Let’s arrange a deck of cards. There are totally 36 cards of 4 suits(S, H, C, D) and 9 values (1, 2, … 9). For example, ‘eight of heart’ is represented by H8 and ‘one of diamonds’ is represented by D1.

Your task is to write a program which sorts a given set of cards in ascending order by their values using the Bubble Sort algorithms and the Selection Sort algorithm respectively. These algorithms should be based on the following pseudocode:

1 for i = 0 to C.length-1
2 for j = C.length-1 downto i+1
3 if C[j].value < C[j-1].value
4 swap C[j] and C[j-1]
1 for i = 0 to C.length-1
2 mini = i
3 for j = i to C.length-1
4 if C[j].value < C[mini].value
5 mini = j
6 swap C[i] and C[mini]
Note that, indices for array elements are based on 0-origin.

For each algorithm, report the stability of the output for the given input (instance). Here, ‘stability of the output’ means that: cards with the same value appear in the output in the same order as they do in the input (instance).


The first line contains an integer N, the number of cards.

N cards are given in the following line. Each card is represented by two characters. Two consecutive cards are separated by a space character.


In the first line, print the arranged cards provided by the Bubble Sort algorithm. Two consecutive cards should be separated by a space character.

In the second line, print the stability (“Stable” or “Not stable”) of this output.

In the third line, print the arranged cards provided by the Selection Sort algorithm. Two consecutive cards should be separated by a space character.

In the fourth line, print the stability (“Stable” or “Not stable”) of this output.


1 ≤ N ≤ 36

Sample Input 1

H4 C9 S4 D2 C3

Sample Output 1

D2 C3 H4 S4 C9
D2 C3 S4 H4 C9
Not stable

Sample Input 2

S1 H1

Sample Output 2

S1 H1
S1 H1


/*^....0^ .1 ^1^..     011.^     1.0^ 1  ^    ^0.11 ^        ^..^0.           ^ 0^.0            1 .^.1             ^0 .........001^.1               1. .111100....01^00             ^   11^        ^1. .1^1.^                              ^0  0^.^                                 ^0..1.1                                   1..^1 .0                                     ^  ^^ 00.                                     ^^0.^1 ^ 0                                     ^^110.^0.   0 ^                                    ^^^10.01^^     010^   1 1                                   ^^^1110.10001  10 0   ^ 1.1                                   ^^^11111100^ 10 . 01   ^^  ^^                                   ^^^1111^1.^           ^^^10  10^ 0^                                             ^^111^^^0.1^       1....^11     0                                               ^^11^^^ 0..  ....1^   ^ ^1.     0^                                               ^11^^^ ^ 1 111^     ^ 0.10   00 11                                               ^^^^^   1 0           1.0^  ^0  ^0                                                ^^^^    0            0.0^  1.0  .^                                               ^^^^    1 1          .0^.^  ^^  0^                             ^1                ^^^^     0.         ^.11 ^      11                             1.                ^^^     ^ ^        ..^^..^      ^1                             ^.^               ^^^       .0       ^.00..^      ^0                              01               ^^^       ..      0..^1 ..        .1                             ^.^              ^^^       1 ^  ^0001^  1.        00                              0.             ^^^        ^.0 ^.1. 0^.        ^.^                             ^.^            ^^^         ..0.01 .^^.         .^                  1001        ^^            ^^^         . 1^. ^ ^.         11                0.    1         ^           ^^          0.0  ^.          0              ^0       1                   ^^^          0.0.^  1.          0^             0       .1                   ^^^          ...1   1.          00            .        .1                  ^^^           ..1      1.         ^.           0         .^                  ^^            ..0.     1.          .^          .         0                                  ..1     1.          01          .        .                                 ^ 0^.^     00          ^0          1.       ^                                 1 1.0      00           .            ^^^^^^                                   ..^      00           01                                                    ..1.       00           10                                                   1 ^^.1       00           ^.                                            ^^^    .1..        00            .1                                        1..01    ..1.1         00           1.                                       ..^      10^ 1^         00           ^.1                                      0 1      1.1           00            00                                       ^  1   ^.           00            ^.^                                        10^  ^^1.1           00             00                                              10^..^           1.             ^.                                               1.0 1            ^.              00                 00                            .^^            ^.              ^ 1                00   ^0000^     ^               011 0             ^.               00.0^              ^00000   1.00.1              11. 1              0               1^^0.01                      ^^^                01.^              ^                1   1^^                                       ^.^1 1                                                                              0...                                                                              1 ^1                                                                               1^ ^                                                                             .01                                                                             ^ 1..                                                          1.1            ^0.0^ 0                                                           1..01^^100000..0^1 1                                                            ^ 1 ^^1111^ ^^0 ^                                                             ^ 1      1000^.1                                                               ^.^     .   00..                                                                1.1    0.   01.                                                                  .    1.   .^1.                                                                 1    1.   ^0^ .                                                                 ^.1 00    01^.0                                                                  001.     .^*/
// Virtual_Judge —— Stable Sort Aizu - ALDS1_2_C.cpp created by VB_KoKing on 2019,04,28,18.
/* Procedural objectives:
Stable Sort Aizu - ALDS1_2_CVariables required by the program:1.变量n2.表示扑克牌的结构体,一个char类型,一个整型3.结构体数组Procedural thinking:Functions required by the program:*/
/* My dear Max said:
"I like you,
So the first bunch of sunshine I saw in the morning is you,
The first hurricane that passed through your ear is you,
The first star you see is also you.
The world I see is all your shadow."FIGHTING FOR OUR FUTURE!!!
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct card
{char suit;int num;
};void bubble(struct card A[],int n)
{for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {for (int j = n-1; j > i; j--) {if (A[j].num<A[j-1].num){card t=A[j];A[j]=A[j-1];A[j-1]=t;}}}
}void selection(struct card A[],int n)
{for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {int mini=i;for (int j = i; j < n; j++) {if (A[j].num<A[mini].num)mini=j;}card t=A[i];A[i]=A[mini];A[mini]=t;}
}void print(struct card A[],int n)
{for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {cout << A[i].suit<<A[i].num;if (i != n - 1) cout << ' ';}cout<<endl;
}bool is_stable(struct card A[], struct card B[],int n)
{for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {if (A[i].suit!=B[i].suit) return false;}return true;
}int main()
{int n;cin>>n;struct card cards1[36],cards2[36];for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {cin>>cards1[i].suit>>cards1[i].num;cards2[i]=cards1[i];}bubble(cards1,n);selection(cards2,n);print(cards1,n);cout<<"Stable"<<endl;print(cards2,n);if (is_stable(cards1,cards2,n)) cout<<"Stable"<<endl;else cout<<"Not stable"<<endl;return 0;

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