参与 6 个项目,动手实践 TensorFlow 2.0、Keras、深度学习和人工智能!此教程共15小时,中英双语字幕,画质清晰无水印,源码附件全 课程英文名:TensorFlow 2.0 Masterclass Hands-On Deep Learning and AI





  • 从零开始全面理解 TensorFlow 2.0

  • 人工神经网络 (ANN)

  • 卷积神经网络 (CNN)

  • 递归神经网络 (RNN)

  • 迁移学习

  • 自然语言处理

  • 使用 Numpy、Pandas 进行数据分析和使用 Matplotlib 进行数据可视化


项目 1:用于数字识别的 CNN

项目 2:用于乳腺癌检测的 CNN

项目 3:用于预测银行客户满意度的 CNN

项目 4:用于信用卡欺诈检测的 CNN

项目 5:RNN - 用于 IMDB 评论分类的 LSTM

项目 6:使用 RNN 和 LSTM 预测谷歌股票价格


第 1 部分: 简介(第 1 部分)

第 2 部分:人工神经网络(第 2 节 - 第 4 节)

第 3 部分:卷积神经网络(第 5 节 - 第 11 节)

第 4 部分:循环神经网络(第 12 节 - 第 15 节)

第 5 部分:迁移学习

第 6 部分:自然语言处理(第 16 节)

第 7 部分:使用 Numpy、Pandas 进行数据分析和使用 Matplotlib 进行数据可视化(第 17 节 - 第 19 节)

├── 01 Welcome to the Course !
│   ├── 001 Course Overview !.html
│   ├── 002 Introduction to Google Colab.en.srt
│   ├── 002 Introduction to Google Colab.mp4
│   └── 003 Links to TensorFlow Notebooks.html
├── 02 Introduction to Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
│   ├── 004 The Neuron.en.srt
│   ├── 004 The Neuron.mp4
│   ├── 005 Activation Function.en.srt
│   ├── 005 Activation Function.mp4
│   ├── 006 Cost Function.en.srt
│   ├── 006 Cost Function.mp4
│   ├── 007 Gradient Descent and Back-Propagation.en.srt
│   └── 007 Gradient Descent and Back-Propagation.mp4
├── 03 Building the Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
│   ├── 008 Step 1 - Installation and Setup.en.srt
│   ├── 008 Step 1 - Installation and Setup.mp4
│   ├── 009 Step 2 - Data Preprocessing.en.srt
│   ├── 009 Step 2 - Data Preprocessing.mp4
│   ├── 010 Step 3 - Building the Model.en.srt
│   ├── 010 Step 3 - Building the Model.mp4
│   ├── 011 Step 4 - Training the Model.en.srt
│   ├── 011 Step 4 - Training the Model.mp4
│   ├── 012 Step 5 - Model evaluation and performance.en.srt
│   └── 012 Step 5 - Model evaluation and performance.mp4
├── 04 Binary Classification with Artificial Neural Networks
│   ├── 013 Step 1 - Binary Classification.en.srt
│   ├── 013 Step 1 - Binary Classification.mp4
│   ├── 014 Step 2 - Binary Classification.en.srt
│   ├── 014 Step 2 - Binary Classification.mp4
│   ├── 015 Step 3 - Binary Classification.en.srt
│   ├── 015 Step 3 - Binary Classification.mp4
│   ├── 016 Step 4 - Binary Classification.en.srt
│   ├── 016 Step 4 - Binary Classification.mp4
│   ├── 017 Step 5 - Binary Classification.en.srt
│   └── 017 Step 5 - Binary Classification.mp4
├── 05 Introduction to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
│   ├── 018 Convolutional Neural Network Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 018 Convolutional Neural Network Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 019 Convolutional Neural Network Part 1.en.srt
│   └── 019 Convolutional Neural Network Part 1.mp4
├── 06 Building Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)
│   ├── 020 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 1.en.srt
│   ├── 020 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 1.mp4
│   ├── 021 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 2.en.srt
│   ├── 021 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 2.mp4
│   ├── 022 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 3.en.srt
│   ├── 022 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 3.mp4
│   ├── 023 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 4.en.srt
│   ├── 023 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 4.mp4
│   ├── 024 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 5.en.srt
│   └── 024 Building Convolutional Neural Network Step 5.mp4
├── 07 CNN for Binary Image Classification
│   ├── 025 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 1.en.srt
│   ├── 025 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 1.mp4
│   ├── 026 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 2.en.srt
│   ├── 026 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 2.mp4
│   ├── 027 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 3.en.srt
│   ├── 027 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 3.mp4
│   ├── 028 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 4.en.srt
│   ├── 028 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 4.mp4
│   ├── 029 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 5.en.srt
│   └── 029 CNN for Binary Image Classification Step 5.mp4
├── 08 Project 1_ CNN for Digit Recognition
│   ├── 030 CNN for Digit Recognition Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 030 CNN for Digit Recognition Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 031 CNN for Digit Recognition Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 031 CNN for Digit Recognition Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 032 CNN for Digit Recognition Part 3.en.srt
│   └── 032 CNN for Digit Recognition Part 3.mp4
├── 09 Project 2_ CNN for Breast Cancer Detection
│   ├── 033 CNN for Breast Cancer Detection Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 033 CNN for Breast Cancer Detection Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 034 CNN for Breast Cancer Detection Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 034 CNN for Breast Cancer Detection Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 035 CNN for Breast Cancer Detection Part 3.en.srt
│   └── 035 CNN for Breast Cancer Detection Part 3.mp4
├── 10 Project 3_ CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction
│   ├── 036 CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 036 CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 037 CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 037 CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 038 CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction Part 3.en.srt
│   ├── 038 CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction Part 3.mp4
│   ├── 039 CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction Part 4.en.srt
│   └── 039 CNN for Predicting the Bank Customer Satisfaction Part 4.mp4
├── 11 Project 4_ CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection
│   ├── 040 CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 040 CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 041 CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 041 CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 042 CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection Part 3.en.srt
│   ├── 042 CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection Part 3.mp4
│   ├── 043 CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection Part 4.en.srt
│   └── 043 CNN for Credit Card Fraud Detection Part 4.mp4
├── 12 Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs)
│   ├── 044 Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks.en.srt
│   ├── 044 Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks.mp4
│   ├── 045 Vanishing Gradient Problem.en.srt
│   ├── 045 Vanishing Gradient Problem.mp4
│   ├── 046 LSTM and GRU.en.srt
│   └── 046 LSTM and GRU.mp4
├── 13 Project 5_ RNN - LSTM for IMDB Review Classification
│   ├── 047 RNN - LSTM for IMDB Review Classification Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 047 RNN - LSTM for IMDB Review Classification Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 048 RNN - LSTM for IMDB Review Classification Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 048 RNN - LSTM for IMDB Review Classification Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 049 RNN - LSTM for IMDB Review Classification Part 3.en.srt
│   └── 049 RNN - LSTM for IMDB Review Classification Part 3.mp4
├── 14 RNN - LSTM for Image Classification
│   ├── 050 RNN - LSTM for Image Classification Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 050 RNN - LSTM for Image Classification Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 051 RNN - LSTM for Image Classification Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 051 RNN - LSTM for Image Classification Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 052 RNN - LSTM for Image Classification Part 3.en.srt
│   └── 052 RNN - LSTM for Image Classification Part 3.mp4
├── 15 Project 6_ Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM
│   ├── 053 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 053 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 054 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 054 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 055 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 3.en.srt
│   ├── 055 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 3.mp4
│   ├── 056 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 4.en.srt
│   ├── 056 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 4.mp4
│   ├── 057 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 5.en.srt
│   └── 057 Google Stock Price Prediction with RNN and LSTM Part 5.mp4
├── 16 Transfer Learning
│   ├── 058 Introduction to Transfer Learning.en.srt
│   ├── 058 Introduction to Transfer Learning.mp4
│   ├── 059 Transfer Learning Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 059 Transfer Learning Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 060 Transfer Learning Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 060 Transfer Learning Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 061 Transfer Learning Part 3.en.srt
│   ├── 061 Transfer Learning Part 3.mp4
│   ├── 062 Transfer Learning Part 4.en.srt
│   └── 062 Transfer Learning Part 4.mp4
├── 17 Natural Language Processing
│   ├── 063 Introduction to Natural Language Processing.en.srt
│   ├── 063 Introduction to Natural Language Processing.mp4
│   ├── 064 NLTK Introduction and Installation.en.srt
│   ├── 064 NLTK Introduction and Installation.mp4
│   ├── 065 Tokenization.en.srt
│   ├── 065 Tokenization.mp4
│   ├── 066 Stemming.en.srt
│   ├── 066 Stemming.mp4
│   ├── 067 Lemmatization.en.srt
│   ├── 067 Lemmatization.mp4
│   ├── 068 Stop Words.en.srt
│   ├── 068 Stop Words.mp4
│   ├── 069 POS Tagging.en.srt
│   ├── 069 POS Tagging.mp4
│   ├── 070 Chunking.en.srt
│   ├── 070 Chunking.mp4
│   ├── 071 Named Entity Recognition.en.srt
│   ├── 071 Named Entity Recognition.mp4
│   ├── 072 Text Classification Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 072 Text Classification Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 073 Text Classification Part 2.en.srt
│   └── 073 Text Classification Part 2.mp4
├── 18 Annex 1_ Data Analysis with Numpy
│   ├── 074 Introduction to NumPy.en.srt
│   ├── 074 Introduction to NumPy.mp4
│   ├── 075 Numpy Arrays Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 075 Numpy Arrays Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 076 Numpy Arrays Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 076 Numpy Arrays Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 077 Numpy Arrays Part 3.en.srt
│   ├── 077 Numpy Arrays Part 3.mp4
│   ├── 078 Numpy Indexing and Selection Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 078 Numpy Indexing and Selection Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 079 Numpy Indexing and Selection Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 079 Numpy Indexing and Selection Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 080 Numpy Operations.en.srt
│   └── 080 Numpy Operations.mp4
├── 19 Annex 2_ Data Analysis with Pandas
│   ├── 081 Pandas Introduction.en.srt
│   ├── 081 Pandas Introduction.mp4
│   ├── 082 Pandas Series.en.srt
│   ├── 082 Pandas Series.mp4
│   ├── 083 DataFrames Part 1.en.srt
│   ├── 083 DataFrames Part 1.mp4
│   ├── 084 DataFrames Part 2.en.srt
│   ├── 084 DataFrames Part 2.mp4
│   ├── 085 DataFrames Part 3.en.srt
│   ├── 085 DataFrames Part 3.mp4
│   ├── 086 Missing Data.en.srt
│   ├── 086 Missing Data.mp4
│   ├── 087 Groupby Method.en.srt
│   ├── 087 Groupby Method.mp4
│   ├── 088 Merging, Joining and Concatenating DataFrames.en.srt
│   ├── 088 Merging, Joining and Concatenating DataFrames.mp4
│   ├── 089 Pandas Operations.en.srt
│   ├── 089 Pandas Operations.mp4
│   ├── 090 Reading and Writing Files in Pandas.en.srt
│   └── 090 Reading and Writing Files in Pandas.mp4
├── 20 Annex 3_ Data Visualization with Matplotlib
│   ├── 091 Matplotlib Part 1 - Functional Method.en.srt
│   ├── 091 Matplotlib Part 1 - Functional Method.mp4
│   ├── 092 Matplotlib Part 1 - Object Oriented Method.en.srt
│   ├── 092 Matplotlib Part 1 - Object Oriented Method.mp4
│   ├── 093 Matplotlib Part 2 - Subplots Method.en.srt
│   ├── 093 Matplotlib Part 2 - Subplots Method.mp4
│   ├── 094 Matplotlib Part 2 - Figure size, Aspect ratio and DPI.en.srt
│   ├── 094 Matplotlib Part 2 - Figure size, Aspect ratio and DPI.mp4
│   ├── 095 Matplotlib Part 3.en.srt
│   ├── 095 Matplotlib Part 3.mp4
│   ├── 096 Matplotlib Part 4.en.srt
│   └── 096 Matplotlib Part 4.mp4
└── 27.txt20 directories, 191 files

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