
by JS


(不太完全)100天的代码-验尸 ((Not quite) 100 Days of Code — A Postmortem)

At the end of last year, I wrote about my experience coding and making daily commits to GitHub for 30 consecutive days. I also pledged to keep the streak going for as long as I could. I am happy to report that I made it through 90 straight days! It was an incredible experience, and I learned a ton.

去年年底,我写了自己的经验编码,并连续30天每天对GitHub进行提交。 我也保证会继续保持连胜纪录。 我很高兴地报告我已经连续90天做到了! 这是一次令人难以置信的经历,我学到了很多东西。

The following is an overview of the projects I completed and some lessons I learned along the way. I hope it motivates some of you to make your own daily commitment to code.

以下是我完成的项目的概述,以及我在此过程中学到的一些经验教训。 我希望它能激励你们中的一些人对代码做出自己的日常承诺。

完成freeCodeCamp的前端认证 (Completed freeCodeCamp’s Front-End Certification)

I had worked on the more basic freeCodeCamp material ages ago. I still had to complete eight intermediate and advanced front-end projects and a series of small coding challenges before I could claim my certification.

很久以前,我就已经开发了更基本的freeCodeCamp材料。 在获得认证之前,我仍然必须完成八个中级和高级前端项目以及一系列小的编码挑战。

The projects covered a wide variety of topics and proved quite challenging at times. I used an API to display the local weather, and for another I built a working clone of the children’s game Simon. The combination of good resources and the patience of some more experienced friends helped me finish them to earn my certification.

这些项目涵盖了广泛的主题,有时证明非常具有挑战性。 我使用API​​来显示当地天气,另外我还建立了儿童游戏Simon的有效克隆。 良好的资源和一些更有经验的朋友的耐心相结合,帮助我完成了他们的认证工作。

These projects taught me how to organize and write clean code. I honed my JavaScript skills and learned how the language differs from other more classically object-oriented languages such as Ruby and Python.

这些项目教会了我如何组织和编写简洁的代码。 我磨练了我JavaScript技能,并了解了该语言与其他更经典的面向对象的语言(如Ruby和Python)的区别。

A few weeks after I earned my certification, I went back and refactored some of the initial projects. I applied the DRY principle and included some functional programming concepts I had subsequently learned. It was great fun trying to eliminate all of the for loops in my code.

在获得认证的几周后,我回去重构了一些最初的项目。 我应用了DRY原理,并包含了后来学到的一些函数式编程概念。 尝试消除代码中的所有for循环非常有趣。

写了一篇关于学习JavaScript的广泛共享的文章(无论如何对我来说) (Wrote a widely-shared (for me, anyway) article about learning JavaScript)

After finishing my first blog, which freeCodeCamp was kind enough to publish on its Medium page, I had the itch to write something else.


Because it can be so hard to figure out which learning resources are actually worthwhile, I decided to put together a study plan for beginners looking to learn JavaScript based on what I had found useful. The article was again published by freeCodeCamp and currently has over 15 thousand views and 700 recommends.

因为很难弄清楚哪些学习资源真正值得,所以我决定为希望根据我发现有用的知识学习JavaScript的初学者制定一项学习计划 。 该文章再次由freeCodeCamp发布,目前有超过15,000次浏览和700条推荐。

Not exactly ‘viral,’ sure, but for someone who had never done any public writing as recently as six months ago, it was exhilarating to see my article resonate with a bunch of people.


学过的React (Learned React)

In addition to completing the freeCodeCamp Front-End Certification, I also began learning React. Thanks to a few great tutorials (shout out to the excellent Wes Bos course, React for Beginners), I was able to finish a few React projects. These included a live-searchable recipe repository. I also became comfortable using the create-react-app CLI tool to scaffold React applications.

除了完成freeCodeCamp前端认证之外,我还开始学习React。 多亏了一些很棒的教程(向优秀的Wes Bos课程大喊“ React for Beginners” ),我才得以完成一些React项目。 其中包括一个可实时搜索的配方存储库。 我也对使用create-react-app CLI工具来搭建React应用程序感到满意。

在第91天打破了我的连胜纪录 (Broke my streak on Day 91)

With progress so great, why did I stop? The path I paved for myself had slowed down. I felt intimidated by some of the upcoming projects on freeCodeCamp, so I shifted my efforts to learning D3.js, a data-visualization library. At the time, it proved to be a bit too impenetrable for me despite multiple attempts to grasp it.

进步如此之大,我为什么停下来? 我为自己铺的路已经放慢了。 我对即将在freeCodeCamp上进行的一些项目感到害怕,因此我将精力转移到学习数据可视化库D3.js。 当时,尽管我多次尝试掌握它,但对我来说还是有点难以理解。

Also, I didn’t have a compelling personal project to work on, and needed a break from the grind of working full-time and coding at night for multiple hours.


The most important thing I learned about keeping a streak like this going is to always know what to work on tomorrow. When you sit down at your computer, you should already have a clear idea of what you’re going to do. If you make that decision ahead of time, it removes a barrier to getting started.

我了解到保持这样的连胜最重要的一点是, 总是知道明天该做什么 。 当您坐在电脑旁时,您应该已经对要做什么有一个清晰的了解。 如果您提前做出决定,它将消除入门的障碍。

Take a moment before you decide to stop coding for the day and make sure you have something concrete to do tomorrow. I stuck to this plan for the vast majority of my streak and it was a major factor in my success. It was only when I stopped planning ahead that I eventually missed a day.

请花一点时间,然后再决定停止当天的编码,并确保明天有具体的工作要做。 我在大部分时间里都坚持这个计划,这是我取得成功的主要因素。 直到我停止提前计划时,我才最终错过了一天。

完全值得的体验 (A completely worthwhile experience)

At the beginning of my not-quite #100DaysOfCode, I had some familiarity with the Ruby on Rails ecosystem and HTML/CSS with only a few hours of JavaScript under my belt.

刚开始我不很熟练的#100DaysOfCode时,我对Ruby on Rails生态系统和HTML / CSS有所了解,只用了几个小时就掌握了JavaScript。

Three months later, I gained a good, foundational knowledge of JavaScript, learned React, got a bunch of cool projects in my GitHub portfolio, and had two articles published on freeCodeCamp’s Medium page. I am a far better developer today than I was when I started this daily coding experiment a few months ago.

三个月后,我获得了很好JavaScript基础知识,学习了React,并在我的GitHub投资组合中获得了很多很棒的项目,并且在freeCodeCamp的Medium页面上发表了两篇文章。 今天的开发人员要比几个月前开始进行此日常编码实验时要好得多。

下一步 (Next steps)

Having taken a pretty substantial break, I want to continue working on React projects, dip my toes into some backend JavaScript, and learn more about algorithms and data structures. I also hope to keep writing.

经过了相当长的休息之后,我想继续从事React项目,将脚趾浸入一些后端JavaScript,并了解有关算法和数据结构的更多信息。 我也希望继续写作。

If you enjoyed this article and want to continue the discussion, come find me on Twitter.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/not-quite-100-days-of-code-a-postmortem-d27124f023f2/



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