Mame DEBUG调试命令详细指令速查大全

General Debugger Commands

do – evaluates the given expression

symlist – lists registered symbols

softreset – executes a soft reset

hardreset – executes a hard reset

print – prints one or more s to the console

printf – prints one or more s to the console using

logerror – outputs one or more s to the error.log

tracelog – outputs one or more s to the trace file using

tracesym – outputs one or more s to the trace file

history – outputs a brief history of visited opcodes (to fix: help missing for this command)

trackpc – visually track visited opcodes [boolean to turn on and off, for the given CPU, clear]

trackmem – record which PC writes to each memory address [boolean to turn on and off, clear]

pcatmem – query which PC wrote to a given memory address for the current CPU

rewind – go back in time by loading the most recent rewind state

statesave – save a state file for the current driver

stateload – load a state file for the current driver

snap – save a screen snapshot.

source – reads commands from and executes them one by one

quit – exits MAME and the debugger


symlist []



print [,…]

printf [,[,…]]

logerror [,[,…]]

tracelog [,[,…]]

tracesym [,…]

trackpc [,,]

trackmem [,,]






snap [[], ]



Memory Debugger Commands

dasm – disassemble to the given file

find – search program memory, data memory, or I/O memory for data

dump – dump program memory, data memory, or I/O memory as text

save – save binary program, data, or I/O memory to the given file

load – load binary program memory, data memory, or I/O memory from the given file

map – map logical program, data, or I/O address to physical address and bank

dasm ,




dump[{d|i}] ,


save[{d|i}] ,


load[{d|i}] ,



Breakpoint Debugger Commands

bpset – sets breakpoint at

bpclear – clears a given breakpoint or all if no specified

bpdisable – disables a given breakpoint or all if no specified

bpenable – enables a given breakpoint or all if no specified

bplist – lists all the breakpoints



bp 45678,a0==100,{a0 = ff; g}

bp 3456,1,{printf “A0=%08X\n”,a0; g}

temp0 = 0; bp 567890,++temp0 >= 10

Watchpoint Debugger Commands

wpset – sets program, data, or I/O space watchpoint

wpclear – clears a given watchpoint or all if no specified

wpdisable – disables a given watchpoint or all if no specified

wpenable – enables a given watchpoint or all if no specified

wplist – lists all the watchpoints



wp 23456,a,w,wpdata == 1

Registerpoints Debugger Commands

rpset – sets a registerpoint to trigger on

rpclear – clears a given registerpoint or all if no specified

rpdisable – disabled a given registerpoint or all if no specified

rpenable – enables a given registerpoint or all if no specified

rplist – lists all the registerpoints

rp[set] {}[,]]

rp {PC==0150},{temp0++; g}

Execution Debugger Commands

step – single steps for instructions (F11)

over – single steps over instructions (F10)

out – single steps until the current subroutine/exception handler is exited (Shift-F11)

go – resumes execution, sets temp breakpoint at


gint – resumes execution, setting temp breakpoint if is taken (F7)

gtime – resumes execution until the given delay has elapsed

gvblank – resumes execution, setting temp breakpoint on the next VBLANK (F8)

next – executes until the next CPU switch (F6)

focus – focuses debugger only on

ignore – stops debugging on

observe – resumes debugging on

trace – trace the given CPU to a file (defaults to active CPU)

traceover – trace the given CPU to a file, but skip subroutines (defaults to active CPU)

traceflush – flushes all open trace files.

s[tep] [=1]

o[ver] [=1]


g[o] [



gi[nt] []




ignore [[,[,…]]]

observe [[,[,…]]]

trace {|OFF}[,[,[noloop|logerror][,]]]

traceover {|OFF}[,[,[,]]]


Debugger Expressions Guide


Numbers are prefixed according to their bases:

Hexadecimal (base-16) numbers are prefixed with $ or 0x.

Decimal (base-10) numbers are prefixed with #.

Octal (base-8) numbers are prefixed with 0o.

Binary (base-2) numbers are prefixed with 0b.

Unprefixed numbers are hexadecimal (base-16).

( ) : standard parentheses

++ – : postfix increment/decrement

++ – ~ ! - + b@ w@ d@ q@ : prefix inc/dec, binary NOT, logical NOT, unary +/-, memory access

* / % : multiply, divide, modulus

+ - : add, subtract

<< >> : shift left/right

< <= > >= : less than, less than or equal, greater than, greater than or equal

== != : equal, not equal

& : binary AND

^ : binary XOR

| : binary OR

&& : logical AND

|| : logical OR

= *= /= %= += -= <<= >>= &= |= ^= : assignment

, : separate terms, function parameters

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