
If you spend as much time with a Gmail window open as I do (thanks, Multiple Inbox feature!), you’re probably over the rather dull default theme. And even if you’re using one of the many custom themes available, maybe you’d prefer something else. Good news, everyone! You can use a photo from the web or your own computer as the background image, just like on your computer desktop.

如果您花费与我一样多的时间打开Gmail窗口(感谢多个收件箱功能!),则可能是因为默认主题过于枯燥。 即使您使用的是众多可用的自定义主题之一,也许您还是希望使用其他主题。 大家好消息! 您可以将网络或您自己计算机上的照片用作背景图像,就像在计算机桌面上一样。

Go to your Gmail account in Chrome or any other desktop browser. Click the gear icon in the top-right corner to open the drop-down menu, then click the “Themes” option.

在Chrome或任何其他桌面浏览器中转到您的Gmail帐户。 单击右上角的齿轮图标以打开下拉菜单,然后单击“主题”选项。

An in-tab window shows you a bunch of backgrounds and color combinations you can use with Gmail on the web. If you like some of the ones you’re shown, great! Click on any of them to apply them automatically. If you want more options, click the “My Photos” button in the bottom-right of the window.

标签内窗口显示了您可以在网络上与Gmail一起使用的大量背景和颜色组合。 如果您喜欢其中的某些节目,那就太好了! 单击它们中的任何一个以自动应用它们。 如果需要更多选项,请单击窗口右下方的“我的照片”按钮。

You’re given a view of a bunch of photos from all over your Google world: stuff you have in Google Drive, things you’ve sent to other people in Hangouts, and do on. You can select any of these, or upload a photo or paste a URL image with the options on the tabs above. For the sake of example, I’ll click the “Upload a Photo” link to upload a wallpaper image I made for myself in Photoshop.

您可以查看来自Google世界各地的一堆照片:您在Google云端硬盘中拥有的东西,您在环聊中发送给其他人的东西等等。 您可以选择其中任何一个,也可以使用上面选项卡上的选项上传照片或粘贴URL图像。 举例来说,我将单击“上传照片”链接以上传我在Photoshop中为自己制作的壁纸图像。

Ideally you want this image to be as large as (or larger than) the resolution on the computer you usually use to access Gmail, but the interface will accept images of any size. Click “select a photo from your computer” and then find the file you want to use.

理想情况下,您希望此图像与通常用于访问Gmail的计算机上的分辨率一样大(或更大),但是该界面可以接受任何大小的图像。 单击“从计算机中选择照片”,然后找到要使用的文件。

After uploading the image, you’ll have your very own custom Gmail theme.


You can repeat this process as often as you like, using most common image formats.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/333007/how-to-use-a-custom-background-in-gmail/



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