通过传入数据库中存储的文章发表时的UNIX时间戳,来转化为例如 几分钟前,几小时前,几天前 这样的提示。如微博


class timeAgo


static $timeagoObject;

private $rustle;

private $unit;

private function __construct()



private function __clone(){ }

public static function getObject()


if(! (self::$timeagoObject instanceof self) )

self::$timeagoObject = new timeAgo();

return self::$timeagoObject;


private function count_int($unix_C) // main function


if(! (isset($unix_C) || is_numeric($unix_C)) )

return 'don\'t find parameter';

$d = time()-$unix_C ; // $d - unix time difference value

$d_int =(int)floor($d/60) ; // minimum unit -- minutes unix/60

$this->unit = 0 ; // is minutes,hour or day?

if($d_int < 60){ // minutes in one hour 3600

$this->rustle = $d_int;

$this->unit = 1;


else if($d_int < 720){ //hour in one day 3600*12

$this->rustle = floor($d_int/60);

$this->unit = 2 ;


else if($d_int < 7200){ //day in ten days 3600*12*10

$this->rustle = floor($d_int/720);

$this->unit = 3 ;



$this->rustle = $d ;

$this->unit = 4 ;



public function piece_str($C)



$u = '';

switch( $this->unit )


case 1:

$u = 'minute';


case 2:

$u = 'hour';


case 3:

$u = 'day';


case 4:

$u = '';


case 0:

return 'sorry , get time is fail';


if($this->unit < 4)


if($this->rustle > 1)

return (string)$this->rustle.$u.'s ago';

else if($this->rustle == 1)

return (string)$this->rustle.$u.'ago';


return 'Just now';



/* example: $ago = timeAgo::getObject();

* echo $ago->piece_str($unix);

* // 2 days ago




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