The students of the HEU are maneuvering for their military training.
The red army and the blue army are at war today.The blue army finds that Little A is the spy of the red army,so Little A has to escape from the headquarters of the blue army to that of the red army.The battle field is a rectangle of size m*n,and the headquarters of the blue army and the red army are placed at (0, 0) and (m, n), respectively, which means that Little A will go from (0, 0) to (m, n). The picture below denotes the shape of the battle field and the notation of directions that we will use later.
红军和蓝军今天正在打仗。蓝军发现小A是红军的间谍,所以小A必须从蓝军的司令部逃到红军的总部去,战场是一个m * n大小的矩形,蓝军和红军的总部设在(0,0)和(m,n),这意味着小A将分别从(0,0)到(m,n)。下面的图片表示战场的形状和我们稍后使用的指示符号。

The blue army is eager to revenge,so it tries its best to kill Little A during his escape.The blue army places many castles,which will shoot to a fixed direction periodically.It costs Little A one unit of energy per second,whether he moves or not.If he uses up all his energy or gets shot at sometime,then he fails.Little A can move north,south,east or west,one unit per second.Note he may stay at times in order not to be shot.
To simplify the problem,let’s assume that Little A cannot stop in the middle of a second.He will neither get shot nor block the bullet during his move,which means that a bullet can only kill Little A at positions with integer coordinates.Consider the example below.The bullet moves from (0, 3) to (0, 0) at the speed of 3 units per second,and Little A moves from (0, 0) to (0, 1) at the speed of 1 unit per second.Then Little A is not killed. But if the bullet moves 2 units per second in the above example,Little A will be killed at (0, 1).
Now, please tell Little A whether he can escape.

For every test case,the first line has four integers,m,n,k and d (2<=m,n<=100,0<=k<=100,m+n<=d<=1000).m and n are the size of the battle ground,k is the number of castles and d is the units of energy Little A initially has.The next k lines describe the castles each.Each line contains a character c and four integers,t,v,x and y.Here c is ‘N’, ‘S’, ‘E’ or ‘W’ giving the direction to which the castle shoots,t is the period,v is the velocity of the bullets shot (i.e. units passed per second),and (x, y) is the location of the castle.Here we suppose that if a castle is shot by other castles,it will block others’ shots but will NOT be destroyed.And two bullets will pass each other without affecting their directions and velocities.
All castles begin to shoot when Little A starts to escape.
Proceed to the end of file.
对于每个测试样例,第一行有四个整数,m、n、k和d(2<=m,n<=100,0<=k<=100,m+n<=d<=1000)。m和n是战场的大小,k是城堡的数量,d是最初拥有的能量单位。下面的k行描述每个城堡。每一行包含一个字符c和四个整数t、v、x和y。这里c是‘N’,‘S’,‘E’或‘W’,给出了城堡射击的方向, t是周期,v是子弹发射的速度(即每秒通过的单位),(x,y)是城堡的位置。在这里,我们假设,如果一个城堡被其他城堡射击,它将阻止其他人的射击,但不会被摧毁。两颗子弹会在不影响方向和速度的情况下互相穿透。当小A开始逃跑的时候,所有的城堡都开始射击。继续到文件的末尾。

If Little A can escape, print the minimum time required in seconds on a single line. Otherwise print “Bad luck!” without quotes.
如果小A可以逃逸,请在一行上以秒为单位打印所需的最短时间。否则就打印“Bad luck!”没有引号。

4 4 3 10
N 1 1 1 1
W 1 1 3 2
W 2 1 2 4
4 4 3 10
N 1 1 1 1
W 1 1 3 2
W 1 1 2 4

Bad luck!




#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
static const int MAXN=100;
static const int MAXT=1000;
static const int dx[]={0,0,0,1,-1},dy[]={0,1,-1,0,0};
int m,n,k,d;
struct Castle{int t,v;int kind;
struct Node{int x,y;int step;
bool vis[MAXT+10][MAXN+10][MAXN+10];
Castle mp[MAXN+10][MAXN+10];
void bfs(Node node)
{queue<Node> Q;Q.push(node);vis[0][0][0]=true;while(!Q.empty()){Node now=Q.front();Q.pop();if(now.x==n && now.y==m && now.step<=d){cout<<now.step<<endl;return;}if(now.step>d){cout<<"Bad luck!"<<endl;return;}for(int i=0;i<=4;i++){Node next;next.x=now.x+dx[i];next.y=now.y+dy[i];next.step=now.step+1;if(!vis[next.step][next.x][next.y] && 0<=next.x && next.x<=n && 0<=next.y && next.y<=m && !mp[next.x][next.y].kind && next.step<=d){bool flag=true;for(int i=next.x-1;i>=0;i--){if(mp[i][next.y].kind){if(mp[i][next.y].kind==2){if((next.x-i)%mp[i][next.y].v==0 && (next.step-(next.x-i)/mp[i][next.y].v)%mp[i][next.y].t==0){flag=false;break;}}break;}}if(!flag)continue;for(int i=next.x+1;i<=n;i++){if(mp[i][next.y].kind){if(mp[i][next.y].kind==1){if((i-next.x)%mp[i][next.y].v==0 && (next.step-(i-next.x)/mp[i][next.y].v)%mp[i][next.y].t==0){flag=false;break;}}break;}}if(!flag)continue;for(int i=next.y-1;i>=0;i--){if(mp[next.x][i].kind){if(mp[next.x][i].kind==3){if((next.y-i)%mp[next.x][i].v==0 && (next.step-(next.y-i)/mp[next.x][i].v)%mp[next.x][i].t==0){flag=false;break;}}break;}}if(!flag)continue;for(int i=next.y+1;i<=m;i++){if(mp[next.x][i].kind){if(mp[next.x][i].kind==4){if((i-next.y)%mp[next.x][i].v==0 && (next.step-(i-next.y)/mp[next.x][i].v)%mp[next.x][i].t==0){flag=false;break;}}break;}}if(!flag)continue;vis[next.step][next.x][next.y]=true;Q.push(next);}}}cout<<"Bad luck!"<<endl;
int main()
{std::ios::sync_with_stdio(false);std::cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0);while(cin>>n>>m>>k>>d){memset(mp,0,sizeof(mp));memset(vis,false,sizeof(vis));for(int i=1;i<=k;i++){char ch;int t,v,x,y;cin>>ch>>t>>v>>x>>y;mp[x][y].t=t;mp[x][y].v=v;if(ch=='N')mp[x][y].kind=1;else if(ch=='S')mp[x][y].kind=2;else if(ch=='E')mp[x][y].kind=3;else if(ch=='W')mp[x][y].kind=4;}bfs(Node{0,0,0});}return 0;

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