
chianNode<T> **bottom, **top
bottom = new chainNode<T>* [range+1];
top = new chainNode<T>* [range+1];

这里的bottom保存的数据类型为chainNode* 的指针类型,指向指针的bottom便实现了间接寻址。




template<class T>class indirectList : public linearList<T>
{public:// 定义构造函数,复制构造函数和析构函数indirectList(int maxSize = 10);indirectList(const indirectList<T>&);~indirectList();//抽象类linearList定义的方法bool empty() const { return listSize == 0; }int size() const { return listSize; }T& get(int theIndex) const;int indexof(const T& theElement) const;void erase(int theIndex);void insert(int theIndex, const T& theElement);void output(ostream& out) const;private:int listSize;int maxSize;T** elements;};template<class T>// 构造函数
indirectList<T> :: indirectList(int maxSize)
{this.maxSize = maxSize;listSize = 0;elements = new T*[maxSize];
}template<class T>
indirectList<T> :: indirectList(const indirectList& theList)
{listSize = theList.listSize;maxSize = theList.maxSize;elements = new T*[maxSize];T** temp = theList.elements;for(int i = 0; i<listSize; i++){*elements[i] = *temp[i];}
}template<class T>// 析构函数
indirectList<T> :: ~indirectList()
{for(int i = 0; i < listSize; i++){delete elements[i];}delete [] elements;
}template<class T>
T& indirectList<T> :: get(int theindex) const
{if(theindex > listSize || theindex < 1)throw "the index is out of range.";return *elements[theindex-1];
}template<class T>
int indirectList<T> :: indexof(const T& theElement) const
{for(int i = 0; i < listSize; i++){if(*elements[i] == theElement)return i+1;}return -1;
}template<class T>
void indirectList<T> :: erase(int theindex)
{if(theindex > listSize || theindex < 1)throw "the index is out of range.";for(int i = theindex - 1; i< listSize - 1; i++){elements[i] = elements[i+1];}listSize--;
template<class T>
void indirectList<T> :: insert(int theindex, const T& theElement)
{if(theindex > listSize || theindex < 1)throw "the index is out of range.";if(listSize == maxSize){T** temp = new T*[maxSize*2];copy(elements, elements+maxSize, temp);// STL copy函数for(int i = 0; i<maxSize; i++)delete elements[i];delete [] elements;elements = temp;maxSize = maxSize*2;}for(int i = theindex - 1; i > theindex - 1; i--){elements[i+1] = elements[i];}elements[theindex-1] = new T;*elements[theindex-1] = theElement;
}template<class T>
void indirectList<T> :: output(ostream& out) const
{for(int i = 0; i < listSize; i++){out << *elements[i] << " ";}


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