这是介绍电脑的英语ppt下载,主要介绍了A World of Computers;The Components of a Computer;Why Is a Computer So Powerful;Networks and the Internet;Computer Software,欢迎点击下载。

Teacher: bai yanE-mail:baiyan1@blcu.edu.cn Chapter 1: Introduction to Computers Chapter 1 Objectives A World of Computers What Is a Computer? What Is a Computer? The Components of a Computer What is an input device? The Components of a Computer What is an output device? The Components of a Computer The Components of a Computer What are two main components on the motherboard? The Components of a Computer The Components of a Computer What is storage media? The Components of a Computer The Components of a Computer The Components of a Computer What is a flash drive? The Components of a Computer The Components of a Computer Why Is a Computer So Powerful? What makes a computer powerful? Networks and the Internet Networks and the Internet What are the reasons to network? Networks and the Internet Networks and the Internet Networks and the Internet Networks and the Internet Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Computer Software Categories of Computers Computer Software Personal Computers What are the two most popular series of personal computers? Personal Computers Personal Computers Handheld Computers Handheld Computers What are Web-enabled handheld computers? Handheld Computers What is a handheld computer? Handheld Computers Servers What types of servers are there? Elements of an Information System Examples of Computer Usage What are five categories of computer users? Examples of Computer Usage What software is available for a home user? Examples of Computer Usage What software is available for a small office/home office (SOHO) user? Examples of Computer Usage What is available for a mobile user? Examples of Computer Usage Examples of Computer Usage Computer Applications in Society Summary of Introduction to Computers




《电脑住宅》教学课件新[1]PPT:这是一个关于《电脑住宅》教学课件新[1]PPT,主要是自读课文,遇到生字拼读一下括号里的注音,读不通顺的地方反复多读几遍,把课文读通顺、流利。 再读课文,思考:电脑住宅与普通住宅有什么不同?用一句话谈谈你的感受。 欢迎点击下载哦。



  1. 对计算机的认识英语作文,介绍关于电脑的英语作文

    电脑课上浙江省桐乡市乌镇植材小学五(2)何瑶今天星期五,下午我们班有一节电脑课.今天的电脑课上老师对我们说要进行电脑考试,并且说:"考得快的同学可以在电脑上做一些你们喜欢做的事情." ...

  2. 计算机的使用英语作文,关于电脑作用英语作文

    这学期,爸爸把我从湖北带到深圳,到百仕达小学念书.我很快喜欢上了这所美丽的学校.可是也有不顺心的事情,虽然我的语文.数学不错,但是在家里我的英语学得很少,所以来到这儿后,... 这学期,爸爸把我从湖北 ...

  3. 有关计算机活动英语作文,有关电脑的英语作文

    有关电脑的英语作文 相关内容: Today is April 23, is the world reading day, reading is a kind of enjoyment, my mom ...

  4. 你对计算机有什么看法英语作文,关于电脑优点英语作文

    这学期,爸爸把我从湖北带到深圳,到百仕达小学念书.我很快喜欢上了这所美丽的学校.可是也有不顺心的事情,虽然我的语文.数学不错,但是在家里我的英语学得很少,所以来到这儿后,... 这学期,爸爸把我从湖北 ...

  5. 关于计算机设计的英语作文,关于电脑的英语作文

    关于电脑的英语作文 Computer You've probably known about computers your whole life. But computers have not rea ...

  6. 计算机桌面英文翻译,电脑显示器英语怎么说

    有时候想用英语说电脑显示器不懂怎么办?下面是学习啦小编带来电脑显示器英语怎么说的内容,欢迎阅读! 电脑显示器英语的翻译: 英语:computer screen 双语例句: 如果你想要设计一个网站.或其 ...

  7. 购买计算机的作文英语,关于买电脑的英语作文

    电脑课上浙江省桐乡市乌镇植材小学五(2)何瑶今天星期五,下午我们班有一节电脑课.今天的电脑课上老师对我们说要进行电脑考试,并且说:"考得快的同学可以在电脑上做一些你们喜欢做的事情." ...

  8. 对计算机认识的英语作文,关于电脑的英语作文 Computer

    关于电脑的英语作文 Computer 阅读 : 次 Computer has considered to be one of the most important inventions in 20 c ...

  9. 英语情景对话计算机的优缺点,买电脑的英语情景对话

    电脑是一款能够按照程序运行,自动.高速处理海量数据的现代化智能电子设备. 下面小编为大家整理的买电脑的英语情景对话,希望对大家有用! 买电脑的英语情景对话 Vender:There!Here we a ...

  10. 智能计算机 英语作文,关于电脑的英语作文

    电脑课上浙江省桐乡市乌镇植材小学五(2)何瑶今天星期五,下午我们班有一节电脑课.今天的电脑课上老师对我们说要进行电脑考试,并且说:"考得快的同学可以在电脑上做一些你们喜欢做的事情." ...


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