
2、此脚步适用于HP DL系列的服务器,Dell PowerEdge系列的会有少许内容不同,所以在抓取过程会有小小报错。


# Check the server hardware configuration
# History: 2016/04/16 zhuwei First release
############################################################################# set a safe path before doing anything else
PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin; export PATH# This script must be executed as root
RUID=`/usr/bin/id|awk -F\( '{print $1}'|awk -F\='{print $2}'`
# #OR# RUID=`id | cut -d\( -f1 | cut -d\= -f2` #OR#ROOT_UID=0
if [ ${RUID} != "0" ];thenecho"This script must be executed as root"exit 1
fi# Display an error and exit
errorExit() {echo"$@" >&2exit 1
}# Display the normal print
display() {echo -e"\033[32m***********************************************************\
******************************\033[0m"echo -e"\033[32m*\033[0m"$@""echo -e"\033[32m***********************************************************\
}#Check the server model, serial number
model() {dmidecode|grep "System Information" -A9|egrep"Manufacturer|Product|Serial" \| awk 'BEGIN {FS="\n";RS=""} {print $1,$2,$3}' | sed 's/^[\t]//g'
#Query cpu Information
cpu(){dmidecode| grep -A55 "Processor Information" | \egrep "Version:|Core Count:|Thread Count:"|sed -e 's/^[\t]//' \-e'/Version:/i\\' | sed '1d' | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\n";RS=""}{print $1,$2,"\t"$3}'\| sed's/Version://'
#Query memory Information
memory(){dmidecode| grep -A12 "Memory Device"|egrep "Type:|Size|Speed:|Locator:P" \| sed -n -e '/MB/,/MHz/p' | sed '/Size:/i\\' | sed -e '1d' -e 's/^[\t]*//' \| awk'BEGIN {FS="\n";RS=""} {print $2} {print"\t"$3,"\t"$1,"\t"$4}'#sed'/Size:/i\\' | sed -e '1d' -e 's/^[\t]*//' #replaced##awk'BEGIN {FS="\n"}{if(NR%4==1){print "\n"}{print $1}}' | sed's/^[\t]*//'
#Query Network Information
network(){i=0count=`dmidecode | grep -A4 "BIOS NIC"|sed -e '1d' | wc -l`if [ -f "/tmp/speed.txt" ];thenrm -rf /tmp/speed.txtfiwhile [[${i} -lt ${count} ]]doethtool eth"${i}"|grep "Speed:" >> /tmp/speed.txtlet "i++"donedmidecode| grep -A4 "BIOS NIC"|sed -e '1d' -e 's/^[\t]//'| cut -d, -f2 | \awk  'FNR==0 {print "\r\n" FILENAME}{print et NR-1 "\t" $0}' \et="eth" > /tmp/network.txtpaste /tmp/network.txt /tmp/speed.txt
}display "System Information:" && model || errorExit "This command is error!"
display "CPU Information:" && cpu|| errorExit "This command is error!"
display "Memory Information:" && memory || errorExit "This command is error!"
display "Network Information:" && network || errorExit "This command is error!"

4、这里只对服务器厂商,内存,CPU配置和网卡信息,对于硬盘信息可根据不同厂商的管理工具来获取。HP使用hp-health-*rpm,G9版本以上使用hpssacli-*.rpm,安装以后使用:hpacucli ctrl all show config 查看RAID信息。Dell安装Dell OpenManage Server Administrator工具查看,通过命令:omreport storage pdisk controller=0来查看。




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