

FigDraw 1. SCI 文章的灵魂 之 简约优雅的图表配色

FigDraw 2. SCI 文章绘图必备 R 语言基础

FigDraw 3. SCI 文章绘图必备 R 数据转换

FigDraw 4. SCI 文章绘图之散点图 (Scatter)

FigDraw 5. SCI 文章绘图之柱状图 (Barplot)

FigDraw 6. SCI 文章绘图之箱线图 (Boxplot)

FigDraw 7. SCI 文章绘图之折线图 (Lineplot)

FigDraw 8. SCI 文章绘图之饼图 (Pieplot)

FigDraw 9. SCI 文章绘图之韦恩图 (Vennplot)

FigDraw 10. SCI 文章绘图之直方图 (HistogramPlot)

FigDraw 11. SCI 文章绘图之小提琴图 (ViolinPlot)

FigDraw 12. SCI 文章绘图之相关性矩阵图(Correlation Matrix)

FigDraw 13. SCI 文章绘图之桑葚图及文章复现(Sankey)

FigDraw 14. SCI 文章绘图之和弦图及文章复现(Chord Diagram)

FigDraw 15. SCI 文章绘图之多组学圈图(OmicCircos)

FigDraw 16. SCI 文章绘图之树形图(Dendrogram)

FigDraw 17. SCI 文章绘图之主成分绘图(pca3d)

FigDraw 18. SCI 文章绘图之矩形树状图 (treemap)

FigDraw 19. SCI 文章中绘图之坡度图(Slope Chart)

FigDraw 20. SCI文章中绘图之马赛克图 (mosaic)


前 言



R 中scatterplot3d包的scatterplot3d()函数、rgl包的plot3d()函数、plot3D包的scatter3D()函数等都可以绘制三维散点图。

下面将从 plot3D 包的函数scatter3D()入手,一步步带你完成三维散点图的绘制。本文内容丰富,希望大家都能学到自己想要的内容。



1. 三维球体

# save plotting parameters
pm <- par("mfrow")## ======================================================================= A
## sphere
## =======================================================================par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
M <- mesh(seq(0, 2 * pi, length.out = 100), seq(0, pi, length.out = 100))
u <- M$x
v <- M$yx <- cos(u) * sin(v)
y <- sin(u) * sin(v)
z <- cos(v)# full panels of box are drawn (bty = 'f')
scatter3D(x, y, z, pch = ".", col = "red", bty = "f", cex = 2, colkey = FALSE)

2. 不同类型

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
z <- seq(0, 10, 0.2)
x <- cos(z)
y <- sin(z) * z# greyish background for the boxtype (bty = 'g')
scatter3D(x, y, z, phi = 0, bty = "g", pch = 20, cex = 2, ticktype = "detailed")
# add another point
scatter3D(x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE, pch = 18, cex = 3, col = "black")# add text
text3D(x = cos(1:10), y = (sin(1:10) * (1:10) - 1), z = 1:10, colkey = FALSE, add = TRUE,labels = LETTERS[1:10], col = c("black", "red"))# line plot
scatter3D(x, y, z, phi = 0, bty = "g", type = "l", ticktype = "detailed", lwd = 4)# points and lines
scatter3D(x, y, z, phi = 0, bty = "g", type = "b", ticktype = "detailed", pch = 20,cex = c(0.5, 1, 1.5))# vertical lines
scatter3D(x, y, z, phi = 0, bty = "g", type = "h", ticktype = "detailed")

3. 带有自信区间

x <- runif(20)
y <- runif(20)
z <- runif(20)par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
CI <- list(z = matrix(nrow = length(x), ncol = 2, data = rep(0.05, times = 2 * length(x))))# greyish background for the boxtype (bty = 'g')
scatter3D(x, y, z, phi = 0, bty = "g", CI = CI, col = gg.col(100), pch = 18, cex = 2,ticktype = "detailed", xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), zlim = c(0, 1))# add new set of points
x <- runif(20)
y <- runif(20)
z <- runif(20)CI2 <- list(x = matrix(nrow = length(x), ncol = 2, data = rep(0.05, 2 * length(x))),z = matrix(nrow = length(x), ncol = 2, data = rep(0.05, 2 * length(x))))scatter3D(x, y, z, CI = CI2, add = TRUE, col = "red", pch = 16)

4. 带有表面和CI

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))# surface = volcano
M <- mesh(1:nrow(volcano), 1:ncol(volcano))# 100 points above volcano
N <- 100
xs <- runif(N) * 87
ys <- runif(N) * 61
zs <- runif(N) * 50 + 154# scatter + surface
scatter3D(xs, ys, zs, ticktype = "detailed", pch = 16, bty = "f", xlim = c(1, 87),ylim = c(1, 61), zlim = c(94, 215), surf = list(x = M$x, y = M$y, z = volcano,NAcol = "grey", shade = 0.1))

## ======================================================================= A
## surface and CI
## =======================================================================par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
M <- mesh(seq(0, 2 * pi, length = 30), (1:30)/100)
z <- with(M, sin(x) + y)# points 'sampled'
N <- 30
xs <- runif(N) * 2 * pi
ys <- runif(N) * 0.3zs <- sin(xs) + ys + rnorm(N) * 0.3CI <- list(z = matrix(nrow = length(xs), data = rep(0.3, 2 * length(xs))), lwd = 3)# facets = NA makes a transparent surface; borders are black
scatter3D(xs, ys, zs, ticktype = "detailed", pch = 16, xlim = c(0, 2 * pi), ylim = c(0,0.3), zlim = c(-1.5, 1.5), CI = CI, theta = 20, phi = 30, cex = 2, surf = list(x = M$x,y = M$y, z = z, border = "black", facets = NA))

5. 滴漏至贴合表面

with(mtcars, {# linear regressionfit <- lm(mpg ~ wt + disp)# predict values on regular xy gridwt.pred <- seq(1.5, 5.5, length.out = 30)disp.pred <- seq(71, 472, length.out = 30)xy <- expand.grid(wt = wt.pred, disp = disp.pred)mpg.pred <- matrix(nrow = 30, ncol = 30, data = predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(xy),interval = "prediction")[, 1])# fitted points for droplines to surfacefitpoints <- predict(fit)scatter3D(z = mpg, x = wt, y = disp, pch = 18, cex = 2, theta = 20, phi = 20,ticktype = "detailed", xlab = "wt", ylab = "disp", zlab = "mpg", surf = list(x = wt.pred,y = disp.pred, z = mpg.pred, facets = NA, fit = fitpoints), main = "mtcars")})

6. 两种方法来制作地震数据集的散点3D

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
# first way, use vertical spikes (type = 'h')
with(quakes, scatter3D(x = long, y = lat, z = -depth, colvar = mag, pch = 16, cex = 1.5,xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", zlab = "depth, km", clab = c("Richter","Magnitude"), main = "Earthquakes off Fiji", ticktype = "detailed", type = "h",theta = 10, d = 2, colkey = list(length = 0.5, width = 0.5, cex.clab = 0.75)))

# second way: add dots on bottom and left panel before the scatters are drawn,
# add small dots on basal plane and on the depth plane
panelfirst <- function(pmat) {zmin <- min(-quakes$depth)XY <- trans3D(quakes$long, quakes$lat, z = rep(zmin, nrow(quakes)), pmat = pmat)scatter2D(XY$x, XY$y, colvar = quakes$mag, pch = ".", cex = 2, add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE)xmin <- min(quakes$long)XY <- trans3D(x = rep(xmin, nrow(quakes)), y = quakes$lat, z = -quakes$depth,pmat = pmat)scatter2D(XY$x, XY$y, colvar = quakes$mag, pch = ".", cex = 2, add = TRUE, colkey = FALSE)
}with(quakes, scatter3D(x = long, y = lat, z = -depth, colvar = mag, pch = 16, cex = 1.5,xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude", zlab = "depth, km", clab = c("Richter","Magnitude"), main = "Earthquakes off Fiji", ticktype = "detailed", panel.first = panelfirst,theta = 10, d = 2, colkey = list(length = 0.5, width = 0.5, cex.clab = 0.75)))

7. text3D and scatter3D


with(USArrests, text3D(Murder, Assault, Rape, colvar = UrbanPop, col = gg.col(100),theta = 60, phi = 20, xlab = "Murder", ylab = "Assault", zlab = "Rape", main = "USA arrests",labels = rownames(USArrests), cex = 0.6, bty = "g", ticktype = "detailed", d = 2,clab = c("Urban", "Pop"), adj = 0.5, font = 2))
with(USArrests, scatter3D(Murder, Assault, Rape - 1, colvar = UrbanPop, col = gg.col(100),type = "h", pch = ".", add = TRUE))

8. 原点缩放

# display axis ranges
getplist()[c("xlim", "ylim", "zlim")]
## $xlim
## [1]  0.8 17.4
## $ylim
## [1]  45 337
## $zlim
## [1]  7.3 46.0# choose suitable ranges
plotdev(xlim = c(0, 10), ylim = c(40, 150), zlim = c(7, 25))

9. text3D to label x- and y axis

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
hist3D(x = 1:5, y = 1:4, z = VADeaths, bty = "g", phi = 20, theta = -60, xlab = "",ylab = "", zlab = "", main = "VADeaths", col = "#0072B2", border = "black", shade = 0.8,ticktype = "detailed", space = 0.15, d = 2, cex.axis = 1e-09)text3D(x = 1:5, y = rep(0.5, 5), z = rep(3, 5), labels = rownames(VADeaths), add = TRUE,adj = 0)
text3D(x = rep(1, 4), y = 1:4, z = rep(0, 4), labels = colnames(VADeaths), add = TRUE,adj = 1)


例子 1

##   mph Gas_Mileage Power Weight Engine_Displacement
## 1  23          19    69    821              3687.7
## 2  13          17    80   1287              4261.4
## 3  13          22    55   1535              1983.2
## 4  22          34    55   1037              1770.1
## 5  14          29    55   1082              1589.8
## 6  19          26    49   1285              1294.8
pmar <- par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 6.1))
with(df, scatter3D(x = mph, y = Gas_Mileage, z = Power, #bgvar = mag,pch = 21, cex = 1.5,col="black",bg="#F57446",xlab = "0-60 mph (sec)",ylab = "Gas Mileage (mpg)",zlab = "Power (kW)", zlim=c(40,180),ticktype = "detailed",bty = "f",box = TRUE,#panel.first = panelfirst,theta = 60, phi = 20, d=3,colkey = FALSE)#list(length = 0.5, width = 0.5, cex.clab = 0.75))

例子 2

colormap <- colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(11,'RdYlGn')))(100)#index <- ceiling(((prc <- 0.7 * df$Power/ diff(range(df$Power))) - min(prc) + 0.3)*100)
for (i in seq(1,length(index)) ){prc[i]=colormap[index[i]]
pmar <- par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 6.1))
with(df, scatter3D(x = mph, y = Gas_Mileage, z = Power, #bgvar = mag,pch = 21, cex = 1.5,col="black",bg=prc,xlab = "0-60 mph (sec)",ylab = "Gas Mileage (mpg)",zlab = "Power (kW)", zlim=c(40,180),ticktype = "detailed",bty = "f",box = TRUE,#panel.first = panelfirst,theta = 60, phi = 20, d=3,colkey = FALSE)#list(length = 0.5, width = 0.5, cex.clab = 0.75))
colkey (col=colormap,clim=range(df$Power),clab = "Power", add=TRUE, length=0.5,side = 4)

例子 3

index <- ceiling(((prc <- 0.7 * df$Weight/ diff(range(df$Weight))) - min(prc) + 0.3)*100)
for (i in seq(1,length(index)) ){prc[i]=colormap[index[i]]
pmar <- par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 6.1))
with(df, scatter3D(x = mph, y = Gas_Mileage, z = Power, #bgvar = mag,pch = 21, cex = 1.5,col="black",bg=prc,xlab = "0-60 mph (sec)",ylab = "Gas Mileage (mpg)",zlab = "Power (kW)", zlim=c(40,180),ticktype = "detailed",bty = "f",box = TRUE,#panel.first = panelfirst,theta = 60, phi = 20, d=3,colkey = FALSE)#list(length = 0.5, width = 0.5, cex.clab = 0.75))
colkey (col=colormap,clim=range(df$Weight),clab = "Weight", add=TRUE, length=0.5,side = 4)

例子 4

pmar <- par(mar = c(5.1, 4.1, 4.1, 7.1))
colors0 <-  wes_palette(n=3, name="Darjeeling1")
colors <- colors0[as.numeric(iris$Species)]
with(iris, scatter3D(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, z = Petal.Length, #bgvar = mag,pch = 21, cex = 1.5,col="black",bg=colors,xlab = "longitude", ylab = "latitude",zlab = "depth, km", ticktype = "detailed",bty = "f",box = TRUE,#panel.first = panelfirst,theta = 140, phi = 20, d=3,colkey = FALSE)#list(length = 0.5, width = 0.5, cex.clab = 0.75))
)legend("right",title =  "Species",legend=c("setosa", "versicolor", "virginica"),pch=21,cex=1,y.intersp=1,pt.bg = colors0,bg="white",bty="n")





  1. 张杰. R 语言数据可视化之美 专业图表绘制指南

  2. plot3d(): http://www.rforscience.com/rpackages

FigDraw 21. SCI文章中绘图之三维散点图 (plot3D)相关推荐

  1. FigDraw 22. SCI文章中绘图之核密度及山峦图 (ggridges)

    点击关注,桓峰基因 桓峰基因公众号推出基于R语言绘图教程并配有视频在线教程,目前整理出来的教程目录如下: FigDraw 1. SCI 文章的灵魂 之 简约优雅的图表配色 FigDraw 2. SCI ...

  2. FigDraw 24. SCI文章中绘图二维直方图及组合图

    点击关注,桓峰基因 桓峰基因公众号推出基于R语言绘图教程并配有视频在线教程,目前整理出来的教程目录如下: FigDraw 1. SCI 文章的灵魂 之 简约优雅的图表配色 FigDraw 2. SCI ...

  3. FigDraw 25. SCI文章中绘图二维密度图及组合图

    点击关注,桓峰基因 桓峰基因公众号推出基于R语言绘图教程并配有视频在线教程,目前整理出来的教程目录如下: FigDraw 1. SCI 文章的灵魂 之 简约优雅的图表配色 FigDraw 2. SCI ...

  4. FigDraw 26. SCI文章中绘图词云图 (wordcloud)

    点击关注,桓峰基因 桓峰基因公众号推出基于R语言绘图教程并配有视频在线教程,目前整理出来的教程目录如下: FigDraw 1. SCI 文章的灵魂 之 简约优雅的图表配色 FigDraw 2. SCI ...

  5. FigDraw 20. SCI文章中绘图之马赛克图 (mosaic)

    点击关注,桓峰基因 桓峰基因公众号推出基于R语言绘图教程并配有视频在线教程,目前整理出来的教程目录如下: FigDraw 1. SCI 文章的灵魂 之 简约优雅的图表配色 FigDraw 2. SCI ...

  6. RNA 30. SCI文章中基于TCGA和GTEx数据挖掘神器(GEPIA2)

    这期介绍一个基于TCGA和GTEx数据挖掘神器(GEPIA2),个人觉得如果没有编程基础的可以直接利用这个在线小工具分析自己的研究的单个基因或者多个基因,效果还是蛮好的! 桓峰基因公众号推出转录组分析 ...

  7. FigDraw 11. SCI 文章绘图之小提琴图 (ViolinPlot)

    桓峰基因公众号推出基于R语言绘图教程并配有视频在线教程,目前整理出来的教程目录如下: FigDraw 1. SCI 文章的灵魂 之 简约优雅的图表配色 FigDraw 2. SCI 文章绘图必备 R ...

  8. FigDraw 13. SCI 文章绘图之桑葚图及文章复现(Sankey)

    点击关注,桓峰基因 桓峰基因 生物信息分析,SCI文章撰写及生物信息基础知识学习:R语言学习,perl基础编程,linux系统命令,Python遇见更好的你 127篇原创内容 公众号 桓峰基因公众号推 ...

  9. FigDraw 5. SCI 文章绘图之柱状图 (Barplot)

    点击关注,桓峰基因 桓峰基因 生物信息分析,SCI文章撰写及生物信息基础知识学习:R语言学习,perl基础编程,linux系统命令,Python遇见更好的你 108篇原创内容 公众号 桓峰基因的教程不 ...


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