
Hexadecimal value has 16 alphanumeric values from 0 to 9 and A to F, with the base 16. (Read more about Computer number systems), here we will learn how to work with hexadecimal values in c programming language?


在C编程中十六进制数的表示 (Representation of Hexadecimal numbers in C programming)

In C programming language, a Hexadecimal number is represented by preceding with "0x" or "0X", thus the value in Hexadecimal can be written as "0x64" (which is equivalent to 100 in Decimal).

在C编程语言中,十六进制数以“ 0x”“ 0X ”开头 ,因此十六进制中的值可以写为“ 0x64” (相当于Decimal中的100 )。

在变量中分配十六进制数 (Assigning the Hexadecimal number in a variable)

There is no special type of data type to store Hexadecimal values in C programming, Hexadecimal number is an integer value and you can store it in the integral type of data types (char, short or int).

在C编程中,没有特殊的数据类型来存储十六进制值,十六进制数是整数值 ,您可以将其存储在数据类型的整数类型( char , short或int )中。

Let suppose, we have two values in Hexadecimal "64" (100 in Decimal) and "FAFA" (64250 in Decimal).

假设,我们在十六进制“ 64” (十进制为100)和“ FAFA” (十进制64250 )中具有两个值。

We are storing "64" in an unsigned char variable (64 is small value and can be stored with in a Byte) and "FAFA" in the int variable.

我们将“ 64”存储在一个无符号的char变量中(64是一个很小的值,可以用一个字节存储),而“ FAFA”存储在int变量中。

Consider the following statements


unsigned char a=0x64;
unsigned char b=0xFAFA;

以十六进制格式打印数字 (Printing the number in Hexadecimal format)

To print integer number in Hexadecimal format, "%x" or "%X" is used as format specifier in printf() statement.


"%x" prints the value in Hexadecimal format with alphabets in lowercase (a-f).


"%X" prints the value in Hexadecimal format with alphabets in uppercase (A-F).


Consider the code, which is printing the values of a and b using both formats


int main()
{unsigned char a=0x64;
int b=0xFAFA;
printf("value of a: %X [%x]\n",a,a);
printf("value of b: %X [%x]\n",b,b);
return 0;



    value of a: 64 [64]
value of b: FAFA [fafa]

以十六进制格式读取值 (Reading value in Hexadecimal format)

"%x" or "%X" is used with scanf() statement to read the value from the user.


Consider the following code


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{unsigned char a;
int b;
printf("Enter value of a: ");
printf("Enter value of b: ");
printf("Value of a: Hex: %X, Decimal: %d\n",a,a);
printf("Value of b: Hex: %X, Decimal: %d\n",b,b);
return 0;



    Enter value of a: 64
Enter value of b: FAFA
Value of a: Hex: 64, Decimal: 100
Value of b: Hex: FAFA, Decimal: 64250

通过分配十六进制值来声明整数数组 (Declaring integer array by assigning hexadecimal values)

Consider the following example, where integer array is declaring with the Hexadecimal values and printing in both formats Decimal and Hexadecimal.


#include <stdio.h>
int main()
{int arr[]={0x64, 0xAB0, 0xA0A0, 0xFAFA, 0x100};
int i;
printf("Array elements are\n");
printf("Decimal: %d, Hex: %X\n",arr[i],arr[i]);
return 0;



    Array elements are
Decimal: 100, Hex: 64
Decimal: 2736, Hex: AB0
Decimal: 41120, Hex: A0A0
Decimal: 64250, Hex: FAFA
Decimal: 256, Hex: 100

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翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/c/working-with-hexadecimal-values-in-c-programming-language.aspx



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