
给定一个长度为 n n的序列aa和 m m个操作,每个操作将[L,R][L,R]的元素加上 d d。
每次操作完后询问序列aa中最长的连续子序列满足 al<al+1<...<ax>...>ar−1>ar a_l...>a_{r-1}>a_r的长度是多少。

Data Constraint
n,m≤3×105 n,m\leq3\times10^5



时间复杂度: O(mlogn) O(mlogn)


using namespace std ;#define N 300000 + 10
typedef long long ll ;
struct Note {int Pre , Las , lans , rans , ans , len ;
} T[4*N] ;ll a[N] , b[N] ;
int n , m ;Note Merge( Note a , Note b ) {Note ret ;ret.len = a.len + b.len ;ret.Pre = a.Pre ;if ( a.Pre == a.len ) ret.Pre += b.Pre ;ret.Las = b.Las ;if ( b.Las == b.len ) ret.Las += a.Las ;ret.lans = a.lans ;if ( a.lans == a.len ) {if ( a.Las == a.len ) ret.lans += max( b.lans , b.Pre ) ;else ret.lans += b.Pre ;}ret.rans = b.rans ;if ( b.rans == b.len ) {if ( b.Pre == b.len ) ret.rans += max( a.rans , a.Las ) ;else ret.rans += a.Las ;}ret.ans = max( a.ans , b.ans ) ;ret.ans = max( ret.ans , max( ret.lans , ret.rans ) ) ;ret.ans = max( ret.ans , max( a.rans + ( a.Las ? max( b.lans , b.Pre ) : b.Pre ) , b.lans + ( b.Pre ? max( a.rans , a.Las ) : a.Las ) ) ) ;return ret ;
}void Update( int v ) {int ls = v + v , rs = v + v + 1 ;T[v] = Merge( T[ls] , T[rs] ) ;return ;
}void Build( int v , int l , int r ) {if ( l == r ) {if ( b[l] < 0 ) T[v].Pre = 1 ;else if ( b[l] > 0 ) T[v].Las = 1 ;if ( b[l] != 0 ) T[v].lans = T[v].rans = T[v].ans = 1 ;T[v].len = 1 ;return ;}int mid = (l + r) / 2 ;Build( v + v , l , mid ) ;Build( v + v + 1 , mid + 1 , r ) ;Update( v ) ;
}void Modify( int v , int l , int r , int x , int del ) {if ( l == x && r == x ) {b[x] += del ;T[v].Pre = T[v].Las = T[v].lans = T[v].rans = T[v].ans = 0 ;if ( b[l] < 0 ) T[v].Pre = 1 ;else if ( b[l] > 0 ) T[v].Las = 1 ;if ( b[l] != 0 ) T[v].lans = T[v].rans = T[v].ans = 1 ;return ;}int mid = (l + r) / 2 ;if ( x <= mid ) Modify( v + v , l , mid , x , del ) ;else Modify( v + v + 1 , mid + 1 , r , x , del ) ;Update( v ) ;
}int main() {scanf( "%d" , &n ) ;for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ ) cin >> a[i] ;a[0] = a[1] ;for (int i = 1 ; i <= n ; i ++ ) b[i] = a[i] - a[i-1] ;Build( 1 , 1 , n ) ;scanf( "%d" , &m ) ;for (int i = 1 ; i <= m ; i ++ ) {int l , r , del ;scanf( "%d%d%d" , &l , &r , &del ) ;if ( l > 1 ) Modify( 1 , 1 , n , l , del ) ;if ( r < n ) Modify( 1 , 1 , n , r + 1 , -del ) ;printf( "%d\n" , T[1].ans + 1 ) ;}return 0 ;


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