
系统安装好以后:有序物理机上有好几块网卡,但是不知道系统中网络配置的网卡序号和那个网卡接口对应。这里就需要使用ethtool这个工具了。下面来介绍以下这个工具的参数及意义:使用ethtool -h可以看到该工具的参数里表及代表的意思

root@ubuntu:~# ethtool -h

ethtool version 4.5


ethtool DEVNAME Display standard information about device eg:ethtool eth0(这里需要你使用ifconfig 命令查看dev的名字)

ethtool -s|--change DEVNAME Change generic options

[ speed %d ]                              eg:ethtool -s eth0 [speed = 100 | 1000] 设置网口速率

[ duplex half|full ]                         eg:设置网口半双工/全双工

[ port tp|aui|bnc|mii|fibre ]

[ mdix auto|on|off ]

[ autoneg on|off ]                           eg:设置网口是否自协商

[ advertise %x ]

[ phyad %d ]

[ xcvr internal|external ]

[ wol p|u|m|b|a|g|s|d... ]

[ sopass %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x ]

[ msglvl %d | msglvl type on|off ... ]

ethtool -a|--show-pause DEVNAME Show pause options

ethtool -A|--pause DEVNAME Set pause options

[ autoneg on|off ]

[ rx on|off ]

[ tx on|off ]

ethtool -c|--show-coalesce DEVNAME Show coalesce options

ethtool -C|--coalesce DEVNAME Set coalesce options

[adaptive-rx on|off]

[adaptive-tx on|off]

[rx-usecs N]

[rx-frames N]

[rx-usecs-irq N]

[rx-frames-irq N]

[tx-usecs N]

[tx-frames N]

[tx-usecs-irq N]

[tx-frames-irq N]

[stats-block-usecs N]

[pkt-rate-low N]

[rx-usecs-low N]

[rx-frames-low N]

[tx-usecs-low N]

[tx-frames-low N]

[pkt-rate-high N]

[rx-usecs-high N]

[rx-frames-high N]

[tx-usecs-high N]

[tx-frames-high N]

[sample-interval N]

ethtool -g|--show-ring DEVNAME Query RX/TX ring parameters

ethtool -G|--set-ring DEVNAME Set RX/TX ring parameters

[ rx N ]

[ rx-mini N ]

[ rx-jumbo N ]

[ tx N ]

ethtool -k|--show-features|--show-offload DEVNAME Get state of protocol offload and other features

ethtool -K|--features|--offload DEVNAME Set protocol offload and other features

FEATURE on|off ...

ethtool -i|--driver DEVNAME Show driver information

ethtool -d|--register-dump DEVNAME Do a register dump

[ raw on|off ]

[ file FILENAME ]

ethtool -e|--eeprom-dump DEVNAME Do a EEPROM dump

[ raw on|off ]

[ offset N ]

[ length N ]

ethtool -E|--change-eeprom DEVNAME Change bytes in device EEPROM

[ magic N ]

[ offset N ]

[ length N ]

[ value N ]

ethtool -r|--negotiate DEVNAME Restart N-WAY negotiation

ethtool -p|--identify DEVNAME Show visible port identification (e.g. blinking)


ethtool -t|--test DEVNAME Execute adapter self test

[ online | offline | external_lb ]

ethtool -S|--statistics DEVNAME Show adapter statistics

ethtool --phy-statistics DEVNAME Show phy statistics

ethtool -n|-u|--show-nfc|--show-ntuple DEVNAME Show Rx network flow classification options or rules

[ rx-flow-hash tcp4|udp4|ah4|esp4|sctp4|tcp6|udp6|ah6|esp6|sctp6 |

rule %d ]

ethtool -N|-U|--config-nfc|--config-ntuple DEVNAME Configure Rx network flow classification options or rules

rx-flow-hash tcp4|udp4|ah4|esp4|sctp4|tcp6|udp6|ah6|esp6|sctp6 m|v|t|s|d|f|n|r... |

flow-type ether|ip4|tcp4|udp4|sctp4|ah4|esp4

[ src %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x [m %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x] ]

[ dst %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x [m %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x] ]

[ proto %d [m %x] ]

[ src-ip %d.%d.%d.%d [m %d.%d.%d.%d] ]

[ dst-ip %d.%d.%d.%d [m %d.%d.%d.%d] ]

[ tos %d [m %x] ]

[ l4proto %d [m %x] ]

[ src-port %d [m %x] ]

[ dst-port %d [m %x] ]

[ spi %d [m %x] ]

[ vlan-etype %x [m %x] ]

[ vlan %x [m %x] ]

[ user-def %x [m %x] ]

[ dst-mac %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x [m %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x] ]

[ action %d ]

[ loc %d]] |

delete %d

ethtool -T|--show-time-stamping DEVNAME Show time stamping capabilities

ethtool -x|--show-rxfh-indir|--show-rxfh DEVNAME Show Rx flow hash indirection and/or hash key

ethtool -X|--set-rxfh-indir|--rxfh DEVNAME Set Rx flow hash indirection and/or hash key

[ equal N | weight W0 W1 ... ]

[ hkey %x:%x:%x:%x:%x:.... ]

ethtool -f|--flash DEVNAME Flash firmware image from the specified file to a region on the device


ethtool -P|--show-permaddr DEVNAME Show permanent hardware address

ethtool -w|--get-dump DEVNAME Get dump flag, data

[ data FILENAME ]

ethtool -W|--set-dump DEVNAME Set dump flag of the device


ethtool -l|--show-channels DEVNAME Query Channels

ethtool -L|--set-channels DEVNAME Set Channels

[ rx N ]

[ tx N ]

[ other N ]

[ combined N ]

ethtool --show-priv-flags DEVNAME Query private flags

ethtool --set-priv-flags DEVNAME Set private flags

FLAG on|off ...

ethtool -m|--dump-module-eeprom|--module-info DEVNAME Query/Decode Module EEPROM information and optical diagnostics if available

[ raw on|off ]

[ hex on|off ]

[ offset N ]

[ length N ]

ethtool --show-eee DEVNAME Show EEE settings

ethtool --set-eee DEVNAME Set EEE settings

[ eee on|off ]

[ advertise %x ]

[ tx-lpi on|off ]

[ tx-timer %d ]

ethtool -h|--help Show this help

ethtool --version Show version number


使用ethtool -p devname 网口不停闪烁的就是网卡序号对应的网口。



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