The number thirteen


一、Pre-reading activity 阅前思考

1.Do you have a lucky number? If so, what is it?


2.What number is next? 10, 11, 12, ____?

下一个数字是什么? 10、11、12、____?

3.Who was Jesus?


    Many people believe that the number 13 is not a lucky number.This is why many hotels do not have a 13th floor. The floors go from 12 to 14 and there is no number 13. Some people will never sit at a table with 12 other peopple. They will tell someone to go or ask another person to sit with them at their table.


    No one really knows why people in so many countries do not like the number 13. Perhaps one reason is that when people began to count they used ten fingers and two hands. This made 12. They could not count higher than this.


    Some Christians say that 13 is not lucky because there were 13 people at a meal the day before Jesus was killed. In a story about the old Greek gods, 12 gods were asked to a meal but one more came. This made 13 gods. The story say that this is why the god Balder, who was at the meal, was killed.


二、New words 新单词

floor:Do you want me to sit on the floor?


table:The restaurant was full, and there were no more tables.


person:He was very happy person.


finger:Children sometimes paint with their fingers.


hand:The dog was so small it sat in my hand.


meal:I don't want much to eat, so let's have a small meal today.


三、Vocabulary 词汇

(b)1.Mary is only a samll child. She still has to count with her __________.

        a.numbers                b.fingers


(b)2.The baby tried to climb up on to the __________.

        a.floor                b.table


(a)3.There was only one __________ in the shop.

        a.person                b.people


(b)4.Many people have only one __________ a day.                b.meal


四、Main idea 主要意思

Circle the correct answer.将正确答案圈出来。(选4)

The story is about

1.the death of Jesus.


2.the person who killed the Greek god Balder.


3.the way people count with their fingers.


4.why 13 is not a lucky number.


五、Looking for detail 寻找细节

Circle the correct answer.将正确答案圈出来。

(b)1.There is often no floor number 13 in __________.    c.countries    d.Greece


(a)2.One way people can count is by using their __________.

a.fingers    b.table    d.gods


(a)3.The god called Balder was __________.

a.Greek    b.Christian    c.beautiful    d.lucky


(c)4.The Christian story and the Greek story both talk about __________.

a.Jesus    b.Balder    c.the number 13


六、Summary 概括

Write each letter against the correct word in the box.


(b)lucky    (a)believe    (d)count    (e)meal    (c)perhaps

In many countries (a) that the number 13 is not a (b) one. No one knows why people think this, but (c) it is because at one time people could not (d) higher than 12. Or perhaps it is because people have died when they have been at a (e) where there 13 people.


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