
In JavaScript, the Object data type is used to store key value pairs, and like the Array data type, contain many useful methods. These are some useful methods you'll use while working with objects.

在JavaScript中, Object数据类型用于存储键值对,并且与Array数据类型一样,包含许多有用的方法。 这些是在处理对象时将使用的一些有用方法。

对象分配方法 (Object Assign Method)

The Object.assign() method is used to


  1. add properties and values to an existing object向现有对象添加属性和值
  2. make a new copy of an existing object, or 制作现有对象的新副本,或
  3. combine multiple existing objects into a single object. 将多个现有对象合并为一个对象。

The Object.assign() method requires one targetObject as a parameter and can accept an unlimited number of sourceObjects as additional parameters.


It's important to note here is that the targetObject parameter will always be modified. If that parameter points to an existing object, then that object will be both modified and copied.

这里要注意的重要一点是,始终会修改targetObject参数。 如果该参数指向现有对象,则将修改和复制该对象。

If, you wish to create a copy of an object without modifying that original object, you can pass an empty object {} as the first (targetObject) parameter and the object to be copied as the second (sourceObject) parameter.

如果要创建对象的副本而不修改原始对象,则可以将空对象{}作为第一个( targetObject )参数传递,将要复制的对象作为第二个( sourceObject )参数传递。

If objects passed as parameters into Object.assign() share the same properties (or keys), property values that come later in the parameters list will overwrite those which came earlier.




Object.assign(targetObject, ...sourceObject);

Return Value


Object.assign() returns the targetObject.


例子 (Examples)

Modifying and copying targetObject:


let obj = {name: 'Dave', age: 30};let objCopy = Object.assign(obj, {coder: true});console.log(obj); // { name: 'Dave', age: 30, coder: true }
console.log(objCopy); // { name: 'Dave', age: 30, coder: true }

Copying targetObject without modification:


let obj = {name: 'Dave', age: 30};let objCopy = Object.assign({}, obj, {coder: true});console.log(obj); // { name: 'Dave', age: 30 }
console.log(objCopy); // { name: 'Dave', age: 30, coder: true }

Objects with the same properties:


let obj = {name: 'Dave', age: 30, favoriteColor: 'blue'};let objCopy = Object.assign({}, obj, {coder: true, favoriteColor: 'red'});console.log(obj); // { name: 'Dave', age: 30, favoriteColor: 'blue' }
console.log(objCopy); // { name: 'Dave', age: 30, favoriteColor: 'red', coder: true }

对象值方法 (Object Values Method)

The Object.values() method takes an object as a parameter and returns an array of its values. This makes it useful for chaining with common Array methods like .map(), .forEach(), and .reduce().

Object.values()方法将一个对象作为参数并返回其值的数组。 这使得用于与共同链接有用Array的方法,如.map() .forEach().reduce()




Return value


An array of the passed object's (targetObject) values.

传递的对象( targetObject )值的数组。

例子 (Examples)

const obj = { firstName: 'Quincy',lastName: 'Larson'
}const values = Object.values(obj);console.log(values); // ["Quincy", "Larson"]

If the object you're passing has numbers as keys, then Object.value() will return the values according to the numerical order of the keys:


const obj1 = { 0: 'first', 1: 'second', 2: 'third' };
const obj2 = { 100: 'apple', 12: 'banana', 29: 'pear' };console.log(Object.values(obj1)); // ["first", "second", "third"]
console.log(Object.values(obj2)); // ["banana", "pear", "apple"]

If something other than an object is passed to Object.values(), it will be coerced into an object before being returned as an array:

如果将除对象以外的其他内容传递给Object.values() ,则在将其作为数组返回之前,将其强制转换为对象:

const str = 'hello';console.log(Object.values(str)); // ["h", "e", "l", "l", "o"]

对象hasOwnProperty方法 (Object hasOwnProperty Method)

The Object.hasOwnProperty() method returns a boolean indicating if the object owns the specified property.


This is a convenient method to check if an object has the specified property or not since it returns true/false accordingly.

这是一种检查对象是否具有指定属性的便捷方法,因为它会相应地返回true / false。





Return value


// or

例子 (Examples)

Using Object.hasOwnProperty() to test if a property exist or not in a given object:


const course = {name: 'freeCodeCamp',feature: 'is awesome',
}const student = {name: 'enthusiastic student',
}course.hasOwnProperty('name');  // returns true
course.hasOwnProperty('feature');   // returns truestudent.hasOwnProperty('name');  // returns true
student.hasOwnProperty('feature'); // returns false

Object getOwnPropertyNames方法 (Object getOwnPropertyNames Method)

The Object.getOwnPropertyNames() method takes an object as a parameter and returns and array of all its properties.





Return value


An array of strings of the passed object's properties.


例子 (Examples)

const obj = { firstName: 'Quincy', lastName: 'Larson' }console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj)); // ["firstName", "lastName"]

If something other than an object is passed to Object.getOwnPropertyNames(), it will be coerced into an object before being returned as an array:

如果将对象以外的东西传递给Object.getOwnPropertyNames() ,则在将其作为数组返回之前,将其强制转换为对象:

const arr = ['1', '2', '3'];console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(arr)); // ["0", "1", "2", "length"]

然后承诺原型 (Promise.prototype.then)

A Promise.prototype.then function accepts two arguments and returns a Promise.


The first argument is a required function that accepts one argument. Successful fulfillment of a Promise will trigger this function.

第一个参数是接受一个参数的必需函数。 成功履行承诺将触发此功能。

The second argument is an optional function that also accepts one argument of its own. A thrown Error or Rejection of a Promise will trigger this function.

第二个参数是一个可选函数,它也接受自己的一个参数。 抛出错误或拒绝承诺将触发此功能。

function onResolved (resolvedValue) {/** access to resolved values of promise*/}function onRejected(rejectedReason) {/** access to rejection reasons of promise*/}promiseReturningFunction(paramList).then( // then functiononResolved,[onRejected]);

Promise.prototype.then allows you to perform many asynchronous activities in sequence. You do this by attaching one then function to another separated by a dot operator.

Promise.prototype.then允许您Promise.prototype.then执行许多异步活动。 通过将一个then函数附加到另一个由点运算符分隔的函数中,可以做到这一点。

promiseReturningFunction(paramList).then( // first then functionfunction(arg1) {// ...return someValue;})....then( // nth then functionfunction(arg2) {// ...return otherValue;})

Map.prototype.entries (Map.prototype.entries)

Returns a new Iterator object that contains the [key, value] pairs for each element in the Map object in insertion order.

返回一个新的Iterator对象,该对象包含按插入顺序的Map对象中每个元素的[key, value]对。

句法 (Syntax)



const myMap = new Map();
myMap.set('baz',3);var iterator = myMap.entries();console.log(; // ['foo', 1]
console.log(; // ['bar', 2]
console.log(; // ['baz', 3]

有关JavaScript中对象的更多信息: (More info on objects in JavaScript:)

  • How to create objects in JavaScript


  • How to loop through objects in JavaScript


有关布尔值的更多信息: (More info about booleans:)

  • Booleans in JavaScript





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