
We have seen how to use local scope properties to pass values into a directive as strings ( “@” ) and how to bind to external objects using a two-way data binding ( “=”). In this post, we are going to look at the “&” which is used to call an expression on the parent scope from the isolated scope.

我们已经看到了如何使用局部作用域属性将值作为字符串( “ @” )传递给指令,以及如何使用双向数据绑定( “ =” )绑定到外部对象。 在本文中,我们将研究“&” ,它用于从隔离范围调用父范围的表达式。

AngularJS隔离范围“&”示例 (AngularJS Isolate Scope “&” Example)

The “&” local scope property allows the consumer of a directive to pass in a function and directive can invoke whenever it wants to.
In this section, we are going to explain isolate scope “&” with an example. We will create a myEmployee directive to display an input text field and a button. When the user clicks on the button, it will notify the controller and alert a message using the input value.

在本节中,我们将通过示例解释隔离范围“&”。 我们将创建一个myEmployee指令以显示输入文本字段和一个按钮。 当用户单击按钮时,它将通知控制器并使用输入值警告消息。

The following example demonstrates this usage.




var app = angular.module('mainApp', []);app.controller("MainCtrl", function($scope){$scope.clickMe = function(message){alert(message);}});app.directive("myEmployee", function() {return {scope:{send:"&"},template: 'Type Something: <input type="text" ng-model="inputMsg">'+'<button  ng-show="inputMsg" ng-click="send( {message : inputMsg} )">Click Me!</button>'};});
  • Create a controller MainCtrl  and define a function clickMe() in its scope.创建一个控制器MainCtrl并在其范围内定义一个函数clickMe()
  • Then we create a myEmployee directive.然后,我们创建一个myEmployee指令。
  • The directive creates a custom local scope property within its isolate scope named send. This is done using scope { send: "&" }. In this example,send is just an alias for clickMe function.  When send is invoked, the clickMe function that was passed in will be called.该指令在其名为send的隔离范围内创建一个自定义本地范围属性。 这是通过使用scope { send: "&" } 。 在此示例中, send只是clickMe函数的别名 调用send时, 调用传入的clickMe函数。
  • The template within the directive contains a text field and  a button.指令中的模板包含一个文本字段和一个按钮。
  • The button displays only when something is typed in the input field ( ng-show="inputMsg").仅当在输入字段( ng-show="inputMsg" )中键入内容时,该按钮才会ng-show="inputMsg"
  • When the button is clicked the scope property send, which is really a reference to the clickMe function that was passed in) can then be invoked.单击按钮时可以调用scope属性send (实际上是对传入的clickMe函数的引用)。
  • We have used this special syntax to pass the input value send( {message : inputMsg}我们使用了这种特殊语法来传递输入值send( {message : inputMsg}
  • The following code shows how to use our directive and pass the clickMe function which is defined in the controller to the scope property, send以下代码显示了如何使用我们的指令并将控制器中定义的clickMe函数传递给scope属性,并发送
<div my-employee send="clickMe(message)"></div>
  • The clickMe function in the controller will alert our passed in message.控制器中的clickMe函数将提醒我们传入的消息。



<!DOCTYPE html>
<html><head lang="en"><meta charset="utf-8"><title>AngularJS Isolate Scope</title></head><body><div ng-app="mainApp"><div ng-controller="MainCtrl"><div my-employee send="clickMe(message)"></div></div></div><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript" src="app.js"></script></body>

You will see the following output on your browser.



That’s all for now and we will see more AngularJS features in the upcoming posts.





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