
AI 求职为大家精选人工智能领域最新鲜的招聘信息,助你先人一步投递,快人一步入职!

University of Copenhagen

The Machine Learning Section of the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) is offering five fully-funded PhD Fellowships in Machine Learning and Information Retrieval, commencing 1 January 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The fellows will conduct research, having as starting point the following broad research areas:

1. a fully-funded PhD in machine learning evaluation;

2. a fully-funded PhD in bias and interpretability for machine learning;

3. a fully-funded PhD in overparameterization and generalizability in deep neural architectures;

4. a fully-funded PhD in applied machine learning and/or information retrieval with focus on human-centered computing aspects;

5. a fully-funded PhD in web & information retrieval.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for candidates with a MSc degree in a subject relevant for the research area. The successful candidate is expected to have strong grades in Machine Learning and/or Information Retrieval. For one of the PhDs, the candidate is expected to also have strong grades in Human-Centered Computing. The candidate should have a preliminary research record as witnessed by a master thesis or publications in the area.

Principal supervisor is Professor Christina Lioma, c.lioma@di.ku.dk, +4521554731 or Associate Professor Tuukka Ruotsalo, tr@di.ku.dk.

Terms of employment

Employment as PhD fellow is full time and for maximum 3 years.

Employment is conditional upon your successful enrolment as a PhD student at the PhD School at the Faculty of SCIENCE, University of Copenhagen. This requires submission and acceptance of an application for the specific project formulated by the applicant.

The terms of employment and salary are in accordance to the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State (AC). The position is covered by the Protocol on Job Structure.

Salary range starts at DKK 27,788.69 per month incl. PhD supplement (1 April 2021 level).


1. A minimum grade point average of 80% or equivalent;

2. Relevant publications are desirable, but not necessary;

3. Relevant work experience is desirable, but not necessary;

4. Curious mind-set with a strong interest in Machine Learning and/or Information Retrieval and/or a combination of these with Human-Centered Computing;

5. Proficiency in the English language.

Application and Assessment Procedure

Your application including all attachments must be in English and submitted electronically online:


Please include: 

1. Motivated letter of application (max. one page) for applying for the specific PhD project.

2. Curriculum vitae including information about your education, experience, language skills and other skills relevant for the position.

3. Original diplomas for Bachelor of Science or Master of Science and transcript of records in the original language, including an authorized English translation if issued in another language than English or Danish. If not completed, a certified/signed copy of a recent transcript of records or a written statement from the institution or supervisor is accepted.

4. Publication list (if possible). Reference letters (if available).

Application deadline: 

The deadline for applications is 15 August 2021, 23:59 GMT +2.




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