
Whenever you sign in to Windows 10, your full name appears above the password entry. You can change your display name—your first and last name—so they appear differently on the login screen and in the Settings app.

每当您登录Windows 10时,您的全名都会显示在密码条目上方。 您可以更改显示名称(您的名字和姓氏),以便它们在登录屏幕和“设置”应用中的显示方式有所不同。

Whether you use a local account or a Microsoft account, it’s easy to change the display name associated with it in a few simple steps.


更改您的Microsoft帐户的显示名称 (Change Your Display Name for a Microsoft Account)

To change the display name on the login screen for those with a Microsoft account, you will need to open your account preferences on the Microsoft website and make the changes there. Here’s how to do it.

要更改具有Microsoft帐户的用户在登录屏幕上的显示名称,您将需要在Microsoft网站上打开帐户首选项并在此处进行更改。 这是操作方法。

Open the Settings app by pressing the Windows key+I and click on “Accounts.”

通过按Windows键+ I打开“设置”应用,然后单击“帐户”。

Underneath your picture and display name, click on “Manage my Microsoft account” to open up your account preferences page in a browser.


After the browser opens and the page loads, click the “More Actions” drop-down and then click on “Edit Profile” from the options below.


Underneath your name, click “Edit Name.”


In the fields provided, enter your first and last names, enter the CAPTCHA challenge, and then click “Save” to update your name.


When your Microsoft profile page reloads, this time, it will update with the name you entered on the previous screen.


When you change your Microsoft account name, it changes on all devices that you sign in with this account.


For your new name to show on the Windows 10 sign-in screen, you will have to sign out of your account. So, if you have any unsaved work or applications open, save your progress before signing out.

为了使您的新名称显示在Windows 10登录屏幕上,您必须注销帐户。 因此,如果您有未保存的工作或应用程序打开,请在退出之前保存进度。

更改本地帐户的显示名称 (Change Your Display Name for a Local Account)

A local account is a barebones approach to use Windows. Local accounts don’t have the added features—syncing files, settings, browser history, etc. across multiple devices—but you aren’t required to use an email address to use the operating system.

本地帐户是使用Windows的准系统方法。 本地帐户没有添加的功能-在多个设备之间同步文件,设置,浏览器历史记录等-但您无需使用电子邮件地址即可使用操作系统。

From the local account for which you want to change the display name, fire up Control Panel. You can do this by clicking the Start button or pressing the Windows key, typing “Control Panel” into the search box in the Start menu, and then clicking on the Control Panel app.

从您要更改其显示名称的本地帐户中,启动“控制面板” 。 您可以通过以下方式执行此操作:单击“开始”按钮或按Windows键,在“开始”菜单的搜索框中键入“控制面板”,然后单击“控制面板”应用程序。

Next, click “User accounts.”


Click “User accounts” one more time.


Now, select “Change your account name” to change your display name.


Note: If an organization manages your computer or you don’t have administrator privileges, you won’t be able to change the name of your account.


Enter the new display name into the text field provided and then click the “Change Name” button to save the changes.


That’s it. You can now close the Control Panel window. The name change won’t take effect until you sign out of the account. So, if you have any unsaved work open, make sure you save before you sign out of the account.

而已。 现在,您可以关闭“控制面板”窗口。 除非您退出帐户,否则更改名称不会生效。 因此,如果您还有未保存的工作,请确保在退出帐户之前先进行保存。



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