坐标转换 计算机图形学

什么是转型? (What is Transformation?)

Transformation refers to the mathematical operations or rules that are applied on a graphical image consisting of the number of lines, circles, and ellipses to change its size, shape, or orientation. It can also reposition the image on the screen.

转换是指应用于图形图像的数学运算或规则,这些图形由线,圆和椭圆的数量组成,以更改其大小,形状或方向。 它还可以将图像重新放置在屏幕上。

Transformations play a very crucial role in computer graphics.


转换类型 (Types of Transformations)

There are various types of transformations in computer graphics through which an image can be processed, edited ad altered. Some basic and most commonly used types of these transformations are:

计算机图形学中有各种类型的转换,可以通过这些转换来处理图像,编辑和更改图像。 这些转换的一些基本且最常用的类型是:

  1. Translation


  2. Rotation


  3. Scaling


  4. Reflection


  5. Shearing


翻译 (Translation)

Translation refers to a technique in which a point is shift from one place to another, whose distance is known.


Consider a point A(x1, y1) be shifted to another point B (x2, y2). Now we only know the shifting distance tx along x-axis and ty along y-axis.

考虑将点A(x 1 ,y 1 )移到另一个点B(x 2 ,y 2 )。 现在我们只知道沿x轴和叔ÿ沿y轴的换档距离t X。

Now, the new coordinates (x2, y2) can be calculated as:

现在,新的坐标(x 2 ,y 2 )可以计算为:

x2 = x1 + tx

x 2 = x 1 + t x

y2 = y1 + ty

y 2 = y 1 + t y

For example:


Suppose we want to shift a point with coordinates at A(30,100) and distance along x-axis is 10 units and 20 units along y-axis.


Using translation:


Here tx = 10 ;

这里t x = 10;

and ty = 20

y = 20

New coordinates A (x2, y2):

新坐标A ' (x 2 ,y 2 ):

x2 = 30 + 10 = 130

x 2 = 30 + 10 = 130

y2 = 100 + 20 = 120

y 2 = 100 + 20 = 120

The point will be shifted to A (130, 120 ).

该点将移至A ' (130,120)。

回转 (Rotation)

Rotation refers to mathematical operation in which the graphical object is rotated about an angle (θ) to the axis.


Rotation is of two types: anti-clockwise and clockwise rotation.


Suppose we want to rotate a point with coordinates A (x1, y1) clockwise through an angle θ about the origin

假设我们要绕着原点将坐标A(x 1 ,y 1 )的点顺时针旋转角度θ

Then the new coordinates A (x2, y2):

然后,新坐标A ' (x 2 ,y 2 ):

x2 = x1 cosθ + y1 sinθ

×2 = X 1 +COSθY 1SINθ

y2 = x1 sinθ - y1 cosθ

Y 2 = X 1SINθ - Y 1个 COSθ

缩放比例 (Scaling)

Scaling refers to a mathematical rule applied to change the size of the image.


If the value of scaling factors is negative, the size is decreased and when the value is positive, the size of the image is increased.


Suppose the point with coordinates A (x1, y1) is to be scaled by a factor sx along the x-axis and sy along the y-axis.

假设坐标为A(x 1, y 1 )的沿x轴缩放系数s x,沿y轴缩放y。

Hence the new coordinates after scaling will be:


x2 = x1 x sx

x 2 = x 1 xs x

y2 = y1 x sy

y 2 = y 1 xs y

Translation, rotation and scaling are termed as basic translations.


其他转变 (Other Transformations)

The other two transformation techniques are as follows,


反射 (Reflection)

Reflection refers to the mirror image of the original graphical object. It is an 180o rotation operation.

反射是指原始图形对象的镜像。 这是一个180 o的旋转操作。

Reflection can be done about following ways:


  • x-axis


  • y-axis


  • the origin and


  • A plane perpendicular to the origin


剪力 (Shearing)

Shearing is a transformation in which the shape of the object is slanted about the axis.


In y-shearing:


The new-coordinates will be:


x' = x

X' = x

y' = y + sy x

' = y + s y x

In x-shearing:


The new-coordinates will be:


x' = x + sx y

x ' = x + s x y

y' = y

y'= y

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/computer-graphics/types-of-transformations.aspx

坐标转换 计算机图形学

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