
英[rɪˈfaɪn] 锐烦嗯 美[rɪˈfaɪn]

vt. 提炼; 改善; 使高雅;



英 [ɪkˈsplɔ:(r)] 一颗四普罗 美 [ɪkˈsplɔr]
勘查, 探测, 勘探;[医]探查(伤处等),探索,研究
探索, 探究, 仔细查看

第三人称单数: explores 现在分词: exploring 过去式: explored 过去分词: explored


英 [dɪstrɪb'ju:ʃnz] 第四锤比有神思 。 美 [dɪstrɪb'ju:ʃnz]
分配( distribution的名词复数 );分类;分发;分配物


英 [kəˈmju:nəti] 可米有题。 美 [kəˈmjunɪti]
社区;共同体;社会团体;[生态] 群落
复数: communities


Welcome!   欢迎

OpenRefine (formerly Google Refine) is a powerful tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data.

OpenRefine is available in English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Russian, Portuguese (Brazil), German, Japanese, Italian, Hungarian, Hebrew, Filipino, Cebuano, Tagalog

OpenRefine is supported by:Google  News Initiative

开放提炼OpenRefine(前身为Google Refine)是用于处理杂乱数据的强大工具:清理数据;将它从一种格式转换为另一种格式;以及用Web服务和外部数据扩展它。



Introduction to OpenRefine


1. Explore Data  探索数据

OpenRefine can help you explore large data sets with ease. You can find out more about this functionality by watching the video below and going through these articles

开放提炼OpenRefine 可以帮助您轻松地探索大数据集。你可以通过观看下面的视频和浏览这些文章来了解更多的功能。

2. Clean and Transform Data 数据清洗与转换

3. Reconcile and Match Data 协调和匹配数据

OpenRefine can be used to link and extend your dataset with various webservices. Some services also allow OpenRefine to upload your cleaned data to a central database, such as Wikidata.. A growing list of extensions and plugins is available on the wiki.


Download 下载

You will find on this page a list of OpenRefine distributions and extensions available for download. Are we missing something? Want to fix a typo? You can submit changes (pull request) from here.

您将在本页上找到OpenRefine 发行版和扩展 可供下载的列表。我们错过什么了吗?想修理排字吗?您可以从这里提交更改(拉请求)。

Official Distribution  官方发行

Read the installation instructions

You can also download all official releases and source from our GITHUB RELEASES PAGE



OpenRefine 3.0

The final release of OpenRefine 3.0. Please BACKUP your workspace directory before installing and report any problems that you encounter.

The final release of 3.0 on Sept 16, 2018. A change log is provided on the release page.

  • Windows kit, Download, unzip, and double-click on openrefine.exe. If you’re having issues with the above, try double-clicking on refine.bat instead.
  • Mac kit, Download, open, drag icon into the Applications folder and double click on it.
  • Linux kit, Download, extract, then type ./refine to start.


最终版本的 开放精炼3.0。请在安装和报告遇到的任何问题之前备份工作区目录。


Windows工具包,下载,解压缩,双击openrefine.exe。如果你有上述问题,尝试双击 refine.bat


Linux工具包,下载,提取,然后键入./refine  启动。


A free, open source, powerful tool for working with messy data


Enhanced with Java profiler



How to contribute

Interested in helping OpenRefine development? Please review our contribution guideline.


有兴趣帮助 OpenRefine  开发吗?请查看我们的捐款指南。

Current & Previous Contributors



  • Lead Developer: Qi Jacky Cui - Github
  • Lead Designer, Tester, Documentation: Thad Guidry - @thadguidry - Github
  • Community Manager, Governance: Martin Magdinier - @magdmartin - GitHub
  • See the list of contributors and Github contributors graph



首席设计师,测试员,文件:Thad Guidry - @塔德吉里-吉特布

社区经理,治理:Martin Magdinier -马格马丁-吉图布


Previous Contributors

This software was created by Metaweb Technologies, Inc. and originally written and conceived by David Huynh. Metaweb Technologies, Inc. was acquired by Google, Inc. in July 2010 and the product was renamed Google Refine. In October 2012, it was renamed OpenRefine as it transitioned to a community-supported product.

这个软件是由Meta Web技术公司创建的,最初是由David Huynh编写和构思的。Meta Web技术公司于2010年7月由谷歌公司收购,该产品更名为谷歌精炼。在2012年10月,它更名为开放精炼,因为它转变为社区支持的产品。



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