
1.According to the processing depth,scientific literature…

  1. primary literature (一级文献)
  2. secondary literature (二级文献)
  3. tertiary literature (三级文献)

2.The most fundamental purposes of using hedging(模糊) language are:

  1. to minimize the possibility of another scholar opposing the claims 减少可能其他作者的反对。。。
  2. to enable the result to be reported more precisely 更加精确
  3. to enable a politeness strategy礼貌策略
  4. to conform to an accepted practice惯例

3.The purpose of a scientific journal (科学期刊)

  1. give researchers a venue to impart their knowledge to one another 传播知识影响
  2. make contributions to enriching the knowledge of all science. (对人类知识做贡献)

4.types of journal articles(科学期刊的种类)

  1. original research article (原创研究文章)
  2. review article (文章综述)
  3. perspective ,opinion or commentary article (观念评论文章)
  4. Book review(书评)

5.Standards of scholar monograph(专著的一些判定)

  1. author has advanced degree(高学位)
  2. The book is published by university press…(大学出版)
  3. The book includes a bibliography at the end citing of the sources … (参考文献)

6.Types of academic confereces(学术会议类型)

  1. conference(会议)
  2. forum(论坛)
  3. lecture(讲座)
  4. panel(专家咨询组)
  5. seminal(研讨会)
  6. symposium(专题讨论会)
  7. workshop(专题讨论会)

7.technical reports(技术报告)usually

  1. report edge-cutting technologies(报道尖端技术)

  2. tend to be confidential(保密性)

  3. be found through their serial number(被找到通过序列号/编号)

8.Four series of technical report in America

  1. AD reports
  2. PB reports
  3. NASA reports
  4. DOE reports

9.Science news is

  1. explicit(明确的)
  2. precise(精确的)
  3. tires not to include jargon(尽量不包含术语)

10.type of science news

  1. science news stories(科学新闻报道)

  2. science newsletters(科学通讯)

  3. science feature stories(专题报道)

  4. science news commmentaries(科学新闻评论)

11.Type of patents(专利的分类)

  1. inventions(发明专利)
  2. utility models(用途性专利)
  3. designs(设计性专利)


  1. 个人作品—> 人死后50-100年
  2. 合作作品(joint work) --> 最后一个人死后70年
  3. 隐姓埋名(hire) --> min{发表后95,创作后120}

13.Product specifications Features(产品规格书)

  1. Genuine(真实性)
  2. Scientific(科学性)
  3. Logical(逻辑性)
  4. Practical(实用性)

14.Product specifications Type

  1. industial product specification(工业)
  2. agricultural …(农业)
  3. financial… (经济)
  4. insurance… (保险)

15.The Government publications type

  1. administrative
  2. scientific

16.international goverment publications(IGP)

  1. UN publications(联合国)
  2. OECD …(organization for Economic Cooperation and Develoment

17.American goverment publications …

  1. GPO (goverment publishing office) publications
  2. GPO monthly catalog
  3. NTIS publications

18.In terms of applicable scope,standards can be grouped into …

  1. international standards(国际)
  2. regional standards(地区)
  3. national standards(国家)
  4. professional standards(专业)
  5. institutional standards(机构)

19.In terms of content,standards can bu grouped into …

  1. Basic standards(基本准则)
  2. Manufacturing standards(制造准则)
  3. Srandard of methods(准则方法)

20.Type of title

  1. Declarative titles(声明式标题)
  2. Descriptive titles(描述式标题)
  3. Interrogative titles(疑问标题)
  4. compoud titles (复合式标题)


  1. 名字右上角有同一个“a”或"b",说明两者同属于一个机构“a”或者"b"
  2. 第一作者右上角有一个"*"

22.An abstract usually consists of five parts:

  1. background
  2. problem
  3. method
  4. result
  5. conclusion

23.Four common types of abstract

  1. informative abstracts
  2. indicative …(指示)
  3. structured … (结构)
  4. graphical …

24.introduction consist of four moves

  1. Establishing a territory(建立一个领土)background
  2. reviewing previous …
  3. Establishing a niche (建立一个市场定位)gap
  4. occupying the niche (占领)

25.methods including

  1. materials(材料)
  2. instruments(仪器)
  3. subject(课题)
  4. procedures(程序)
  5. data collection
  6. data analysis

26.Type of research Based on purpose

  1. basic research
  2. applied research

27.Type of research Based on original

  1. primary …
  2. secondary …

28.require ethical approval

  1. living human
  2. human remain
  3. gathing information about hunman being
  4. secondary use of data

29.result features

  1. object
  2. logical
  3. concise
  4. Using non-verbal langudge
  5. Using mixed tenses

30.result moves

  1. provid preratory information
  2. Describing the data
  3. Reporting the result

31.diccussion feature

  1. specific -> general
  2. same point of view introduction
  3. fact as well as opinion or comments

32.reading discussion move

  1. reviewing the presenet study(回顾)
  2. consolidating the result(巩固)
  3. stating limitations and possible… (提出。。。)

33.conclusion contains

  1. restatement …
  2. summary …
  3. discussion …(讨论意义)
  4. presentation … (展示未来前景)

34.type of conclusion

  1. thesis-oriented conlcusion(面向论文)
  2. Field- oriented …(面向领域)

35.acknowledge feature

  1. polite
  2. brief
  3. specific

36.reference style

  1. APA style
  2. MLA style
  3. IEEE style


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