D. Fair
time limit per test

2 seconds

memory limit per test

512 megabytes


standard input


standard output

Some company is going to hold a fair in Byteland. There are n

towns in Byteland and  m

two-way roads between towns. Of course, you can reach any town from any other town using roads.

There are k

types of goods produced in Byteland and every town produces only one type. To hold a fair you have to bring at least  sdifferent types of goods. It costs  d(u,v) coins to bring goods from town  u to town  v where  d(u,v) is the length of the shortest path from  uto  v

. Length of a path is the number of roads in this path.

The organizers will cover all travel expenses but they can choose the towns to bring goods from. Now they want to calculate minimum expenses to hold a fair in each of n



There are 4

integers  n,  m,  k,  s in the first line of input ( 1≤n≤105,  0≤m≤105,  1≤s≤k≤min(n,100)

) — the number of towns, the number of roads, the number of different types of goods, the number of different types of goods necessary to hold a fair.

In the next line there are n

integers  a1,a2,…,an ( 1≤ai≤k), where  ai is the type of goods produced in the  i-th town. It is guaranteed that all integers between  1 and  k occur at least once among integers  ai


In the next m

lines roads are described. Each road is described by two integers  u  v ( 1≤u,v≤n,  u≠v

) — the towns connected by this road. It is guaranteed that there is no more than one road between every two towns. It is guaranteed that you can go from any town to any other town via roads.


Print n

numbers, the  i-th of them is the minimum number of coins you need to spend on travel expenses to hold a fair in town  i

. Separate numbers with spaces.



5 5 4 3
1 2 4 3 2
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 1
4 5



2 2 2 2 3



7 6 3 2
1 2 3 3 2 2 1
1 2
2 3
3 4
2 5
5 6
6 7



1 1 1 2 2 1 1


Let's look at the first sample.

To hold a fair in town 1

you can bring goods from towns  1 ( 0 coins),  2 ( 1 coin) and  4 ( 1 coin). Total numbers of coins is  2


Town 2

: Goods from towns  2 ( 0),  1 ( 1),  3 ( 1). Sum equals  2


Town 3

: Goods from towns  3 ( 0),  2 ( 1),  4 ( 1). Sum equals  2


Town 4

: Goods from towns  4 ( 0),  1 ( 1),  5 ( 1). Sum equals  2


Town 5

: Goods from towns 5 (0), 4 (1), 3 (2). Sum equals 3.






然后把所有到i城镇的特产的最短路 排序,取前s个就是i点的最短路径了。


#include "algorithm"
using namespace std;
const int MAX=1e6+5;
int n,m,k,s;
int good[MAX],mov[MAX][105];
vector<int> E[MAX];
void bfs(int x)
{queue<int> Q;int i,u,v;Q.push(x+n);while(!Q.empty()){u=Q.front();Q.pop();for(i=0;i<E[u].size();i++){v=E[u][i];if(mov[v][x]==0){mov[v][x]=mov[u][x]+1;Q.push(v);}}}
int main()
{int i,j;int u,v,cnt;scanf("%d%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k,&s);for(i=1;i<=n;i++){scanf("%d",&good[i]);E[good[i]+n].push_back(i);//如果我们直接用一个for循环将生产good[i]型商品的城市加入队列的话,就会超时,所以,我们借用这个vector来处理!}for(i=0;i<m;i++){scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);E[u].push_back(v);E[v].push_back(u);}for(i=1;i<=k;i++) bfs(i);for(i=1;i<=n;i++){cnt=0;sort(mov[i]+1,mov[i]+k+1);for(j=1;j<=s;j++)cnt+=mov[i][j]-1;printf("%d ",cnt);}return 0;
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int maxn=1e5+10,inf=0x3f3f3f3f3f;
int n,m,s,k,ans[maxn];
vector<int> edge[maxn],color[maxn];
int dis[107][maxn];
void bfs(vector<int>color,int *dis){fill(dis+1,dis+1+n,-1);queue<int>q;for (auto u:color){dis[u]=0;q.push(u);}while(!q.empty()){int u=q.front();q.pop();for (int v:edge[u])if(dis[v]==-1) dis[v]=dis[u]+1,q.push(v);}
int main(){scanf("%d%d%d%d",&n,&m,&k,&s);for (int i=1,tmp;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&tmp),color[tmp].push_back(i);for (int i=1,u,v;i<=m;i++){scanf("%d%d",&u,&v);edge[u].push_back(v);edge[v].push_back(u);}for (int i=1;i<=k;i++) bfs(color[i],dis[i]);for (int i=1;i<=n;i++){for (int j=1;j<=k;j++)ans[j]=dis[j][i];sort(ans+1,ans+1+k);printf("%d",accumulate(ans+1,ans+1+s,0));printf("%c",i==n?'\n':' ');}return 0;

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