前言,在windows下使用coda 虚拟环境时,在激活环境 conda activate env_name 时,报错找不到 conda activate 的命令。浪费了好久的时间,找到了合适的方法。

  1. 降低conda的版本
conda install -n base conda==4.6.7
  1. 通过Win10开始菜单进入PowerShell(管理员),输入命令 set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned,这是在输入一个y,回车确定执行命令就行。
  2. 还是在PowerShell 中,输入 conda init(如果报错无效命令,请执行第一步)
  3. 关掉PowerShell,重启vscode,发现可以成功进入虚拟环境了!

CommandNotFoundError: No command ‘conda conda’.
Vscode中报错 CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate’.

CommandNotFoundError: No command ‘conda activate‘相关推荐

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  3. CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate‘. To initia

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  4. vscode CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate‘.解决

    1. 问题出现: 已安装anaconda并已添加其环境变量,测试在win+cmd中输入conda及相关conda activate命令等都是正常的,但当在vscode中run/debug工程py脚本时 ...

  5. conda activate激活环境报错CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured

    win10下安装anaconda后,使用conda activate命令切换环境出现报错 C:\Windows\system32> conda activate testCommandNotFo ...

  6. 报错:CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate‘. 问题解决

    今天在VS code里跑一个小网络,想先切换conda环境,发现无法切换了,并提示报错为: PS E:\XXX> conda activate XXXXXCommandNotFoundError ...

  7. anaconda激活python_Anaconda使用conda activate激活环境出错(待完全解决)2018-06-09

    问题 今天使用激活python36环境时出错 conda activate python36 出错log CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been p ...

  8. Anaconda使用conda activate激活环境出错

    元学习论文总结||小样本学习论文总结 2017-2019年计算机视觉顶会文章收录 AAAI2017-2019 CVPR2017-2019 ECCV2018 ICCV2017-2019 ICLR2017 ...

  9. Pycharm中anaconda创建激活虚拟环境出现错误:Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate‘.

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