DATA text TYPE c LENGTH 8 VALUE '12345678'.

               <fs2> TYPE ANY.

ASSIGN text+3(3) TO <fs1>.”456分配给<fs1>解释红字部分2


ASSIGN <fs1>(sy-index) TO <fs2>.

IF <fs2> IS ASSIGNED. ”解释红字部分1
    WRITE / <fs2>.





In the first ASSIGN statement, the area limits of the data objecttext are assigned to<fs1>. In the secondASSIGN statement,<fs2> takes on these limits. Starting from the second loop run, the system will attempt to assign a larger storage area to<fs2>. However, in Unicode programs, the logical expression afterIF is no longer true, while in non-Unicode programs the larger storage area is assigned.----1


  • If the area limits are the same as the data area of the ABAP program, you must ensure that this data area also contains the administration information fordeep data objects because otherwise errors could occur if these are exceeded unintentionally.
  • Up to Release 6.10, the specification of range_spec was not possible. The area limits were independent of the name of the data object and were determined by thedata area of the ABAP program. If the data area of the ABAP program has been exceeded, it can trigger an exception that cannot be handled.

Effect in Unicode Programs

If there is no specification made for range_spec, the area limits inUnicode programs are defined as follows:

  • If you have specified an elementary data object fordobj inmem_area, the storage area of this data object determines the area limits.
  • If you have specified a field symbol for dobj in mem_area, and this field symbol has an elementary data object assigned to it, the field symbol<fs> of the current statement takes on the area limits assigned to this field symbol.-----2
  • 如果您已经指定了一个mem_areadobj领域符号,和这一领域的象征对象分配给它的一个基本数据,当前语句的字段符号<fs>分配给该地区这一领域的象征限制。
  • If you have a structure or a field symbol specified for dobj inmem_area, and one of these points to a structure, the system checks whether the structure has a character-type initial section (up to the firstalignment gap). This then determines the area limits.
  • 如果你有一个结构或为dobjmem_area,这些结构之一指定的字段符号,系统将检查结构是否有一个字符类型的初始部分(第一对齐差距)。这就决定了区域限制。就是第二个分配语句的写照。

If these area limits are exceeded, no storage area is assigned for the static variant ofmem_area after theASSIGN statement. Also, the logical expression<fs> IS ASSIGNED is incorrect, whilesy-subrc is set to 4 in the dynamic variant

如果超过了这些地区的限制,没有存储区域分配mem_area静态变种后ASSIGN语句。此外,被分配的逻辑表达式<fs>,是不正确的的,而SY - SUBRC设置在动态的变4。 程序中 sy-index = 5以后就是这种情况,不做输出。

Effect in Non-Unicode Programs

If no specification is made for range_spec, the area limits innon-Unicode programs are defined as follows:

  • If the name of a data object is not specified directly in the specification of the storage areamem_area, , the area limits are determined by thedata area of the ABAP program.
  • If the name of a data object is specified dynamically for the specification of the storage areamem_area, the area limits are determined by the dynamically specified data object.
  • 如果数据对象的名称被指定为动态存储区域mem_area的规范,区域限制是由动态指定的数据对象。

If these area limits are exceeded, an exception that cannot be handled will be triggered.





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