
1. Anima工具包(1. Anima Toolkit)

Anima Toolkit is a must-have, especially when creating a design system. It allows one to stack layers and to define direction, alignment, and spacing. It also lets one add a default padding and pin a layer to its parent.

Anima Toolkit是必备工具,尤其是在创建设计系统时。 它允许人们堆叠图层并定义方向,对齐方式和间距。 它还允许添加默认填充并将层固定到其父级。

2.彩色素描 (2. Chromatic Sketch)

Chromatic Sketch creates great looking and perceptually uniform gradients and color scales.


Chromatic Sketch fixes the gradient by adding new color stops to create more aesthetically pleasing ones.

Chromatic Sketch通过添加新的色标来创建更美观的色标来固定渐变。

3.出口更多 (3. Export More)

Export More is a convenient plugin for exporting Apple Icon Image (.icns) and Animated GIF (.gif) file formats from Artboards.

Export More是一个方便的插件,用于从Artboards导出Apple Icon Image(.icns)和Animated GIF(.gif)文件格式。

4.查找并替换 (4. Find and Replace)

Find and Replace is a plugin that sifts through all text layers and replaces the keywords instantly.


5.图标字体 (5. Icon Fonts)

Icon Fonts offers more than a thousand icons from Font Awesome, Ionicons, and Material Design directly within Sketch.

Icon Fonts直接在Sketch中提供了上千种来自Font Awesome , Ionicons和Material Design的图标。

6.图像优化 (6. Image Optim)

Image Optim is a that makes images load faster. It does so by removing bloated metadata. This plugin also saves disk space & bandwidth by compressing images without losing quality.

Image Optim可以使图像加载更快。 它通过删除removing肿的元数据来实现。 此插件还可以通过压缩图像来节省磁盘空间和带宽,而不会降低质量。

Source: https://imageoptim.com/sketch
资料来源: https : //imageoptim.com/sketch

With today’s Retina display, the difference in quality is negligible.


7. Looper 2.0 (7. Looper 2.0)

Looper is a fun plugin that duplicates a shape many times to produce interesting effects. Looper lets you duplicate, rotate, and scale layers to build beautiful patterns and illustrations.

Looper是一个有趣的插件,可以多次复制形状以产生有趣的效果。 Looper可让您复制,旋转和缩放图层以构建精美的图案和插图。

Source: http://sureskumar.com/looper/
资料来源: http : //sureskumar.com/looper/

With this plugin, you can control every single detail when you duplicate layers or groups.


8.魔镜 (8. Magic Mirror)

As a product manager, presentation plays a huge role in my daily workflow. Magic Mirror is an image perspective transformation plugin for Sketch.

作为产品经理,演示文稿在我的日常工作流程中扮演着重要角色。 Magic Mirror是Sketch的图像透视变换插件。

This plugin adds Perspective Transformation so that you can create perspective mockups and add other distorted effects to your UI design.

该插件添加了Perspective Transformation,以便您可以创建透视模型,并将其他失真的效果添加到UI设计中。

9.地图生成器 (9. Map Generator)

Sketch Map Generator generates beautiful map interfaces, mobile applications, and more in a few clicks.

只需单击几下,Sketch Map Generator即可生成漂亮的地图界面,移动应用程序以及更多内容。

This plugin is powered by Google and Mapbox, so you’ll need a Google Maps API Key or a Mapbox token for the plugin to work properly.

该插件由Google和Mapbox提供支持,因此您需要一个Google Maps API密钥或Mapbox令牌才能使该插件正常工作。

Source: https://github.com/eddiesigner/sketch-map-generator
资料来源: https : //github.com/eddiesigner/sketch-map-generator

10.测量 (10. Measure)

Measure makes it fun to create specs for developers and teammates. Usually, style guides take days or weeks. The biggest hurdle I’ve faced is iterating over mocks every time I need to make a change.

Measure使为开发人员和队友创建规范变得很有趣。 通常,样式指南需要几天或几周的时间。 我面临的最大障碍是,每次需要进行更改时,都要对模拟进行迭代。

Measure strips all the mundane bits and lets you generate style guides in an instant. You can select an element and generate Sizes, Spacings, Properties, etc. in a way that makes sense to developers.

Measure剥离所有寻常的部分,并让您立即生成样式指南。 您可以选择元素并以对开发人员有意义的方式生成大小,间距,属性等。

11.合并重复的符号 (11. Merge Duplicated Symbols)

The Merge Duplicated Symbols plugin merges Symbols that have the same name but look different. You can choose the one you want to keep.

合并重复符号插件可合并名称相同但外观不同的符号。 您可以选择要保留的那个。

This plugin will then replace all other Symbols and their instances with the one you chose to keep.


Source: https://github.com/oodesign/merge-duplicate-symbols
资料来源: https : //github.com/oodesign/merge-duplicate-symbols
Source: https://github.com/oodesign/merge-duplicate-symbols
资料来源: https : //github.com/oodesign/merge-duplicate-symbols

12.重新标记按钮 (12. Relabel Button)

Relabel is a simple plugin that prompts for a button’s new label. It then applies the text, resizes the button background, and repositions any other interior elements while maintaining the existing padding.

Relabel是一个简单的插件,提示输入按钮的新标签。 然后,在保留现有填充的同时,应用文本,调整按钮背景的大小并重新定位其他任何内部元素。

All you need to do is select any group or Symbol with a text layer and one or more other layers (dividers, icons, drop-arrows, etc.), and run the plugin (⌘ j).

您所需要做的就是选择具有文本图层和一个或多个其他图层(分隔线,图标,下拉箭头等)的任何组或Symbol,然后运行插件( ⌘ j )。

13.草图调色板 (13. Sketch Palettes)

A well-curated color palette is crucial when designing a user interface. Sketch Palettes lets you save and import palettes for both Document and Global colors. The plugin supports colors, gradients, and Pattern fills.

精心设计的调色板在设计用户界面时至关重要。 草图调色板允许您保存和导入文档和全局颜色的调色板。 该插件支持颜色,渐变和图案填充。

14. Sketch Runner (14. Sketch Runner)

Sketch Runner is one of the most efficient plugins that Sketch offers. Runner is a multi-purpose plugin for either installing new plugins or inserting UI elements. Think of Runner as the Command E or Spotlight for your Mac.

Sketch Runner是Sketch提供的最高效的插件之一。 Runner是一个多功能插件,用于安装新插件或插入UI元素。 将Runner视为Mac的Command E或Spotlight。

15. Sketch SF UI字体修复程序 (15. Sketch SF UI Font Fixer)

Apple’s San Francisco typeface has strict guidelines on how to use it for Display and Text, along with a tracking table.


Sketch SF UI Font Fixer helps create accurate interface mockups, using the tracking values the system defines for various sizes.

Sketch SF UI Font Fixer使用系统为各种尺寸定义的跟踪值,帮助创建准确的界面模型。

This plugin adjusts the character spacing on text layers using Text/Display fonts to what it would be when used in the app. E.g. If you use SF UI Text at 16pt, the script will set this layer’s character spacing to -0.32.

此插件使用“文本/显示”字体将文本层上的字符间距调整为在应用程序中使用时的间距。 例如,如果您在16pt处使用SF UI文本,则脚本会将此图层的字符间距设置为-0.32。

16.排序我 (16. Sort Me)

When you create new layers using Make Grid or other duplication techniques, your Sketch document slowly becomes messy. Sort Me fixes this problem by organizing your Artboards or layers.

当您使用Make Grid或其他复制技术创建新图层时,Sketch文档逐渐变得混乱。 “整理我”功能通过组织画板或图层来解决此问题。

17.交换样式 (17. Swap Styles)

Swap Styles swaps styles between two layers. With Swap Styles, you no longer need to ⌘ ⌥ c/⌘ ⌥ v endlessly. You can simply swap styles using the shortcut ⌘ ^ s.

交换样式在两层之间交换样式。 使用交换样式,您不再需要无休止地使用⌘ ⌥ c / ⌘ ⌥ v 。 您可以使用快捷方式⌘ ^ s交换样式。

The plugin works with shape and text layers. It swaps layers’ fills, borders, shadows, blur, opacity, and blend mode.

该插件适用于形状和文本层。 它交换图层的填充,边框,阴影,模糊,不透明度和混合模式。

18.符号实例重命名器 (18. Symbol Instance Renamer)

Symbol Instance Renamer renames all Symbol instances to the name of their master. This plugin has helped me a lot with the process of naming Symbols.

Symbol Instance Renamer将所有Symbol实例重命名为其主名称。 这个插件在命名符号的过程中给了我很多帮助。

19.符号组织者 (19. Symbol Organizer)

Every Symbol shows up on the Symbols page. However, the Symbols aren’t neatly organized.

每个符号都显示在“符号”页面上。 但是,符号的排列不是很整齐。

Symbol Organizer organizes your Symbols page and layer list, alphabetically and into groupings, determined by the Symbol names. This plugin also aligns and arranges the Symbols appropriately according to the naming. It also helps remove all the unused Symbols from the document.

Symbol Organizer将您的Symbols页面和图层列表按字母顺序组织,并按符号名称分组。 该插件还根据命名适当地对齐和排列符号。 它还有助于从文档中删除所有未使用的符号。

20.用户流 (20. User Flows)

User Flows is a plugin for generating flow diagrams from Artboards.

User Flows是一个用于从Artboards生成流程图的插件。

This plugin easily shows conditional flow logic by creating and managing Conditions. Additionally, User Flows can generate flow diagrams, show /hide connections, and customize diagrams.

该插件通过创建和管理Condition轻松显示条件流逻辑。 此外,用户流可以生成流程图,显示/隐藏连接以及自定义图。

翻译自: https://uxdesign.cc/20-sketch-plugins-to-supercharge-your-productivity-a8b279b3843




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