hanganalyze是ORACLE的一款性能诊断工具,这个款工具是从oracle 8.0.6开始可用,在oracle数据库出现严重的性能问题的时候它可以帮助你定位问题所在。



alter session set events 'immediate trace name hanganalyze level <level>';


conn /as sysdba

SQLPLUS>oradebug hanganalyze <level>;


con /as sysda

SQLPLUS> oradebug setmypid

SQLPLUS>oradebug setinst all

SQLPLUS>oradebug -g def hanganalyze <level>


10     Dump all processes (IGN state)

5      Level 4 + Dump all processes involved in wait chains (NLEAF state)

4      Level 3 + Dump leaf nodes (blockers) in wait chains (LEAF,LEAF_NW,IGN_DMP state)

3      Level 2 + Dump only processes thought to be in a hang (IN_HANG state)

1-2    Only HANGANALYZE output, no process dump at all


[level  4] :  23 node dumps -- [LEAF] [LEAF_NW] [IGN_DMP]

[level  5] :  36 node dumps -- [NLEAF]

[level 10] : 130 node dumps -- [IGN]



[oracle@SHDBService01 ~]$ more /data/oracle/admin/ora10g/udump/ora10g_ora_28378.trc


Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

ORACLE_HOME = /data/oracle/product/10.2.1

System name:


Node name:





#1 SMP Wed Nov 7 14:07:22 EST 2007



Instance name: ora10g

Redo thread mounted by this instance: 1

Oracle process number: 62

Unix process pid: 28378, image: oracle@SHDBService01 (TNS V1-V3)

*** ACTION NAME:() 2009-08-21 13:36:46.238

*** MODULE NAME:(sqlplus@SHDBService01 (TNS V1-V3)) 2009-08-21 13:36:46.238

*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2009-08-21 13:36:46.238

*** SESSION ID:(532.3192) 2009-08-21 13:36:46.238

*** 2009-08-21 13:36:46.238




Open chains found:

Chain 1 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/proc_ptr/ospid/wait_event> :

<0/542/2126/0xd1006f28/25642/SQL*Net message from client>

-- <0/1097/44386/0xd2001048/26064/enq: TX - row lock contention>

Other chains found:

Chain 2 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/proc_ptr/ospid/wait_event> :

<0/532/3192/0xd1007710/28378/No Wait>

Chain 3 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/proc_ptr/ospid/wait_event> :

<0/534/3/0xd10096b0/30838/Streams AQ: waiting for time man>

Chain 4 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/proc_ptr/ospid/wait_event> :

<0/539/3/0xd1008ec8/30830/Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle>

Chain 5 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/proc_ptr/ospid/wait_event> :

<0/541/2497/0xd1005f58/16409/jobq slave wait>

Chain 6 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/proc_ptr/ospid/wait_event> :

<0/1099/3/0xd2002fe8/30840/Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait>

Extra information that will be dumped at higher levels:

[level  4] :   1 node dumps -- [REMOTE_WT] [LEAF] [LEAF_NW]

[level  5] :   5 node dumps -- [SINGLE_NODE] [SINGLE_NODE_NW] [IGN_DMP]

[level  6] :   1 node dumps -- [NLEAF]

[level 10] :  17 node dumps -- [IGN]

State of nodes





























open chains部分例子

Chain 1 : <cnode/sid/sess_srno/proc_ptr/ospid/wait_event> :

<0/542/2126/0xd1006f28/25642/SQL*Net message from client>

-- <0/1097/44386/0xd2001048/26064/enq: TX - row lock contention>

Other chains found:

sid        = Session ID

sess_srno  = Serial#

proc_ptr   = Process Pointer

ospid      = OS Process Id

wait_event = Waitevent

cnode      = Node Id (Only available since Oracle9i)

State of nodes部分例子:




Nodenum   = This is secuencial number used by HANGANALYZE to identify each session

sid       = Session ID

sess_srno = Serial#

ospid      = OS Process Id

state     = State of the node

adjlist   = adjacent node  (Usually represents a blocker node)

predecessor = predecessor node (Usually represents a waiter node)

cnode      = Node number (Only available since Oracle9i)

IN_HANG: This might be considered as the most critical STATE. Basically a node in this state is involved in a deadlock, or is hung. Usually there will be another “adjacent node” in the same status. For example:

LEAF and LEAF_NW: Leaf nodes are considered on top of the wait chain (usually blockers). They are considered “Blockers” when there is another session waiting. This can be easily identified using the “predecesor” field. If there is a node referenced in the ‘prdecessor’ field, the node is considered as “blocker”, otherwise it is considered as a “slow” session waiting for some resource.

The difference between LEAF and LEAF_NW is that LEAF nodes are not waiting for something, while LEAF_NW are not waiting or may be using the CPU


session  542   2126阻塞了session 1097 44386.



[oracle@SHDBService01 ~]$ sqlplus -prelim /nolog

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Fri Aug 21 15:42:23 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All Rights Reserved.

SQL> conn /as sysdba

Prelim connection established


prelim参数只对10g 以后的版本有效。


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