


文件夹 说明
Config 其中的 GUIConf.c 文件用于配置 emWin 的存储空间分配,GUIConf.h 文 件 用 于 裁 剪 emWin 的 功 能 。 其 余 的 GUIDRV_Template.c 、LCDConf_FlexColor.c、 GUIDRV_wf.c 是 emWin 应用在不同液晶时使用的不同驱动模板
Lib 包含了 emWin 的代码库文件,针对 Cortex-M0、 M3 和 M4 这些不同 CPU 内核以及是否优化,都有一个相对应的 emWin 库,在使用的时候我们要根据自己的平台选择合适的库文件
inc 包含了全部的 emWin 库核心的头文件,各种关于库函数的声明、定义都在这些文件里面
OS 包含了 GUI_X.c 及 GUI_X_FreeRTOS.c 文件,分别是对应裸机平台的 GUI 延时,和多任务系统平台的关于进程调度之类的一些 emWin 所需要的底层接口


LCD初始化函数 void xxLCD_Init(void)
LCD画点函数 void LCD_DrawPoint(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t color)
LCD读点函数 uint32_t LCD_ReadPoint(uint16_t x, uint16_t y);
/*** @功能说明:      LCD画点函数* @参数:        x:x坐标*               y:y坐标*               color:颜色* @返回值:   无*/
void LCD_DrawPoint(uint16_t x, uint16_t y, uint32_t color)
/*** @功能说明:      LCD读点函数* @参数:        x:x坐标*               y:y坐标* @返回值:  像素值*/
uint32_t LCD_ReadPoint(uint16_t x, uint16_t y)


  1. 将Inc里面的文件全部添加进工程,因为全是头文件,只需要添加头文件路径即可

  2. 添加Lib文件夹中合适的库文件,并注意添加为库文件

  1. OS文件夹中选裸机文件添加进工程

  2. Config文件夹中需要添加的文件

  3. 完成之后如下图



  1. GUIconf.h文件
    OS_SUPPORT 是否支持操作系统

#ifndef GUICONF_H
#define GUICONF_H/*********************************************************************
*       Multi layer/display support
#define GUI_NUM_LAYERS            1// Maximum number of available layers/*********************************************************************
*       Multi tasking support
#ifdef OS_SUPPORT#define GUI_OS                    (1)// Compile with multitasking support
#else#define GUI_OS                    (0)
*       Configuration of touch support
#ifndef   GUI_SUPPORT_TOUCH#define GUI_SUPPORT_TOUCH       (0)// Support touchscreen
*       Default font
#define GUI_DEFAULT_FONT          &GUI_Font8x16/*********************************************************************
*         Configuration of available packages
#define GUI_SUPPORT_MOUSE             (1)/* Support a mouse */
#define GUI_WINSUPPORT                (1)/* Use window manager */
#define GUI_SUPPORT_MEMDEV            (1)/* Memory device package available */
#define GUI_SUPPORT_DEVICES           (1)/* Enable use of device pointers */#endif/* Avoid multiple inclusion */
  1. GUIConf.c

#include "GUI.h"
#include "myLCD.h"/*********************************************************************
*       Defines
// Define the available number of bytes available for the GUI
#define GUI_NUMBYTES  1024 * 1024 * 8//8MB
#define GUI_EXTBUFADD (LCD_FRAME_BUFFER + 800 * 480 * 3)
static U32 aMemory[GUI_NUMBYTES / 4] __attribute__((at(GUI_EXTBUFADD)));/*********************************************************************
*       Public code
*       GUI_X_Config
* Purpose:
*   Called during the initialization process in order to set up the
*   available memory for the GUI.
void GUI_X_Config(void) {//// 32 bit aligned memory area////static U32 *aMemory = [GUI_NUMBYTES / 4];//// Assign memory to emWin//GUI_ALLOC_AssignMemory(aMemory, GUI_NUMBYTES);//// Set default font//GUI_SetDefaultFont(GUI_DEFAULT_FONT);
}/*************************** End of file ****************************/

GUI_NUMBYTES STemWin动态内存大小 单位字节


static U32 aMemory[GUI_NUMBYTES / 4] STemWin的动态内存单位 字

如果使用内部RAM作为STemWin的动态内存 可以把

#define GUI_EXTBUFADD (LCD_FRAME_BUFFER + 800 * 480 * 3)
static U32 aMemory[GUI_NUMBYTES / 4] __attribute__((at(GUI_EXTBUFADD)));


#define GUI_NUMBYTES  1024 * 8//8KB
static U32 aMemory[GUI_NUMBYTES / 4];

GUI_SetDefaultFont 设置默认字体

  1. LCDConf_Lin_Template.c

*                SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG                *
*        Solutions for real time microcontroller applications        *
*                                                                    *
*        (c) 1996 - 2017  SEGGER Microcontroller GmbH & Co. KG       *
*                                                                    *
*        Internet: www.segger.com    Support:  support@segger.com    *
*                                                                    *
************************************************************************ emWin V5.44 - Graphical user interface for embedded applications **
All  Intellectual Property rights  in the Software belongs to  SEGGER.
emWin is protected by  international copyright laws.  Knowledge of the
source code may not be used to write a similar product.  This file may
only be used in accordance with the following terms:The  software has  been licensed  to STMicroelectronics International
N.V. a Dutch company with a Swiss branch and its headquarters in Plan-
les-Ouates, Geneva, 39 Chemin du Champ des Filles, Switzerland for the
purposes of creating libraries for ARM Cortex-M-based 32-bit microcon_
troller products commercialized by Licensee only, sublicensed and dis_
tributed under the terms and conditions of the End User License Agree_
ment supplied by STMicroelectronics International N.V.
Full source code is available at: www.segger.comWe appreciate your understanding and fairness.
File        : LCDConf_Lin_Template.c
Purpose     : Display controller configuration (single layer)
*//********************************************************************************* @attention** <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2018 STMicroelectronics. * All rights reserved.</center></h2>** This software component is licensed by ST under Ultimate Liberty license SLA0044,* the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.* You may obtain a copy of the License at:*                      http://www.st.com/SLA0044********************************************************************************/#include "GUI.h"
#include "GUIDRV_Lin.h"#include "MyLCD.h"/*********************************************************************
*       Layer configuration (to be modified)
// Physical display size
// Color conversion
// Display driver
// Buffers / VScreens
#define NUM_BUFFERS  1// Number of multiple buffers to be used
#define NUM_VSCREENS 1// Number of virtual screens to be used/*********************************************************************
*       Configuration checking
#ifndef   VRAM_ADDR#define VRAM_ADDR 0// TBD by customer: This has to be the frame buffer start address
#ifndef   XSIZE_PHYS#error Physical X size of display is not defined!
#ifndef   YSIZE_PHYS#error Physical Y size of display is not defined!
#ifndef   COLOR_CONVERSION#error Color conversion not defined!
#ifndef   DISPLAY_DRIVER#error No display driver defined!
#ifndef   NUM_VSCREENS#define NUM_VSCREENS 1
#else#if (NUM_VSCREENS <= 0)#error At least one screeen needs to be defined!#endif
#if (NUM_VSCREENS > 1) && (NUM_BUFFERS > 1)#error Virtual screens and multiple buffers are not allowed!
*       Public code
*       LCD_X_Config
* Purpose:
*   Called during the initialization process in order to set up the
*   display driver configuration.
void LCD_X_Config(void) {//// At first initialize use of multiple buffers on demand//#if (NUM_BUFFERS > 1)GUI_MULTIBUF_Config(NUM_BUFFERS);#endif//// Set display driver and color conversion for 1st layer//GUI_DEVICE_CreateAndLink(DISPLAY_DRIVER, COLOR_CONVERSION, 0, 0);//// Display driver configuration, required for Lin-driver//if (LCD_GetSwapXY()) {LCD_SetSizeEx (0, YSIZE_PHYS, XSIZE_PHYS);LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS, XSIZE_PHYS);} else {LCD_SetSizeEx (0, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS);LCD_SetVSizeEx(0, XSIZE_PHYS, YSIZE_PHYS * NUM_VSCREENS);}LCD_SetVRAMAddrEx(0, (void *)VRAM_ADDR);//// Set user palette data (only required if no fixed palette is used)//#if defined(PALETTE)LCD_SetLUTEx(0, PALETTE);#endif//// Set custom functions for several operations to optimize native processes//
//  LCD_SetDevFunc(0, LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYBUFFER, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_LCD_CopyBuffer);
//  LCD_SetDevFunc(0, LCD_DEVFUNC_COPYRECT,   (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_LCD_CopyRect);
//  LCD_SetDevFunc(0, LCD_DEVFUNC_FILLRECT, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_LCD_FillRect);
//  LCD_SetDevFunc(0, LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_8BPP, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_LCD_DrawBitmap8bpp);
//  LCD_SetDevFunc(0, LCD_DEVFUNC_DRAWBMP_16BPP, (void(*)(void))CUSTOM_LCD_DrawBitmap16bpp);
*       LCD_X_DisplayDriver
* Purpose:
*   This function is called by the display driver for several purposes.
*   To support the according task the routine needs to be adapted to
*   the display controller. Please note that the commands marked with
*   'optional' are not cogently required and should only be adapted if
*   the display controller supports these features.
* Parameter:
*   LayerIndex - Index of layer to be configured
*   Cmd        - Please refer to the details in the switch statement below
*   pData      - Pointer to a LCD_X_DATA structure
* Return Value:
*   < -1 - Error
*     -1 - Command not handled
*      0 - Ok
int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex, unsigned Cmd, void * pData) {int r;switch (Cmd) {case LCD_X_INITCONTROLLER: {//// Called during the initialization process in order to set up the// display controller and put it into operation. If the display// controller is not initialized by any external routine this needs// to be adapted by the customer...//// ...TFTLCD_Init();return 0;}case LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR: {//// Required for setting the address of the video RAM for drivers// with memory mapped video RAM which is passed in the 'pVRAM' element of p//LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR_INFO * p;p = (LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR_INFO *)pData;//...return 0;}case LCD_X_SETORG: {//// Required for setting the display origin which is passed in the 'xPos' and 'yPos' element of p//LCD_X_SETORG_INFO * p;p = (LCD_X_SETORG_INFO *)pData;//...return 0;}case LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER: {//// Required if multiple buffers are used. The 'Index' element of p contains the buffer index.//LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER_INFO * p;p = (LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER_INFO *)pData;//...return 0;}case LCD_X_SETLUTENTRY: {//// Required for setting a lookup table entry which is passed in the 'Pos' and 'Color' element of p//LCD_X_SETLUTENTRY_INFO * p;p = (LCD_X_SETLUTENTRY_INFO *)pData;//...return 0;}case LCD_X_ON: {//// Required if the display controller should support switching on and off//return 0;}case LCD_X_OFF: {//// Required if the display controller should support switching on and off//// ...return 0;}default:r = -1;}return r;
}/*************************** End of file ****************************/

GUICC_M565 这个是颜色定义 RGB565


*       LCD_X_DisplayDriver
* Purpose:
*   This function is called by the display driver for several purposes.
*   To support the according task the routine needs to be adapted to
*   the display controller. Please note that the commands marked with
*   'optional' are not cogently required and should only be adapted if
*   the display controller supports these features.
* Parameter:
*   LayerIndex - Index of layer to be configured
*   Cmd        - Please refer to the details in the switch statement below
*   pData      - Pointer to a LCD_X_DATA structure
* Return Value:
*   < -1 - Error
*     -1 - Command not handled
*      0 - Ok
int LCD_X_DisplayDriver(unsigned LayerIndex, unsigned Cmd, void * pData) {int r;switch (Cmd) {case LCD_X_INITCONTROLLER: {//// Called during the initialization process in order to set up the// display controller and put it into operation. If the display// controller is not initialized by any external routine this needs// to be adapted by the customer...//// ...TFTLCD_Init();return 0;}case LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR: {//// Required for setting the address of the video RAM for drivers// with memory mapped video RAM which is passed in the 'pVRAM' element of p//LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR_INFO * p;p = (LCD_X_SETVRAMADDR_INFO *)pData;//...return 0;}case LCD_X_SETORG: {//// Required for setting the display origin which is passed in the 'xPos' and 'yPos' element of p//LCD_X_SETORG_INFO * p;p = (LCD_X_SETORG_INFO *)pData;//...return 0;}case LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER: {//// Required if multiple buffers are used. The 'Index' element of p contains the buffer index.//LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER_INFO * p;p = (LCD_X_SHOWBUFFER_INFO *)pData;//...return 0;}case LCD_X_SETLUTENTRY: {//// Required for setting a lookup table entry which is passed in the 'Pos' and 'Color' element of p//LCD_X_SETLUTENTRY_INFO * p;p = (LCD_X_SETLUTENTRY_INFO *)pData;//...return 0;}case LCD_X_ON: {//// Required if the display controller should support switching on and off//return 0;}case LCD_X_OFF: {//// Required if the display controller should support switching on and off//// ...return 0;}default:r = -1;}return r;
  1. GUIDRV_Template.c
    在文件中找到_SetPixelIndex函数 画点函数
static void _SetPixelIndex(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice, int x, int y, int PixelIndex) {//// Convert logical into physical coordinates (Dep. on LCDConf.h)//#if (LCD_MIRROR_X == 1) || (LCD_MIRROR_Y == 1) || (LCD_SWAP_XY == 1)int xPhys, yPhys;xPhys = LOG2PHYS_X(x, y);yPhys = LOG2PHYS_Y(x, y);#else#define xPhys x#define yPhys y#endifGUI_USE_PARA(pDevice);GUI_USE_PARA(x);GUI_USE_PARA(y);GUI_USE_PARA(PixelIndex);{//// Write into hardware ... Adapt to your system//// TBD by customer...//LCD_DrawPoint(x, y, PixelIndex);}#if (LCD_MIRROR_X == 0) && (LCD_MIRROR_Y == 0) && (LCD_SWAP_XY == 0)#undef xPhys#undef yPhys#endif


static unsigned int _GetPixelIndex(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice, int x, int y) {unsigned int PixelIndex;//// Convert logical into physical coordinates (Dep. on LCDConf.h)//#if (LCD_MIRROR_X == 1) || (LCD_MIRROR_Y == 1) || (LCD_SWAP_XY == 1)int xPhys, yPhys;xPhys = LOG2PHYS_X(x, y);yPhys = LOG2PHYS_Y(x, y);#else#define xPhys x#define yPhys y#endifGUI_USE_PARA(pDevice);GUI_USE_PARA(x);GUI_USE_PARA(y);{//// Write into hardware ... Adapt to your system//// TBD by customer...//PixelIndex = LCD_ReadPoint(x, y);//PixelIndex = 0;}#if (LCD_MIRROR_X == 0) && (LCD_MIRROR_Y == 0) && (LCD_SWAP_XY == 0)#undef xPhys#undef yPhys#endifreturn PixelIndex;



extern __IO uint32_t OS_TimeMS;
void SysTick_Handler(void)


打开RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_CRC, ENABLE);

#include "LED.h"
#include "Systick.h"
#include "USART.h"
#include "GUI.h"
#include "SDRAM.h"int main()
{    //系统定时器设置Systick_Init();//中断分组 2位抢占优先权,2位子优先级NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_2);RCC_AHB1PeriphClockCmd(RCC_AHB1Periph_CRC, ENABLE);//LED初始化LED_Init();//串口初始化USART1_Init();SDRAM_Init();GUI_Init();GUI_Clear();GUI_DispStringAt("Hello World!",0,0);while(1){LED_G = ~LED_G;Delay_ms(500);}



const GUI_DEVICE_API GUIDRV_Template_API = {//// Data//DEVICE_CLASS_DRIVER,//// Drawing functions//_DrawBitmap,_DrawHLine,_DrawVLine,_FillRect,_GetPixelIndex,_SetPixelIndex,_XorPixel,//// Set origin//_SetOrg,//// Request information//_GetDevFunc,_GetDevProp,_GetDevData,_GetRect,


*       _FillRect
static void _FillRect(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1) {LCD_PIXELINDEX PixelIndex;int x;PixelIndex = LCD__GetColorIndex();if (GUI_pContext->DrawMode & LCD_DRAWMODE_XOR) {for (; y0 <= y1; y0++) {for (x = x0; x <= x1; x++) {_XorPixel(pDevice, x, y0);}}} else {
//    for (; y0 <= y1; y0++) {
//      for (x = x0; x <= x1; x++) {
//        _SetPixelIndex(pDevice, x, y0, PixelIndex);
//      }
//    }LCD_Fill(x0, y0, x1, y1, PixelIndex);}


*       _DrawBitmap
static void _DrawBitmap(GUI_DEVICE * pDevice, int x0, int y0,int xSize, int ySize,int BitsPerPixel, int BytesPerLine,const U8 GUI_UNI_PTR * pData, int Diff,const LCD_PIXELINDEX * pTrans) {int i;switch (BitsPerPixel) {case 1:for (i = 0; i < ySize; i++) {_DrawBitLine1BPP(pDevice, x0, i + y0, pData, Diff, xSize, pTrans);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;case 2:for (i = 0; i < ySize; i++) {_DrawBitLine2BPP(pDevice, x0, i + y0, pData, Diff, xSize, pTrans);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;case 4:for (i = 0; i < ySize; i++) {_DrawBitLine4BPP(pDevice, x0, i + y0, pData, Diff, xSize, pTrans);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;case 8:for (i = 0; i < ySize; i++) {_DrawBitLine8BPP(pDevice, x0, i + y0, pData, xSize, pTrans);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;//// Only required for 16bpp color depth of target. Should be removed otherwise.//case 16:
//    for (i = 0; i < ySize; i++) {
//      _DrawBitLine16BPP(pDevice, x0, i + y0, (const U16 *)pData, xSize);
//      pData += BytesPerLine;
//    }//可以直接用自己的画图函数TFTLCD_DrawBmp16(x0, y0, pData, xSize, ySize);break;//// Only required for 32bpp color depth of target. Should be removed otherwise.//case 32:for (i = 0; i < ySize; i++) {_DrawBitLine32BPP(pDevice, x0, i + y0, (const U32 *)pData, xSize);pData += BytesPerLine;}break;}



  1. 导入FreeRTOS头文件
  2. 定义互斥量信号量
  3. 完善函数

#include "GUI.h"/* FreeRTOS include files */
#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "task.h"
#include "semphr.h"/*********************************************************************
* Global data
//static osMutexId osMutex;
//static osSemaphoreId osSemaphore;static xSemaphoreHandle osMutex = NULL;
static xSemaphoreHandle osSemaphore = NULL;/*********************************************************************
* Timing:
* GUI_X_GetTime()
* GUI_X_Delay(int)Some timing dependent routines require a GetTime
and delay function. Default time unit (tick), normally is
1 ms.
*/int GUI_X_GetTime(void)
{return ((int) xTaskGetTickCount());
}void GUI_X_Delay(int ms)
{vTaskDelay( ms );
* GUI_X_Init()
* Note:
* GUI_X_Init() is called from GUI_Init is a possibility to init
* some hardware which needs to be up and running before the GUI.
* If not required, leave this routine blank.
*/void GUI_X_Init(void) {
* GUI_X_ExecIdle
* Note:
* Called if WM is in idle state
*/void GUI_X_ExecIdle(void) {}/*********************************************************************
* Multitasking:
* GUI_X_InitOS()
* GUI_X_GetTaskId()
* GUI_X_Lock()
* GUI_X_Unlock()
* Note:
* The following routines are required only if emWin is used in a
* true multi task environment, which means you have more than one
* thread using the emWin API.
* In this case the
* #define GUI_OS 1
* needs to be in GUIConf.h
*//* Init OS */
void GUI_X_InitOS(void)
{ /* 创建互斥信号量 用于资源共享 */osMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex();configASSERT (osMutex != NULL);/* 创建二值信号量 用于事件触发 */osSemaphore = xSemaphoreCreateBinary();configASSERT ( osSemaphore != NULL );
}void GUI_X_Unlock(void)
{ /* 给出互斥量 */xSemaphoreGive(osMutex);
}void GUI_X_Lock(void)
{if(osMutex == NULL){GUI_X_InitOS();}/* 获取互斥量 */xSemaphoreTake(osMutex,     /* 互斥量句柄 */portMAX_DELAY);/* 阻塞等待 */
}/* Get Task handle */
U32 GUI_X_GetTaskId(void)
{ return ((U32) xTaskGetCurrentTaskHandle());
}void GUI_X_WaitEvent (void)
{/* 获取信号量 */while(xSemaphoreTake(    osSemaphore,              /* 信号量句柄 */portMAX_DELAY) != pdTRUE);/* 阻塞等待 */
}void GUI_X_SignalEvent (void)
{/* 给出信号量 */xSemaphoreGive(osSemaphore);
* Logging: OS dependentNote:
Logging is used in higher debug levels only. The typical target
build does not use logging and does therefor not require any of
the logging routines below. For a release build without logging
the routines below may be eliminated to save some space.
(If the linker is not function aware and eliminates unreferenced
functions automatically)*/void GUI_X_Log (const char *s) { }
void GUI_X_Warn (const char *s) { }
void GUI_X_ErrorOut(const char *s) { }


  1. STemwin图形库移植与运用(基于STM32)(完成QQ界面设计、局域网聊天)

    一.环境介绍 主控MCU: STM32F103ZET6 STM32程序开发IDE: keil5 STM32程序风格: 采用寄存器方式开发,注释齐全,执行效率高,方便移植 硬件包含:  一块STM32F ...

  2. STM32移植STemwin

    一.准备基础程序 基于正点原子stm32战舰开发板的移植 1.    正点原子程序下载: 资料盘 战舰  开发板资料A盘: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qZgG-UAznhQWg ...

  3. STM32F4移植STemWin

    目录 一.STemWin的文件结构 二.STemWin的移植步骤 三.STemWin的LCD驱动移植 四.STemWin的触摸屏驱动移植 五.补充 STM32芯片为:STM32F407VGT6 STe ...

  4. stm32使用自定义打点函数方式移植stemwin

    stm32使用自定义打点函数方式移植stemwin 背景 显示过程 移植简述 打点函数 stemwin移植要点 实物效果 背景 oled屏移植stemwin,有两种方式,通过自定义打点方式进行移植,或 ...

  5. 2.AT32F403A例程之-STemWin移植

    2.AT32F403A例程之-STemWin移植 文章目录 前言 一.STemWin下载 二.STemWin的LCD接口介绍 三.雅特力AT32F403A工程准备 四.雅特力AT32F403A的LCD ...

  6. 【STM32】电子时钟(2):STemWin+RTC

    前两天把原子的STemWin裸机移植程序和RTC进行结合,目前和动态显示日期.时间 问题 时间不准确,偏差较大 初始话RTC时钟时重新定义时间,目前偏差很小.可见RTC时钟误差还是挺大的.后期从网络上 ...

  7. STM32和emWin必须知道的那些事

    emWin 是由德国 SEGGER 公司开发,可为图形 LCD 设计提供高级支持,极大简化了 LCD 设计. 为恩智浦ARM 微控制器用户免费提供的 emWin 图形库.   在国内做嵌入式系统的大部 ...

  8. GUI的各种网站(自用)

    LVGL(littleVGL) github:https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl https://github.com/lvgl/lvgl 网站:LVGL - Light and ...

  9. 超详细!!!STM32F407ZGT6HAL库移植STemwin(基于正点原子最小系统板+GUIBuilder)

    第一次写博客,我以为会是点灯的,没想到留给了GUI,但是第一次写,可能写的不够好欢迎大家批评指正. 最近由于比赛的要求,需要给自己的LCD设计GUI界面,在查了一些资料后,决定先学STemwin然后学 ...


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