







      所有内置方法也是可调用的,如list类包含insert,remove等内置方法,同样,int, float等也都有自己的方法。


var = 2
if var == 1:# reference: Geek():return 5# an object is created of Geek()let = Geek; print(callable(let)) # Truelet2 = Geek(); print(callable(let2)) # False# a test variablenum = 5 * 5; print(callable(num)) # Falseclass Geek2:def __call__(self):print('Hello GeeksforGeeks 2')# Suggests that the Geek2 class is callableprint(callable(Geek2)) # True# This proves that class is callableGeekObject2 = Geek2()# an instance of a class with a __call__ methodGeekObject2() # this is calling the __call__ method, Hello GeeksforGeeks 2class Geek3:def testFunc(self):print('Hello GeeksforGeeks 3')# Suggests that the Geek3 class is callableprint(callable(Geek3)) # True# the Geek3 class is callable, but the instance of Geek3 is not callable() and it returns a runtime errorGeekObject3 = Geek3()# The object will be created but returns an error on callingGeekObject3() # TypeError: 'Geek3' object is not callable
elif var == 2:# reference: 内置函数也是函数,因此它们也是可调用的,即callable()返回True. 所有的内置函数都是可调用的print(callable(min)) # Trueprint(callable(max)) # Trueprint(callable(print)) # Trueprint(callable(int)) # True, int classprint(callable(float)) # True, float classprint(callable(str)) # True, str classprint(callable(list)) # True, list class# 所有用户定义的函数也是可调用的def hello(user):print(f"Welcome to Python Simplified, {user}")print(callable(hello)) # True# lambda函数也是可调用的print(callable(lambda x: x**2)) # True# 用户定义的类也是可调用的class Rectangle:def __init__(self, width, height):self.height = heightself.width = widthdef area(self):return self.width * self.areaprint(callable(Rectangle)) # True# 所有内置方法也是可调用的my_list = [1,2,3,4,5]print(callable(my_list.append)) # Trueprint("test finish")



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