GameObject[] allObjects, Dictionary<string, GameObject> splits)
{foreach(var item in allObjects){if(item == null) continue;if(item.GetComponent<SceneSplitManager>() == null) continue; //找划分之后的根节点if(item.transform.parent!=null || ! continue;GameObject go;string sceneID = "";sceneID =, "");if(!splits.TryGetValue(sceneId, out go))splits.Add(sceneID, item);}

void ClearSceneGO(SceneCollection layer)
{ObjectsParent[] objectsParents = FindObjectsOfType<ObjectsParent>();ObjectsParent objectsParent = null;}








void ClearSceneGO (SceneCollection layer)
{ObjectsParent[] objectsParents = FindObjectsOfType<ObjectsParent> ();ObjectsParent objectsParent = null;foreach (var parent in objectsParents) {if (parent.gameObjectPrefix == layer.prefixName) {objectsParent = parent;break;}}


List<string> toRemove = new List<string> ();foreach (var item in splits [layer.layerNumber]) {if (item.Value.GetComponent<SceneSplitManager> ()) {


Transform splitTrans = item.Value.transform;
foreach (Transform splitChild in splitTrans) {if (objectsParent != null && ( (objectsParent.gameObjectPrefix) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (objectsParent.gameObjectPrefix)))splitChild.SetParent (objectsParent.transform, true);elsesplitChild.parent = null;

比如上面的CubeA/B/C/D就会设置它们的父物体为CubeRoot; 而如果objectsParent为null,则CubeA/B/C/D的父亲就为null。

while (splitTrans.childCount > 0) {foreach (Transform splitChild in splitTrans) {if (objectsParent != null && ( (objectsParent.gameObjectPrefix) || string.IsNullOrEmpty (objectsParent.gameObjectPrefix)))splitChild.SetParent (objectsParent.transform, true);elsesplitChild.parent = null;}}


GameObject.DestroyImmediate (splitTrans.gameObject);toRemove.Add (item.Key);}}foreach (var item in toRemove) {splits [layer.layerNumber].Remove (item);}




if (item.GetComponent<SceneSplitManager> () != null || item.GetComponent<SceneCollection> () != null || item.GetComponent<SceneSplitterSettings> () != null|| item.GetComponent<ObjectsParent> () != null)continue;


string itemId = GetID (item.transform.position, layer);
string GetID (Vector3 position, SceneCollection layer)
{int xId = (int)(Mathf.FloorToInt (position.x / layer.xSize));if (Mathf.Abs ((position.x / layer.xSize) - Mathf.RoundToInt (position.x / layer.xSize)) < 0.001f) {xId = (int)Mathf.RoundToInt (position.x / layer.xSize);}int yId = (int)(Mathf.FloorToInt (position.y / layer.ySize));if (Mathf.Abs ((position.y / layer.ySize) - Mathf.RoundToInt (position.y / layer.ySize)) < 0.001f) {yId = (int)Mathf.RoundToInt (position.y / layer.ySize);}int zId = (int)(Mathf.FloorToInt (position.z / layer.zSize));if (Mathf.Abs ((position.z / layer.zSize) - Mathf.RoundToInt (position.z / layer.zSize)) < 0.001f) {zId = (int)Mathf.RoundToInt (position.z / layer.zSize);}return (layer.xSplitIs ? "_x" + xId : "") +(layer.ySplitIs ? "_y" + yId : "")+ (layer.zSplitIs ? "_z" + zId : "");


string itemId = GetID (item.transform.position, layer);GameObject split = null;
if (!splits [layer.layerNumber].TryGetValue (itemId, out split)) {split = new GameObject (layer.prefixScene + itemId);SceneSplitManager sceneSplitManager = split.AddComponent<SceneSplitManager> ();sceneSplitManager.sceneName =;sceneSplitManager.size = new Vector3 (layer.xSize != 0 ? layer.xSize : 100, layer.ySize != 0 ? layer.ySize : 100, layer.zSize != 0 ? layer.zSize : 100);sceneSplitManager.position = GetSplitPosition (item.transform.position, layer);sceneSplitManager.color = layer.color;splits [layer.layerNumber].Add (itemId, split);


 Vector3 splitPosId = GetSplitPositionID (item.transform.position, layer);if (layer.xSplitIs) {if (splitPosId.x < layer.xLimitsx) {layer.xLimitsx = (int)splitPosId.x;}if (splitPosId.x > layer.xLimitsy) {layer.xLimitsy = (int)splitPosId.x;}} else {layer.xLimitsx = 0;layer.xLimitsy = 0;}

记得初始的时候,layer.xLimitsx 为最大值;layer.xLimitsy为最小值。然后进行更新。

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