
If you are running Windows 8, hit the Windows key and L at the same time. What do you see? It should be the lock screen complete with the date, time and weather. What format do the date and time take? It’s almost certainly the same as the clock in your taskbar – if you have opted to use 24 hour clock format, it will be used in both places. But this doesn’t have to be the case; customization is possible.

如果您运行的是Windows 8,请同时按Windows键和L。 你看到了什么? 它应该是带有日期,时间和天气的锁定屏幕。 日期和时间采用什么格式? 它几乎可以肯定与任务栏中的时钟相同–如果您选择使用24小时制,则将在两个地方都使用它。 但这不是必须的。 可以定制。

You might think that a quick visit to the Control Panel is all that’s needed to change the appearance of the Lock Screen time and date. To some extent this is true. The Region applet can be used to configure formatting, but this is a system-wide setting. By editing the registry it is possible to use different formatting on the lock screen.

您可能会认为,只需快速访问“控制面板”即可更改锁定屏幕时间和日期的外观。 在某种程度上,这是事实。 区域小程序可用于配置格式,但这是系统范围的设置。 通过编辑注册表,可以在锁定屏幕上使用其他格式。

Fire up the Registry editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ SystemProtectedUserData\S-1-5-21-[unique ID]\ AnyoneRead\LocaleInfo.

启动注册表编辑器,然后导航到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ SystemProtectedUserData \ S-1-5-21- [唯一ID] \ AnyoneRead \ LocaleInfo。

You will need to make this key editable, so right click LocaleInfo, select Permissions and make sure both of the Allow boxes are ticked before clicking OK.


There are several settings to the right that can be adjusted, but it is the TimeFormat key that is of particular interest. As with the time format in the Region Control Panel, you can use basic syntax to adjust the appearance of the time.

右边有几个可以调整的设置,但是特别引起关注的是TimeFormat键。 与“区域控制面板”中的时间格式一样,您可以使用基本语法来调整时间的外观。

HH:mm uses 24-hour format with a leading zero, H:mm without it, hh:mm is used for 12-hour time with the zero, and h:mm to drop it. Add tt to include AM and PM indicators. Editing this setting via the registry enables you to choose to display time in different format to the taskbar clock.

HH:mm使用带有前导零的24小时格式,H:mm不使用前导零,hh:mm用于12小时内的零,而h:mm则将其删除。 添加tt以包括AM和PM指示器。 通过注册表编辑此设置,您可以选择以与任务栏时钟不同的格式显示时间。

You can also get creative and add ASCII art to your clock if you want to get a somewhat different look for your lock screen.


The changes take effect immediately – there’s no need to restart Windows.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/138716/how-to-customize-the-time-on-the-windows-8-lock-screen/


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