
一、Theatre Square


用 $ a \times a$ 的石板覆盖 $n \times m $ 的长方形广场,允许石板覆盖的区域超出广场,不允许打破石板,石板的两侧应平行于广场两侧,要求覆盖完广场所需的石板数量最少是多少。

感谢 @Loner_Knowledge 贡献翻译。


Theatre Square in the capital city of Berland has a rectangular shape with the size $ n×m $ meters. On the occasion of the city’s anniversary, a decision was taken to pave the Square with square granite flagstones. Each flagstone is of the size $ a×a $ .

What is the least number of flagstones needed to pave the Square? It’s allowed to cover the surface larger than the Theatre Square, but the Square has to be covered. It’s not allowed to break the flagstones. The sides of flagstones should be parallel to the sides of the Square.


The input contains three positive integer numbers in the first line: $ n,m $ and $ a $ ( $ 1\leq n,m,a\leq10^{9} $ ).


Write the needed number of flagstones.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

6 6 4

样例输出 #1



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CodeForces 不允许多次提交同样的代码。如果您如此提交将会产生提交失败错误。如您确实需要这么做,请自行添加一些注释。


#include <stdlib.h>int main()
{long long n, m, a;//输入数值 scanf("%lld%lld%lld",&n,&m,&a);long long  x = n/a, y = m/a;//边长 if(n%a != 0)x++;if(m%a != 0)y++;printf("%lld\n",x*y); return 0;

二、 Watermelon




One hot summer day Pete and his friend Billy decided to buy a watermelon. They chose the biggest and the ripest one, in their opinion. After that the watermelon was weighed, and the scales showed $ w $ kilos. They rushed home, dying of thirst, and decided to divide the berry, however they faced a hard problem.

Pete and Billy are great fans of even numbers, that’s why they want to divide the watermelon in such a way that each of the two parts weighs even number of kilos, at the same time it is not obligatory that the parts are equal. The boys are extremely tired and want to start their meal as soon as possible, that’s why you should help them and find out, if they can divide the watermelon in the way they want. For sure, each of them should get a part of positive weight.


The first (and the only) input line contains integer number $ w $ ( $ 1<=w<=100 $ ) — the weight of the watermelon bought by the boys.


Print YES, if the boys can divide the watermelon into two parts, each of them weighing even number of kilos; and NO in the opposite case.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1


样例输出 #1



For example, the boys can divide the watermelon into two parts of 2 and 6 kilos respectively (another variant — two parts of 4 and 4 kilos).


#include <stdlib.h>int main()
{int n;scanf("%d",&n);if(n%2 == 0&& n != 2){printf("YES\n");}else{printf("NO\n");}return 0;

三、Chat Server’s Outgoing Traffic

















Translated by @liyifeng


Polycarp is working on a new project called “Polychat”. Following modern tendencies in IT, he decided, that this project should contain chat as well. To achieve this goal, Polycarp has spent several hours in front of his laptop and implemented a chat server that can process three types of commands:

  • Include a person to the chat (‘Add’ command).
  • Remove a person from the chat (‘Remove’ command).
  • Send a message from a person to all people, who are currently in the chat, including the one, who sends the message (‘Send’ command).

Now Polycarp wants to find out the amount of outgoing traffic that the server will produce while processing a particular set of commands.

Polycarp knows that chat server sends no traffic for ‘Add’ and ‘Remove’ commands. When ‘Send’ command is processed, server sends $ l $ bytes to each participant of the chat, where $ l $ is the length of the message.

As Polycarp has no time, he is asking for your help in solving this problem.


Input file will contain not more than 100 commands, each in its own line. No line will exceed 100 characters. Formats of the commands will be the following:

  • + for ‘Add’ command.
  • - for ‘Remove’ command.
  • <sender_name>:<message_text> for ‘Send’ command.

and <sender_name> is a non-empty sequence of Latin letters and digits. <message_text> can contain letters, digits and spaces, but can’t start or end with a space. <message_text> can be an empty line.

It is guaranteed, that input data are correct, i.e. there will be no ‘Add’ command if person with such a name is already in the chat, there will be no ‘Remove’ command if there is no person with such a name in the chat etc.

All names are case-sensitive.


Print a single number — answer to the problem.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1


样例输出 #1


样例 #2

样例输入 #2

Mike:Hi   I am here

样例输出 #2



char str[110];
int main()
{int num=0;//记录在线人数int sum=0;//记录最终字节数int ans;//记录冒号的位置while(gets(str)){if(str[0]=='+')num++;else if(str[0]=='-')num--;else{for(int i=0; i<strlen(str); i++){if(str[i]==':'){ans=i;break;}}sum+=(strlen(str)-1-ans)*num;}}printf("%d\n",sum);return 0;




给定 444 根木棍的长度,如果它们中存在 333 根木棍可以组成三角形,输出 TRIANGLE;如果它们无法组成三角形,但是它们中存在 333 根木棍可以组成退化的三角形(任意两边之和大于等于第三边,但是不是三角形),输出 SEGMENT;否则,输出 IMPOSSIBLE

注意: 木棍不能折断,也不能只用一部分长度。


一行 444 个整数,444 根木棍的长度。


如果它们中存在 333 根木棍可以组成三角形,输出 TRIANGLE;如果它们无法组成三角形,但是它们中存在3根木棍可以组成退化的三角形,输出 SEGMENT;否则,输出 IMPOSSIBLE



Johnny has a younger sister Anne, who is very clever and smart. As she came home from the kindergarten, she told his brother about the task that her kindergartener asked her to solve. The task was just to construct a triangle out of four sticks of different colours. Naturally, one of the sticks is extra. It is not allowed to break the sticks or use their partial length. Anne has perfectly solved this task, now she is asking Johnny to do the same.

The boy answered that he would cope with it without any difficulty. However, after a while he found out that different tricky things can occur. It can happen that it is impossible to construct a triangle of a positive area, but it is possible to construct a degenerate triangle. It can be so, that it is impossible to construct a degenerate triangle even. As Johnny is very lazy, he does not want to consider such a big amount of cases, he asks you to help him.


The first line of the input contains four space-separated positive integer numbers not exceeding 100 — lengthes of the sticks.


Output TRIANGLE if it is possible to construct a non-degenerate triangle. Output SEGMENT if the first case cannot take place and it is possible to construct a degenerate triangle. Output IMPOSSIBLE if it is impossible to construct any triangle. Remember that you are to use three sticks. It is not allowed to break the sticks or use their partial length.

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

4 2 1 3

样例输出 #1


样例 #2

样例输入 #2

7 2 2 4

样例输出 #2


样例 #3

样例输入 #3

3 5 9 1

样例输出 #3



#include <stdlib.h>int S(int a ,int b,int c){if(a + b> c&&b + c > a&&a + c > b){return 2;}else if(a + b>= c&&b + c >= a&&a + c >= b){return 1;}else {return 0;}
}int main()
{int a, b, c, d;scanf("%d%d%d%d",&a,&b,&c,&d);int num1,num2,num3,num4;num1 = S(a, b, c);num2 = S(a, b, d);num3 = S(a, c, d);num4 =S(b, c, d);if(num1 == 2||num2 == 2||num3 == 2||num4 == 2){printf("TRIANGLE\n");}else if(num1 == 1||num2 == 1||num3 == 1||num4 == 1){printf("SEGMENT\n");}else {printf("IMPOSSIBLE\n");}return 0;

五、Die Roll





Translated by @稀神探女


Yakko, Wakko and Dot, world-famous animaniacs, decided to rest from acting in cartoons, and take a leave to travel a bit. Yakko dreamt to go to Pennsylvania, his Motherland and the Motherland of his ancestors. Wakko thought about Tasmania, its beaches, sun and sea. Dot chose Transylvania as the most mysterious and unpredictable place.

But to their great regret, the leave turned to be very short, so it will be enough to visit one of the three above named places. That’s why Yakko, as the cleverest, came up with a truly genius idea: let each of the three roll an ordinary six-sided die, and the one with the highest amount of points will be the winner, and will take the other two to the place of his/her dreams.

Yakko thrown a die and got Y points, Wakko — W points. It was Dot’s turn. But she didn’t hurry. Dot wanted to know for sure what were her chances to visit Transylvania.

It is known that Yakko and Wakko are true gentlemen, that’s why if they have the same amount of points with Dot, they will let Dot win.


The only line of the input file contains two natural numbers Y and W — the results of Yakko’s and Wakko’s die rolls.


Output the required probability in the form of irreducible fraction in format «A/B», where A — the numerator, and B — the denominator. If the required probability equals to zero, output «0/1». If the required probability equals to 1, output «1/1».

样例 #1

样例输入 #1

4 2

样例输出 #1



Dot will go to Transylvania, if she is lucky to roll 4, 5 or 6 points.


#include <stdlib.h>int main()
{int a, b;scanf("%d%d",&a,&b);int max = a;if(a < b){max = b;}int x = 7 - max;int y = 6;if(x%2 == 0){x = x/2;y = y/2;}if(x%3 == 0){x = x/3;y = y/3;}printf("%d/%d",x,y);return 0;

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