



Ionic Basics

  1. Hello World: Your First Ionic Framework App

  2. Structure of an Ionic App

  3. Creating Views with Ionic

  4. Controllers in Ionic/Angular

  5. Make HTTP Requests In Android And iOS With Ionic Framework

  6. Ionic: Using Factories and Web Services for Dynamic Data

  7. SOAP Web Services in Angular and Ionic

  8. Modules in Ionic/Angular

  9. Promise-Based Architecture in an Ionic App

  10. Using The UI-Router To Navigate In Ionic Framework

  11. Saving Data With Ionic Framework

  12. Organising Code in an Ionic Application for Beginners

  13. Validation in Ionic Framework Apps with ngMessages

  14. Ionic – Setup on OSx

  15. Ionic – How to setup on Windows

  16. Build Your First Mobile App With The Ionic Framework

  17. How To Organize The Files In Your Ionic Project

  18. How to Create Complex Layouts in Ionic

  19. Debugging Ionic Apps using Chrome Developer Tools

  20. The Definitive Ionic Starter Guide

  21. Ionic Framework | Using Touch Gestures

  22. Ionic Framework | Working With Forms And Validation

  23. Understanding Ionic View LifeCycle

Ionic Components

  1. Understanding Ionic’s Side Menu

  2. Understanding Tabs In Ionic Framework

  3. Understanding the Ionic Framework Action Sheet

  4. Understanding Ionic’s Infinite Scroll

  5. Understanding Pull to Refresh

  6. Make List Items Swipeable In Ionic Framework

  7. Using Slide Boxes and Tabs in Ionic Framework Apps

  8. Ionic Framework | Using Grid System

Ionic App Patterns

  1. Ionic: Master Detail Pattern

  2. Internationalization of an Ionic App: Multilanguage Support

  3. Internationalization and Localization with Ionic Framework and Angular Translate

  4. Add Pull to Refresh with Toast Message in Your Ionic App

  5. Creating a Feed in Ionic

  6. Make A Gallery-Like Image Grid Using Ionic Framework

  7. Making Tinder-Style Swipe Cards With Ionic Framework

  8. Swipeable Cards with the Ionic Framework


  1. Cookie-based Authentication in AngularJS

  2. Handle User Sign-In With Ionic Framework

  3. How To Handle User Authentication With AngularJS Inside Your Ionic App

  4. Simple login example with ionic and AngularJS

  5. How To Handle User Authentication With AngularJS Inside Your Ionic App

  6. Adding Social Login with Firebase

  7. User Authentication with Ionic and Parse, Part 1: Email Login


  1. Writing Your First Unit Test with the Ionic Framework

  2. Unit Testing Your Ionic Framework App

  3. Optimize your Ionic Testing with Wallaby.js, Bard.js, and WebStorm

  4. End2end Testing Ionic collection-repeat with Protractor

  5. Ionic Framework & Protractor Tests

Mobile Development for Web Developers

Backend as a Service

  1. Use Parse Core In Your Ionic Framework Mobile Apps

  2. Sign Into Firebase With Facebook Using Ionic Framework

  3. Syncing Data With Firebase Using Ionic Framework

  4. Syncing Data With Dropbox Using Ionic Framework

  5. Create a Password Management App Using Ionic Framework and Firebase

  6. Build a Hybrid Application with the Ionic Framework and Azure Mobile Services, Part 1: Configuring the Project

  7. Build a Hybrid Application with the Ionic Framework and Azure Mobile Services, Part 2: Creating the User Interface

  8. Build a Hybrid Application with the Ionic Framework and Azure Mobile Services, Part 3: Wiring Up The Backend

  9. Sync Data Using PouchDB In Your Ionic Framework App

  10. Creating a Firebase Powered End to End Ionic Application

  11. Working with IBM MobileFirst and the Ionic Framework

  12. Using MobileFirst HTTP Adapters with an Ionic Application

  13. Using MobileFirst SQL Adapters with an Ionic Application

  14. Using Remote Logging with Ionic and IBM MobileFirst

  15. Working with IBM MobileFirst and Ionic – Bootstrapping

  16. How To Use PouchDB + SQLite For Local Storage In Your Ionic App

  17. Upload Camera Images To Firebase Using Ionic Framework

  18. Build a Real Time Hybrid App with Ionic & Firebase

  19. Using Couchbase in Your Ionic Framework Application Part 1

Ionic Tooling

  1. Using the Ionic Framework with Grunt and PhoneGap Build

  2. Minifying Your App’s Source Code

  3. Debugging AngularJS Apps from the Console

  4. Use The Ionic CLI To Integrate Crosswalk Into Your Project

  5. Ionic adds a new State feature

  6. Automatically Add JS/CSS Files to Your Ionic Projects

  7. Ionic – The Ionicbox and How To Use It

  8. Ionic – Using Android x86 Virtual Machine Instead of Emulator

  9. Production ready apps with Ionic Framework

  10. How to Minify an Ionic Application for Production

  11. Getting Started with the Ionic Command Line Interface (CLI)

  12. The Difference Between Building with PhoneGap and PhoneGap Build

  13. How to Minify an Ionic Application using Gulp and Cordova Hooks

  14. Inspect Your Ionic App With ng-inspector

  15. Mobile Hybrid Apps with VS Code and Ionic

  16. How To Debug The White Screen Of Death In Your Ionic App

Ionic Backend Services (ionic.io)

  1. An early look at Ionic Push

  2. Push It Real Good with Ionic

  3. Easy Ionic Push Notifications With Ionic.io In 15 Minutes

  4. NEWAn Introduction to Ionic Push

Ionic Ions

  1. Ionic showWhen directive

  2. showWhenState: Conditional Elements In Ionic by State

  3. Dividing a List Automatically in Ionic Framework

  4. Preload images in Ionic using $ImageCacheFactory

  5. Adding Frosted Glass Effect to your Ionic Framework App

  6. Shrinking Headers Like Facebook With the Ionic Framework

  7. Must-have plugins for Ionic Framework

ngCordova/Cordova Plugins

  1. Installing ngCordova in an Ionic Application

  2. Using Custom URL Schemes In Your Ionic Framework App

  3. OAuth with Ionic and ngCordova

  4. Print Data To Paper Or PDF Using Ionic Framework

  5. Create A Todo List Mobile App Using Ionic Framework

  6. Get Available Free Disk Space Using Apache Cordova

  7. Using The Native Device Calendar In Ionic Framework

  8. Make Your Own Facebook Mobile App With Ionic Framework

  9. Prompt User To Rate Ionic Framework Mobile App

  10. Add ‘Rate my App’ in your ionic app to increase the number of ratings in the app store

  11. Use Native Device Dialogs In Ionic Framework Mobile Apps

  12. Deploy Ionic Framework App With Pre-Filled SQLite DB

  13. Access The Native Device Clipboard In Ionic Framework

  14. Upload Files To A Remote Server Using Ionic Framework

  15. Open Dynamic Links Using The Cordova InAppBrowser

  16. Create, Delete, And Search Contacts In Ionic Framework

  17. Playing Audio In Your Android And iOS Ionic Framework App

  18. Use SQLite Instead of Local Storage In Ionic Framework

  19. Find The Application Version In Your Ionic Framework App

  20. Implement Social Media Sharing With Ionic Framework

  21. Implement Google Maps Using Ionic Framework

  22. Displaying the Twitter Feed within Your Ionic App

  23. Use The Android And iOS Camera With Ionic Framework

  24. Show Native Toast Notifications Using Ionic Framework

  25. Implement A Barcode Scanner Using Ionic Framework

  26. Manage Files In Android And iOS Using Ionic Framework

  27. Handling Apache Cordova Events With Ionic Framework

  28. Making iOS In-App Purchases With Ionic Framework

  29. Making Android In-App Purchases With Ionic Framework

  30. Create an RSS Reader Using AngularJS and Ionic Framework

  31. Add A Splash Screen To An Ionic Framework Project

  32. Polish Your App Launch with Cordova Splashscreen Plugin

  33. Send Email from Android and iOS with Ionic Framework

  34. Using An Oauth 2.0 Service With Ionic Framework

  35. Launch External URLs with Ionic Framework

  36. Using Google Analytics With IonicFramework

  37. Using Admob With IonicFramework

  38. Check Network Connection With Ionic Framework

  39. Placing Phone Calls In Hybrid Apps

  40. How To Make A HealthKit App With Ionic and ngCordoa

  41. Using Local Notifications In Your Ionic Framework App

  42. Adding Gamecenter Support to your Ionic App

  43. Making a Signature Drawpad with Ionic

  44. Making a Lock Pattern Login with Ionic and AngularJS

  45. Support iOS touchID in your ionic app

  46. Creating a Realtime Image Sharing App With Ionic and Socket.io

  47. Store Camera Photos Permanently Using PhoneGap, Ionic & ngCordova

  48. Chaining multiple Cordova File Transfers with ngCordova

  49. Selecting multiple images in a PhoneGap/Cordova app

  50. Create A File Browser Using Ionic Framework

  51. Whitelist External Resources For Use In Ionic Framework

  52. Modify The Badge Number Of An Ionic Framework App

  53. Useful Cordova Plugins For Your Ionic Application & Examples

  54. Using A Pin Dialog In Your Ionic Framework Mobile App

  55. Monitor Device Battery Status Using Ionic Framework


  1. Adding Background Images To Ionic Framework Apps

  2. Create A Complex Calculator App Using Ionic Framework

  3. Embed Video In Your iOS And Android Ionic Framework App

  4. Add Pin Code Unlock To Your IonicFramework App

  5. Trigger Pull To Refresh In Ionic Framework Apps

  6. Learning the Ionic Framework as a Sencha Touch Developer

  7. Animations For Your Ionic App with Move.js

  8. Building an Ionic hybrid mobile app with TypeScript

  9. Ionic SocketIO Chat

  10. Switching from native iOS to Ionic: Why Hybrid doesn’t suck (anymore)

  11. Using the Web Audio API for precision audio in Ionic

  12. Build an iOS app with Push Notifications using Ionic Framework

  13. How to Make High Performance PhoneGap Apps

  14. Using Device Grade in Ionic Framework Apps

  15. Tracking and notifying geolocation status with Ionic

  16. How To Add A Search Bar In The Header On Ionic

  17. How To Create An Advanced Ionic Gallery with Image Zooming

  18. How To Easily Use The Twitter REST Api With AngularJS

  19. Using the Web Audio API for precision audio in Ionic

  20. The Best Looking Ionic Framework Themes

  21. Using Google Maps With Ionic Framework

  22. A Comprehensive List Of Ionic Starter Apps

  23. Integrating Google Maps with an Ionic Application

  24. Using Views Events To Create JavaScript Pure Ionic Splash Screen

  25. Ionic Framework | Get Page Height & Width

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  5. 转载:吐血推荐,B站最强学习资源汇总(数据科学,机器学习,Python)

    转载:大数据DT 吐血推荐,B站最强学习资源汇总(数据科学,机器学习,Python) 大数据DT 4/23 The following article is from 数据派THU Author 数据 ...

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