
上otn看了10g OCM考试大纲,感觉还是涵盖了很多的知识点,所以本次复习准备严格按照大纲来,在掌握好基础知识的前提下,提高熟练程度,比如在界面操作不可行时,可以利用SQL命令完成。


附:Oracle 10g OCM Exam 大纲

一 Server Configuration

﹡ Create the database

﹡ Determine and set sizing parameters for database structures

﹡ Create and manage temporary, permanent, and undo tablespaces

﹡ Stripe data files across multiple physical devices and locations

﹡ Configure the database environment to support optimal data access performance

﹡ Create and manage database configuration files

﹡ Create and manage bigfile tablespaces

﹡ Create and manage multiple network configuration files

﹡ Create and configure a listener

﹡ Configure the database instance to support shared server connections

﹡ Set up network tracing

﹡ Manage Oracle network processes (the Listener Control utility)

﹡ Configure the network environment to allow connections to multiple databases

﹡ Use configurationless connections

二 Enterprise Manager Grid Control

﹡ Install the Enterprise Manager Grid Control software

﹡ Configure the Enterprise Manager repository

﹡ Create Enterprise Manager Grid Control users

﹡ Use Enterprise Manager to modify a database configuration

﹡ Configure Enterprise Manager to modify a database availability

﹡ Create and manage jobs

﹡ Create and monitor alerts

﹡ Create notifications

﹡ Implement Grid Control and Database Control

﹡ Choose the appropriate tablespace type for the intended use

﹡ Create Scheduler jobs

﹡ Create schedules

﹡ Assign jobs to windows

﹡ Create programs

﹡ Create job classes

﹡ Install the Enterprise Manager Grid Control infrastructure

﹡ Deploy Enterprise Manager Grid Control agents

﹡ Configure Grid Control for business requirements

三 Managing Database Availability

﹡ Create a recovery catalog database

﹡ Configure Recovery Manager

﹡ Use Recovery Manager to perform database backups

﹡ Use Recover Manager to perform complete database restore and recovery operations

﹡ Set Flashback Database parameters

﹡ Monitor Flashback Database logs and statistics

﹡ Perform a Flashback Database operation

﹡ Configure a flash recovery area

四 Data Management

﹡ Implement fine-grained auditing

﹡ Create a secure application role

﹡ Grant specific privileges for a Flashback Query

﹡ Set parameters for retaining undo

﹡ Implement fine-grained access control

﹡ Create and manage contexts

﹡ Use SQL*Loader

﹡ Implement transportable tablespaces between homogeneous and heterogeneous systems

(using different methods of moving files)

﹡ Choose the appropriate partition method (range, hash, list, and composite)

﹡ Choose the appropriate partition key

﹡ Choose appropriate indexing methods (local, global, prefixed, and nonprefixed)

﹡ Perform partition maintenance operations

﹡ Maintain indexes on a partitioned table

﹡ Create and manage LOB segments

﹡ Apply parallelism appropriately

﹡ Tune memory for parallel operations

﹡ Set parallel parameters

五 Data Warehouse Management

﹡ Create external tables (Data Loader and Data Pump drivers)

﹡ Implement Data Pump export and import jobs for data transfer

﹡ Implement Data Pump to and from remote databases

﹡ Implement Replication/Streams

﹡ Configure and manage master replication

﹡ Configure and manage distributed materialized views

﹡ Configure and manage Streams for replication

六 Performance Management

﹡ Install Statspack

﹡ Adjust the default interval for statistics collection

﹡ Customize the events that are monitored

﹡ Use ADDM to analyze statistics and to identify performance bottlenecks and fix them

﹡ Implement automatic shared memory management

﹡ Tune memory using manual memory management

﹡ Monitor and tune SGA areas that are not automatically tuned

﹡ Implement automatic SQL execution memory management

﹡ Tune the PGA using work area size parameters

﹡ Use the PGA Advisor

﹡ Create a Database Resource Manager plan with directives

(active session count, max execution time)

﹡ Create consumer groups

﹡ Configure consumer group mappings

﹡ Manage Services

﹡ Create and manage objects to accommodate different data access methods (schema tuning)

﹡ Use the SQL Tuning Advisor

﹡ Use the SQL Access Advisor

﹡ Gather Optimizer statistics

﹡ Interpret execution plan

﹡ Use SQL tuning tools and features

七 Real Application Clusters

﹡ Install Oracle Clusterware

﹡ Install the Oracle Database 10g software

﹡ Implement ASM failure groups

﹡ Create and manage as ASM instance

﹡ Create and manage ASM disk groups

﹡ Configure ASM for the shared disks, and create a clustered database

﹡ Configure archiving

﹡ Configure Services with a preferred instance and an available instance

八 Data Guard

﹡ Use Data Guard Manager and DGMGRL

﹡ Create and utilize a physical standby database

﹡ Create and utilize a logical standby database

﹡ Set up log transport services for various levels or protection

﹡ Configure the network environment to allow communication between the

standby database and the primary database

﹡ Open the physical standby database in a "ready-only" state

﹡ Perform a switchover operation and a failover operation

﹡ Implement Data Guard

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